The King of Nothing (47939)
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Registered 2010-09-04 21:07:40

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Recent Comments from The King of Nothing

  • Comment on Hanging up (2013-07-29 11:43:56)
    Not entirely accurate. I've seen kids slam down there cell phones after an argument. Sometimes they throw them. Then they need new ones.
  • Comment on Shannon (2013-07-10 22:09:33)
    1. He's not that ugly. 2. He's a good actor, which is more important.
  • Comment on RSR (2013-07-01 16:58:12)
    RSR? Republican Space Rangers!!
  • Comment on Pew Pew (2013-06-23 14:47:45)
    Damn it. Could not be silent. The first pic is completely wrong. A lot more people fear easily concealed guns. People that understand how horrible human beings can be especially with the feeling of power. I am not a criminal or a politician and I fear this. Having my own gun wouldn't make me feel any safer either. Second pic isn't quite accurate either. I'm a free man and I don't own a gun. I have no need to. Last pic...seems to be implying that having a gun and/or being able to shoot people is some sort of freedom of speech. I may be misinterpreting it, but if not, that's just down right retarded.
  • Comment on water splashing fight (2013-05-24 00:29:47)
    Boy. That escalated quickly. I mean that really got out of hand fast.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-04 06:09:40)
    I replied precisely to you statement not missing you 2 points. This paragraph makes no sense with the issue. Your example is her like not liking the legal thing when obviously that wasn't what you were shooting for. If the circus didn't have balloon animals because they were illegal, Korinthian wouldn't have any balloon animals at all to steal. I am actually not a liberal. My guess is you don't know what a liberal actually is and spew it at anyone that differs in political views from you. I also am not antigun. I don't believe guns are the savior of everything and believe that there is a problem. I believe a solution may result in limiting access to firearms. It may work. It may not. I want to make some sort of attempt instead of just going, "Mmmmm, not going to work as an insta-fix so give up." How many Granny Goldstein's own guns and would know how to use them? Or would even know he's coming unless he was complete jackasses making too much noise. If he got to that gun first it wouldn't have helped her. If he has a gun and sees her reaching for one...well you can probably guess what he'll do. I will assume you'll say she'll stop him to help your cause so...he'll shoot her. She is also waaaay more likely to shoot a loved one than an intruder. (has been proven by facts)
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-03 23:29:23)
    I'm Chuck Norris huh? Since I said hand over the money instead of fighting. Which yes, my mother could do the same thing and be better off than fighting back and probably getting shot. I'll still be Chuck Norris. That'd be badass.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-03 20:02:14)
    Even though stats have shown that the safest and cheapest way to handle being held up is to just hand them your wallet. I am not defenseless without a gun. I am not some sissy girl that only feels big and tall with a gun. I can handle myself. Not having a gun in absolutely no way shape or form in this universe makes me defenseless. The money in my wallet, not at risk at my job, and the money on my should for my job and not worth risking my life or injuries if someone pulls a gun on me whether I have a gun or not. The chances of them shooting me would increase if I had a gun and even more so if I was dumb enough to make a move for it after the have one pointed at me. The only way a gun will help is if I pull it first. I guess I could try to shoot him as he runs away which would probably result in killing him or innocent bystanders (high possibility). I prefer not having bloodshed over a few measly bucks.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-03 17:30:21)
    All that sounds fine and dandy, but your assuming that every citizen with a gun will see the criminal coming and pull his gun first. If the criminal uses his weapon and surprises his victim, which he most likely will, said victims gun becomes inconsequential. Some criminals are against gun control too because of the pain in the ass it will create for them getting and keeping guns without getting caught. I, a law abiding citizen with a job where I have to worry about getting robbed pretty much everyday, am for gun control. I carry around cash from places. Some of them in very rough areas. I sometimes worry about my safety, but I have absolutely no desire to carry a gun. I would feel no safer and I know that if someone want to rob me they will just come up behind where my gun would be useless. It would also cause them to consider making a preemptive strike to ensure I can't use. Tell me more about how it'll help law abiding citizens.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-02 18:12:02)
