noodles (750)
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Registered 2007-07-04 07:20:35

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Recent Comments from noodles

  • Comment on Schell's Dark Roast (2009-12-18 09:57:15)
    w00t Minnesota! (though Surly is better ;) )
  • Comment on Sick Leave Fail (2009-12-15 13:18:12)
    Aussies say it, they like to add "ie" to the end of stuff. Breakfast is brekkie, sexual positions are posies, etc etc
  • Comment on Winter (2009-12-11 12:32:33)
    Come live in Minnesota for a winter...then you can complain
  • Comment on Winter (2009-12-10 09:49:39)
    Yeah its central park, I have it framed in my dining room. Picked it up on a trip to NYC to appear as a contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
  • Comment on A short history of Modern African-American Music (2009-12-08 13:42:18)
    Damn Ant, if you didn't live in Europe, I'd ask you to marry me ;) I've got a particular affinity for Atmosphere, Brother Ali, POS and Heiruspecs since they're all from the Twin Cities. There is some phenomenal hip hop out there, just under the surface. If you read Miles Davis's autobiography, and then follow it up with Jeffry Chang's Can't Stop Won't Stop, you'll see that the beginnings of both genre's of music bear striking resemblances, albeit 60 years apart.
  • Comment on A short history of Modern African-American Music (2009-12-08 11:30:59)
    They weren't idols then, they were playing in small, cramped, underground clubs. Jazz was widely criticized as not being "real" music, but a sign of the degradation of our society. Sound familiar? And the guys I listed above are not "street hip hoppers", they're musicians who use the genre of hip hop as their medium.
  • Comment on A short history of Modern African-American Music (2009-12-08 11:10:08)
    Wow...that's some ignorant ignorant shit. First and foremost, there are two styles of music that get conflated all the time, Hip hop and Corporate Rap Shit. Corporate Rap Shit is what you hear in the clubs, on the radio, at sporting events. There is no message, there is no musicality, there is no talent. Music industry execs (rich white guys in suits) find something they can brand and market, and exploit it for massive profit. I'm talking about 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, etc Hip hop bubbles up from the underground, with artists like Murs, Aesop Rock, Gift of Gab, Lyrics Born, Lateef the Truth Speaker, Brother Ali, etc etc etc. This is true art, poetic lyricism, musicality, heart and soul. Back in the hayday of Jazz, John Coltrane, Miles Davis and the like were playing in underground clubs on 42nd Street in NYC. They were the equivalent of what underground hip hop is today. Meanwhile, there were these Uncle Tom negroes who were playing corny and demeaning "jazz" for the white masses to consume. They were the Corporate Shit of their time, and there's a reason you've never heard of them today. In 50 years, nobody will remember 50 Cent, but there will be university courses in analyzing the poetic genius that comes from underground hip hop, just like how there are Jazz Studies classes in universities today.
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 16:21:11)
    INTERNET HIGH FIVE. btw, I was addressing Messatsunokami in terms of the muscle mass issue.
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 15:59:21)
    driver01z - ginger root.
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 15:50:59)
    Prince Fielder of the Milwaukee Brewers is a vegetarian. Dude has loads of muscle mass, 46 home runs last year. Veganism isn't for everybody, I know some people's bodies react poorly to it (and I personally just can't give up cheese) but being aware of where your food comes from, making conscientious decisions, and not just mindless consuming industrialized animal products is a good way to go.
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 13:52:53)
    :) 4 semesters in college, plus a year ago I made a pilgrimage to my namesake...,+6.759E&sll=50.374101,6.758946&sspn=0.010059,0.01929&ie=UTF8&ll=50.374475,6.758115&spn=0.005029,0.009645&t=h&z=17
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 13:20:16)
    Ahh, misunderstood, you're talking about meat from Australia, not yourself. I should learn to read. And also infer from your German net handle.
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 13:01:43)
    “if we weren’t meant to eat animals, they wouldn’t be so damn tasty!” I always get sick of that logic. I hear human meat is tasty, so I guess we're meant to eat that. Or how about, if we weren't meant to shot herion, they wouldn't make it feel so good...
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 12:52:13)
    dA, Aussie eh? I lived in Sydney for a stint, loved it. Yeah, there are a lot of attractive celebs and athletes who abstain from the meat, and they're increasing in numbers. mmmm...Natalie Portman...
  • Comment on Veggie Guts (2009-11-23 12:47:32)
    You've got a lot of faith in the USDA. Read some Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman. The USDA is nothing but a revolving door for corporate lobbyists. It's all former Monsanto execs who do nothing look out for their own corporate interests. Have you not noticed the increasing frequencies of e coli and salmonella outbreaks as a result of contaminated factory foods?
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