suicydking (2291)
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Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.
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Registered 2008-02-13 17:34:16

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Recent Comments from suicydking

  • Comment on Open Source Resistance 2 (2009-04-15 17:35:52)
    I just found out recently that my county signed a contract to install red-light cams. I did a little research. Turns out, they don't increase road safety, they actually decrease it. See, the contractor guarantees certain revenue for the county. If they aren't getting their numbers, they reduce yellow-light times to generate more tickets.
  • Comment on The Shocker (2009-04-13 09:40:07)
    @Howie Feltersnatch: Epic.
  • Comment on Eeryting I know of Opera comes from... (2009-04-10 15:13:38)
  • Comment on Actual Provincial Road Sign (2009-04-10 10:04:31)
    So who wins in a battle of the sign-men? Staggering Injun or The Claw?
  • Comment on Salma Hayek (2009-04-09 16:32:50) Hubba.
  • Comment on Powdered Beer (2009-04-09 09:13:56)
    Is it cool to aid grown-ups?
  • Comment on Obama's Tax Relief Plan (2009-04-08 16:07:08)
    Shit, I didn't realize you were magnus. Nevermind. By the way, you blue ball macaque pic was priceless.
  • Comment on Obama's Tax Relief Plan (2009-04-08 15:46:36)
    @Blondie: This is obviously the type of intelligent discourse you were talking about yesterday, right?
  • Comment on Monty Python And The Holy Grail (2009-04-08 10:00:06)
    It's only a model...
  • Comment on Because Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition (2009-04-08 09:23:33)
    @SySKNoT: This.
  • Comment on iCarly (2009-04-08 07:50:19)
    @terwilligher: @PreciousLilywhite: Gotta agree. Out of all the shows that I watch with my kid, this and Drake & Josh have the best writing and characters. Jerry Trainor is awesome in either show. His scene with Henry Winkler in the Drake & Josh movie was priceless.
  • Comment on Protesters at the G20 (2009-04-07 18:38:33)
    @LukeV1-5: Right, because my country and every other free nation was founded on G20 meetings, not revolution. My bad. I guess I'm done. Also, have you heard that parts of Flint, Michigan are probably going to be boarded up and abandoned? I guess the people there could just vote for economic turnaround, except their mayor quit. Globalization for the win?
  • Comment on Protesters at the G20 (2009-04-07 16:24:13)
    For what it's worth, I have seen videos of people throwing & breaking shit at G20. I certainly don't condone throwing bottles at police or breaking the shop windows of innocent people. However, I just saw a video of a bunch of people who the cops were trying to 'kettle'. These folks were standing, holding each other's hands above their heads, saying "This is not a riot". They didn't want to move, because they were about to be 'kettled' into a very small area with no restrooms or water for the next 6 hours. The cops who were advancing on them did so with riot shields. The proper way to push a line is to thrust and step, repeat as needed. Some of the cops started swinging those extending tactical batons and smashing these people in the teeth with the narrow edge of the riot shields. While the protesters were, again, holding their hands above their heads to show that they were not a threat. Some folks sign up for the job to stop criminals and enforce justice. Others do it because it means they get to hit a guy who's lying on the ground with a club.
  • Comment on Protesters at the G20 (2009-04-07 14:23:44)
    Holy shit. What the hell happened to people caring about freedom of speech? Luke had similar comments on Internet-D regarding the Phoenix PD ransacking a guy's house because he published a blog that was critical of the police. I don't think the police in London did a bad job securing G20, but at the same time it sickens me to hear people constantly saying that protesters all deserve to be beaten. I know it's trendy to pick on angry hippies who get the shit kicked out of them, and I know that plenty of people go to these protests because they enjoy breaking windows, but you should never be afraid to stand up for a cause. @LeeHarveyOswald: Last I heard, there were no public votes regarding the globalization agenda. Every politician who has had a chance of getting elected recently has been in favor of globalization. You had democrats protesting Bill Clinton at the WTO conference, FFS. If people from all over the free world want to come to London to let their democratically elected leaders know that they don't want their jobs outsourced to China, what the hell is wrong with that?
  • Comment on What do they hate us for? (2009-04-07 12:46:32)
    First of all, @Puulaahi: No sweat, dude. It's just been a rough year for us Sabres fans, that's all. Now, on to the discussion. I'm still waiting for someone throwing the whole 'socialism' thing around since Obama was elected to actually use that term in a way that has a single goddamn thing to do with it's actual definition. I've been arguing with one friend in particular who feels that govt. subsidized health care is socialism. Ironically, he sites Alex Jones & co., who feel that China is the model we need to look at for how to handle the global recession, as having all the right answers. Look, people. There is no way you're going to convince a party-line voter to change their mind about liberals versus conservatives. Bush wasn't an actual Nazi, nor is Obama an actual socialist. Here's the thing, though. When we go full blown capitalist, with no regulation, we wind up wondering how the super rich got away with taking all of our money, and where the hell the middle class went. When you go full on socialist, you wind up with a stagnant, decaying economy. Russia had an economic crisis in the 90's that blew the Great Depression out of the water. Since transitioning to a market-based economy, they have had a surplus for the last seven years. Moderation, people. political or economic extremism is not for reality, it's for pundit shows. Apparently it works well on image blog comment threads, too. If we have a properly regulated market-based economy, and a democratically elected government willing to make sure that no one falls through the cracks, then what the hell else do we need to worry about?
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