Try DBZ Abridged, then ( ). Whether you love or hate DBZ, it's hilarious.
Insanely Rational (2060)
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Recent Comments from Insanely Rational
- Comment on piccolo (2011-07-12 01:05:27)
Try DBZ Abridged, then ( ). Whether you love or hate DBZ, it's hilarious. - Comment on then versus now OS (2011-07-08 15:37:19)
Eh, wrong. This: is what Linux looked like 2 years ago. - Comment on proving atheists wrong with science 1 (2011-07-06 03:13:29)
What a piss-poor argument. - Comment on wanted - robin hood (2011-07-01 18:59:33)
The fun thing about the story of Robin Hood is that it's essentially a perfect description of what people think is wrong with the world and what we should do about it no matter what side of the political spectrum you are. What I mean is that each side will see something completely different in the story, that is completely the opposite of what the other side sees, but that perfectly represents his own point of view. Liberals will see a story about a man who "steals from the rich to give to the poor". In other words, a man in the front line of a class struggle, fighting the inequities brought along by the evil rich landlords, who is not afraid to use violence if necessary to achieve equality. Conservatives will see an evil, overbearing, corrupt government who decided that the solution for all its problems is to overtax the shit out of its people (to support is excesses, not to actually help anyone), and the man who, after having his properties stolen by said government, decides to fight it and bring freedom back to the land. Liberals will utterly fail to notice that all the villains in the story are part of the government (and that they are rich because of that, not the other way around), or that the whole thing started when they decided that raising taxes on everyone was better than doing any actual working. Conservatives will fail to notice that if you allow a small group of people to attain power unchecked, they'll invariably end up like the government in the story, abusing the shit out of everyone else so they don't have to move a finger to live in utter luxury. - Comment on I made this by myself (2011-06-16 20:07:10)
The irony is that this is both the manliest and the greatest intellectual accomplishment of his life. - Comment on Blubberella (2011-06-16 19:30:36)
It's for real And of course, Uwe Boll wrote it, directed it and plays (drum-roll please) Adolf Hitler. - Comment on Dictators 1st league (2011-06-09 21:53:24)
First off, you have to separate the deaths resulting from sheer incompetence, from the ones resulting from malice. For instance, the Great Leap Forward caused the death of over 30 million Chinese due to largest famine in human history (wikipedia dixit), but for the most part, that was the result of sheer incompetence and the inherent incapacity of a communist regime to realize, let alone correct, its mistakes. Those people didn't die because they pissed Mao off, or because he thought they deserved to die. They died because he made an incredibly stupid mistake and everyone else paid for it with their lives. And, plenty of Stalin's deaths can also be attributed to sheer incompetence and ignorance. Though to be sure, in both cases there were lots of intentional killings. In most of the other cases (e.g., Hitler), they did intend every single killing that happened under their watch, with quite a few genocides to account for the large numbers of killings. - Comment on Millitant Atheist (2011-06-09 05:41:00)
I've always loved the creative accounting that theists always use when counting who is an atheist and who isn't. When it's time to talk about human-right violations, all communists are atheists, bar none (they even throw the Nazis in that mix). But when it's time to count what proportion of the human population doesn't believe in a god, suddenly, everyone in communist countries becomes a catholic, christian, jewish, confusionist, hinduist, buddist, etc. etc. And, of course, calling Fidel Castro as "militant Atheist" is as silly as calling him a militant left-handed-ist (yes, Fidel is a leftie in every sense of the word), or a militant beard-ist. Same thing for Pol and Mao. Unlike militant islamists and christians, none of those guys ever did anything in the name of their religious beliefs and/or lack thereof. They are/were just tyrannical assholes who did what they did because they wanted absolute power and weren't about to let anyone get in their way. They didn't care about spreading their religious beliefs (unless you count communist/anti-capitalism as a religion), they didn't care about defending their beliefs from the "infidels"/"sinners". They just wanted power. And they managed to get enough of it to do quite a few atrocities with it. - Comment on Support that bullshit? (2011-06-08 19:03:19)
You DO know that in the 1800's, that argument could be used to ridicule the "complete and utter bullshit" ideas that different genders and races should be treated as equal, right? Real science is done in a lab, not in a magazine. Real science is about obtaining replicable results, not about convincing a bunch of old farts who call themselves scientists despite never actually setting foot in a lab that your arguments make sense. Real science is about proving your peers that they are wrong with experimental evidence, not about getting them to let you publish your article in their magazine because you say exactly what they want to hear. - Comment on Marijuana. Not even once. (2011-06-08 02:06:33)
This is a photoshop of the ad here: And it's about Meth, not marijuana. - Comment on Despite The Mormons, A Majority Approves (2011-05-30 04:29:37)
Reaction from every single person with strong political opinions regarding the results of a poll: (If poll shows the majority disapproves his position) "So what if THEY are the 'majority'. The majority of people thought slavery was a very good and morally correct thing. Guess what? They were f**king wrong!! Just because something is more popular, it doesn't mean it's right to impose it on everyone else! What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong, regardless of how many believe otherwise. And democracies were created to uphold what is right, and to prevent those who are wrong from imposing their beliefs on everyone else regardless of whatever 'circumstantial majority' they might have." (If poll shows the majority approves of his position) "We are the majority! We are the right ones! We should totally impose our will on that stupid minority who stubbornly refuses to acknowledge their immorality!" - Comment on Conan The Barbarian 3D (2011-05-20 06:35:39)
You guys do remember that back in 1982, Ahnold was a completely unknown muscle-head who could barely speak English, right? It was Conan that made Ahnold a star, not the other way around. Of course, this one does look like it will suck gigantic donkey testicles, though. - Comment on Microsoft Invented the iPad (2011-05-19 16:26:04)
The first iPad has an OS with no preemptive multitasking capabilities. You know what preemptive multitasking is? That thing the Amiga OS was doing in 1985. I hear the new iPad has cooperative multitasking. Glad to see they're already catching up with Windows 3.1 in that regard. Maybe the next iPad OS will have the same technical capabilities as Windows 95. We can only hope, right? But, hey, the interface is so shiny and pretty, and has so many bright little colors! Everyone must get one!! - Comment on Zero G cup (2011-05-18 22:06:18)
I can't quite translate what she's saying (I'm missing the second kanji), but it's something like "the remaining cake is no longer the case (or no longer important?). But there's still fresh milk." - Comment on Atheism (2011-05-10 00:12:55)
2+2=4, buddy. You can spend every day of your life trying to delude yourself into believing that 2+2=Jesus riding a unicorn, but that won't change reality one bit.