Kinjikai (5913)
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Registered 2009-01-12 00:19:03

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Recent Comments from Kinjikai

  • Comment on Shuttle takeoff (2011-06-08 16:00:50)
  • Comment on Shuttle takeoff (2011-06-08 15:40:46)
    Yes, they are/were and that's what I was alluding to. It's just a shame that so much was spent on maintaining the existing fleet of shuttles instead of working towards something better.
  • Comment on Shuttle takeoff (2011-06-08 15:37:36)
    Nah, Probably something like Fusion or Ion drives, or propulsion systems that use fuel that get more thrust per fuel weight ratio. Real working advances in space habitats for lunar and extra-orbital work. Advancements that bring us not just to Mars to to operate long term outside of Earth's orbit.
  • Comment on Shuttle takeoff (2011-06-08 15:26:17)
    Really ?? Fuck You ? Lulz Don't get me wrong, I believe NASA should get all the money they want and more, but they should be a force of innovation. Good to see the shuttles go, bring on what next.
  • Comment on Shuttle takeoff (2011-06-08 15:05:23)
    Have you ever bought a new car and loved it sooooo much that you didn't care how much it cost to operate and repair or keep-up even after it was waaaaaaaay past it's prime, then it got to the point where you really couldn't afford to properly fix it anymore but you kept making excuses for it, and then it started getting kinda dangerous to drive ?? It was the same with NASA and the shuttle.
  • Comment on The Cure Vs Rebecca Black (2011-06-08 14:47:18)
    I think Rebecca Black could take Robert Smith
  • Comment on 75% of women (2011-06-07 16:10:13)
    cheap make-up probably causes the acne it ends up being a vicious cycle, more acne requires more make-up which causes more acne, which requires more make-up and so on. Sister had to go to the Doctor to get Super Pro Active prescription face acid stuff But the dude in the pic should probably also sanitize his razors before he shaves that looks like some seriously infected hair follicles along his neck and jaw line
  • Comment on Armored core (2011-06-06 15:58:22)
    Game went to shit when they screwed with the controls and tried to make it an third person shooter. Human + Kurasawa Moonlight FTW !
  • Comment on Naked Rat (2009-01-11 19:23:06)
    Remember boys and girls, when you see these nasty little buggers in the wasteland: 1) Sidestep 2) V.A.T.S. 3) Aim for the Head 4) Harvest Meat
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