The King of Nothing (47939)
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Registered 2010-09-04 21:07:40

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Recent Comments from The King of Nothing

  • Comment on how will passing more laws solve crimina lgun use (2013-02-17 16:21:42)
    Let's try this: One year of every single gun not existing in the US. Then, one year of everybody having a gun. Tell me which one you think will have a lot more murders, mass murders, robbery, kidnappings, etc. I would definitely not want to be around when everyone has a gun. (Yes, I know it isn't realistically possible, it's a hypothetical situation)
  • Comment on Legal Vs Illegal shotguns (2013-02-14 00:03:33)
    Well, the only difference between a M9 Beretta and an M9 Beretta with a suppressor is the suppressor. Maybe we should make suppressors legal because they don't make the gun more deadly, but do make it more scary looking, which is apparently the only reason they are trying to ban certain attachments to guns.
  • Comment on Amore (2013-02-07 12:32:17)
  • Comment on slap the ass - pie to the face (2013-01-27 08:13:25)
    Not a pie, just whipped cream. Still, what a douche.
  • Comment on Gun legislation (2013-01-18 16:24:59)
    Neither car looks faster to me and if either one of those guns were pointed at me, I wouldn't give a shit about how powerful or scary it looks even though I would think either one is just as powerful and scary. hochunk already said my other points.
  • Comment on Twister (2012-12-11 01:33:17)
    Should've made the blue on the dial a little bigger. They can use love too.
  • Comment on Firefly gif's (2012-11-16 17:29:32)
    Unfortunately haven't seen much of the show, but the movie is awesome.
  • Comment on HALO FUCKING FOUR (2012-11-07 00:49:25)
    Not really new, but I didn't catch on. It must've been later than I thought when I started seeing them. I also don't remember ever seeing this much for theme day. I was just curious. Keep kicking ass on the internets.
  • Comment on HALO FUCKING FOUR (2012-11-06 18:25:23)
    I'm not saying anything about the game itself, but when are the regular posts going to start back up because these Halo posts are of zero interest to me.
  • Comment on Bat catcher (2012-11-06 00:48:25)
    Reminds me a lot of my old cat. She caught 3 bats that got into my brothers room before we found out how they were getting in. Unfortunately never actually saw her catch them.
  • Comment on Ms Pac Man (2012-10-20 04:20:09)
    NVM. Found it a couple minutes later. Levy Tran
  • Comment on Ms Pac Man (2012-10-20 04:01:11)
  • Comment on Ms Pac Man (2012-10-19 19:02:46)
    She can gobble my balls anytime.
  • Comment on The WalMart Game (2012-10-15 02:52:58)
    This one has me intrigued. And a little worried.
  • Comment on The WalMart Game (2012-10-13 22:10:23)
    Get that stick outta your ass. These are funny. Not gems, but funny.
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