Miraluka (4013)
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Registered 2008-07-02 18:31:24

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Recent Comments from Miraluka

  • Comment on Water Droplets (2009-10-20 16:05:03)
    Mister, you have made me really happy. With water.
  • Comment on Fallen angel (2009-10-20 08:47:00)
    I desperately tried to find a pic of the girl who, a few years ago, had Royo`s "La flor del dolor" i.e. "tattoo girl" tattooed on her back on a convention, with metal inlays and all. It looked relatively awesome, but pictures are nowhere to be found.
  • Comment on If I offered you money, would you draw for me? (2009-10-12 13:43:09)
    Of course I would draw for you. Who on this site wouldn`t?
  • Comment on Heaven Of Delight - Bug-Infested Art Ceiling (2009-09-24 16:19:31)
    And your whis is fulfilled, dieA. http://www.angelos.be/EN/125 the green dress on that site is an artwork of the same artist and is called: "Mur de la montée des anges" (1993). It consists of these bugs. Happy wearing, although I believe that only the "Deckflügel" (I don`t know how to call them in English), the upper wings and not the entire bug is used, and as insects` wings are really slow to decompost, this dress may actually last a while.
  • Comment on Grammatik Macht Frei (2009-09-18 04:53:47)
    LOL, that advertisement is just great. A relative of mine once said to a shopkeeper who asked her if she wanted to buy something "No no, I`m just cooking". The English guy was a bit startled, but what can you do about these crazy Germans.
  • Comment on Ladies and Gentlemen! You're attention please! (2009-09-16 16:54:40)
    Happy birthday, tiki! I wish you money. Lots of money. And a huge cake, with sparkles and all, and with a busty stripper inside. *trööt*
  • Comment on Kat von D (2009-07-21 03:17:53)
    When I first saw the picture, I took the female figure for a quite well CG picture. A bit too much Photoshop, huh? Quotes about her on her website: "I find Kats' television show very educating. Every time somebody turns it on, I go into the other room and read a book. Kat Von D is an inspiration to every young person that wants to get into show business. Hard work, perseverance, and discipline: all the things you need...when you have no talent." -Bill Hardie Either the people making the website didn`t get what he wants to say, or they are wittier than I think. Which I doubt.
  • Comment on Legion Of The 'Hog (2009-01-21 17:08:31)
    The world is incredibly small, even the world of the internets. I bet someday in the past we met in the subway. Nuremberg really is beautiful, and it is a pity that many of the medieval buildings were destroyed in WW II. Außerdem sind Lebkuchen einfach toll. :)
  • Comment on Legion Of The 'Hog (2009-01-19 14:14:05)
    @ack: Nürnberg? You're kidding me, I'm living there. Perhaps I even know you ^^.My god, how many Germans are here at MCS? We all should meet someday. And drink good German beer for poor tiki.
  • Comment on net troll (2008-07-22 09:28:54)
    Yeeha, everybody loves Munchkin. But the monster "potted plant" still is the coolest monster ever.
  • Comment on Platypus (2008-07-02 15:09:51)
    Aah, coolest mammal ever. It is a nice mixture of reptiles and mammals, for it belongs to the oldest order of mammals (monotremes) and is more or less a link between those two classes. On the one hand, it lays eggs with a leathery shell and has a cloaca instead of two orifices of the body like other proper mammals, which are typically reptile features (birds have a cloaca too, but nevermind, they are not related to either platypus or you and the other apes). On the other hand, it possesses glands which produce a milk-like liquour for its offspring, but no teats (the milk just kinda "leaks" out and wets the fur) and cares for its little strange platypus-kiddies, which are both features of mammals. Also, platypus is able to more or less have a constant body temperature (another ""I'm a mammal"-sign, though birds also have the ability to do so, but I told you- nevermind).To make the confusion complete: it is one of the around half a dozen mammals which are venomous, but only the ankle spurs of the hind legs of the male animal,and to make it extra special, Nature gave it ten sex chromosomes instead of two and a nice beak.
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