Kinjikai (5913)
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Registered 2009-01-12 00:19:03

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Recent Comments from Kinjikai

  • Comment on Lincoln Memorial (2011-08-08 17:15:42)
    Nah, that would be Truman or maybe Eisenhower any President immediately after WW2 I would say that's when we solidified our "empire" status
  • Comment on New America flag (2011-08-04 20:33:03)
    Just added Canada
  • Comment on New America flag (2011-08-04 20:31:40)
    Fly it high and fly it proud feel sorry for this flag my fellow patriot cause only communist scum would allow this great symbol of liberty become so tarnished !!! COMMUNISTS DETECTED ON AMERICAN SOIL. LETHAL FORCE ENGAGED
  • Comment on fallout 3 (2011-08-04 20:30:41)
    Best alternate timeline, Washington D.C. based, post-apocalyptic game ever.
  • Comment on nuke-cola (2011-08-04 17:16:07)
    NC- Quantum is the shit compared to that Yaou-Guai piss
  • Comment on Strigon team (2011-08-04 13:01:28)
    Love me some Ace Combat Didn't get a chance to play Ace Combat 6, prolly cause it was exclusive to that shit-box console.
  • Comment on Dubstep - It's still kinda like that (2011-07-28 13:50:07)
    How is a cyborg T-Rex fucking shit up sorta like "Chorus clip" Bwuuuuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz wubwubwubwub wub Bwuuuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzz wubwubwubwub wub ?????????
  • Comment on oversized missile (2011-07-28 13:35:31)
    suicidal robot
  • Comment on How to get a girlfriend (2011-07-27 18:06:55)
    cools And now I have a better understanding of where you are coming from as well. :) Just need to find yourself a non-hag beast nerd girl. They do exist, I married one.
  • Comment on How to get a girlfriend (2011-07-27 15:21:14)
    No, I believe you missed my point. Basically, the harder you make this upon yourself the less likely you will succeed, and the more likely you'll just end up being lonely. I'm not talking about being a shallow whore and going out with anybody, having standards is not a bad thing. But if your standards are unrealistic or nigh unattainable then you will never be with anyone. But, hey, not everyone wants to have a girlfriend or boyfriend, and that's o.k. too. Upon further reading and especially since you stated that sex is secondary, I'm of the opinion that you actually just want a really good friend. heh, Friend girl indeed
  • Comment on How to get a girlfriend (2011-07-26 18:44:27)
    I never understood people who put up Toll Gates for relationships. What if you find someone that actually meets your qualifications, but they won't give you the time of day cause you don't meet a single one of theirs. You're not that special, no one is. Just talk the girl/guy whoever like they're a human being first. Then figure out if you want Tab A inserted in to Slot B or vice versa. It really isn't that complicated and doesn't need to be.
  • Comment on drowing (2011-07-12 19:10:28)
    I see no dark complected underground dwelling elves in this picture, what gives ?!!??!
  • Comment on West Point (2011-06-16 19:06:41)
    You've heard of the Sierra Madre Casino. We all have, the legend, the curses. Foolishness about it lying in the middle of the City of the Dead, buried beneath a blood-red cloud. A bright, shining monument luring treasure hunters to their doom.
  • Comment on Reach vs. cod (2011-06-15 15:16:42)
    Sure I'll bite, Kinda, COD Black Ops Is just a more awesome game Need more Proof? You just get to see more brown and grey-green on COD than in Halo: Reach. I don't see as much of those colors in Halo:Reach as you do in COD: Black Ops. Everyone knows that the best games have the most brown and grey-green. What Game company doesn't make 90% of their color pallet brown and grey-green ??? FAIL GAME!1!!1!!111!!11!!1!!!1!!eleventy
  • Comment on laser planes (2011-06-09 19:15:40)
    Ace Combat Vs. Star Wars ADF-01 Falken and the X-02 Wyvern
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