    Well, it is certainly a lot harder for me to get black tar heroine since I can't just walk into a store and buy some. The penalty for getting caught prevent me from having the balls to try to get some. By your logic, making murder illegal has had no effect and might as well be legal because it doesn't prevent or deter at all since all laws fail at doing so. Same goes for robbery, assault, breaking and entering, vandalism, grand theft auto, etc. I guess we should just do absolutely nothing since you seem to know the future and know nothing will work and guns make everything better. You seem to have missed every time I mentioned they are trying to make it harder to obtain guns. Just like all the other laws they know it will still happen, but hopefully less of it. Just like smart people know world peace is impossible, but doesn't mean we should just give up on trying to make things better. What are your suggestions to help this? Do you even have any? Because if you do, it would be gun laws which you're so opposed to. Again. Your first comment didn't say preventing or deterring don't work. No matter how much you argue that, it won't be true.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-02 07:44:21)
    In what world does prevention mean it can't? I do preventive maintenance on my car to prevent, not deter, it from breaking. It can still do so. Seriously, pay attention. You forgot what you said once already. Now your completely missing what I said. I want to see if you figure it out, but I lack that amount of patience. "The idea isn’t to punish them more after they mass murder, it is to make it harder to obtain the means to do so. How will they go on a shooting spree with no guns? The guns may still exist, but being harder to get might help." (actual quote from before) I already said it is not to punish them after they mass murder. That would not be preventing, deterring, whatever word you want to use. It is to make the weapon harder to obtain. Said murderer wouldn't be able to shoot up someplace if you couldn't get the gun. Whether he would've gotten it legally or stolen from someone who had. He can't buy/steal a gun that isn't there for him to do so. Preventing him from going on a shooting spree by deterring him/victim of robbery from having a gun for said shooting spree.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-01 23:38:42)
    You never said deterrents don't work until the second comment. You just said laws aren't meant to prevent, but then said they deter which is preventing. The idea isn't to punish them more after they mass murder, it is to make it harder to obtain the means to do so. How will they go on a shooting spree with no guns? The guns may still exist, but being harder to get might help. Certain attachments, like suppressors and fully automatic parts, can severely change things. It is easier to spray into a crowd when you don't have to think about pulling the trigger constantly or reload as often. No. That's the definition of insanity. They are trying new things and no one will come up with an alternative. They just say no. We can read the future and know they will not work, but are not going to come up with any other ideas. If you think we have tried this already, then why can you get a gun by just submitting for a permit, then buying one? They are trying new things.
  • Comment on how will passing more laws solve crimina lgun use (2013-03-01 23:17:33)
    Finally got bored enough to come here. From what I read skimming this nobody ever can defend themselves without a gun. Everyone beats up on all the minorities all the time. If nobody has guns, the people as a whole rise up and riot constantly and the police are helpless (tear gas and riot shields have no effect now I guess). Try again without all the rule changes. You added tons of gun legislation that the picture is 100% against, but I'm actually for. I said straight up everyone has a gun which is representative of how it is now, but exaggerated. Just like the other side. Same rules for both years. Exactly who is going to pay for these body guards that people are now forced to hire because they can't shoot? Snitching being rewarded publicly will result in that person dying really fast. You also seem to forget crimes of passion can't be stopped by therapy. They are however exacerbated by a gun being around and all it takes is the pull of a trigger. The KC Chiefs player showed us that. Actually, I'll implement my own rules for the year without guns. Everyone has to have 10 years of martial arts training and be as skilled as ninjas. We immediately cure all mental illnesses and America has to be only one race. Do you really think that the movie theatre shooter, whose plan was to go out in the blaze of glory by killing as many people as he could before being killed, would have thought twice before going in there because he might get killed which was his intention? That's my lazy input on what you said. I had more, but lost interest in the backswing. "Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." I'll take that advice now.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-01 21:22:06)
    Exactly the point. Make certain attachments and guns illegal. People will be deterred from obtaining those guns/parts because they don't want to go to jail. Deterring people from breaking the law is preventative. Nice contradiction you made. But I guess we should just do nothing and hope it goes away instead of trying something that may or may not work.
  • Comment on gun laws would prevent shooting sprees (2013-03-01 17:23:02)
    By this logic, why make laws? Criminals don't follow them. Let's get rid of all traffic laws like speeding and stopping at red lights. Since criminals don't follow them, we don't need them.
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