bstaples (6783)
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Registered 2009-01-25 04:16:43

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Recent Comments from bstaples

  • Comment on Not what it seems? (2012-09-03 02:21:41)
    He's what you call "pretty"?
  • Comment on Faith=Geography (2012-09-03 00:30:18)
    Speaking of "going over heads" every. single. post. you've made on religion shows you're really loud about not knowing a single thing on your topic. 2 Christians can bone until Kingdom Come, and they can't make a "Christian" baby. They may raise it on Christian Values, they may take it to church, they can shove it into Catholic School, nothing external gives that child "faith". THAT INCLUDES WHERE HE LIVES. That child is free to grow up and embrace his parent's religion, reject them all, or become a Buddhist to impress some chick in one of his Liberal Arts classes. Let's not even get into the fact that there are many different shades of "Christian". Where you are has nothing to do with your faith. The odds may be stacked onto what denomination you'd identify with but that's a different story altogether. A man who "identifies" as Christian, but only goes to Church because his wife makes him on Christmas Eve, is not a man of the Christian "Faith". So again: dumb pic, why wank?
  • Comment on Faith=Geography (2012-09-02 21:44:21)
    Faith is simply Geography? Because you can't be a different religion than your neighbors? You can't be born in a family that practices something that's not the land's predominant religion? What land generates the Atheist and the Agnostic? Notice how each sentence says "probably"? That's a damn huge chance in the US alone. Enough of a chance to invalidate such a childish assertion. Hooooooo. Shit. Aren't you guys supposed to be the defenders of logic and reason? Why the hell are you wanking to such stupid pictures with such porous arguments? Because it's pretty?
  • Comment on Chicken without Hate (2012-08-18 02:32:46)
    {I’m saying it’s bad for business if you’re letting everyone know that you’re infected with a particularly stale kind of chauvinism. The “I eat at CFA because I support AMERICA!” thing will blow over, and then where will the chain be? I guess time will tell.} CFA wasn't a hip, liberal hotspot in the first place, so the initial boycott did all of jackshit. Even when they slip back into normal state of irrelevancy, they'll still remain as solvent as they were before the hype. Meaning that "chauvinism" isn't as stale as you think it is. Or maybe adults in the real world realize that it's not "chauvinism", "prejudice", "suppression", "hate speech" or "bigotry". Maybe they realize that you can't argue that you have a right to live your life the way you want, while simultaneously demanding that others change the way they live theirs. And it's those same people that will continue to pump money into the support of their causes and see results while the whiny children organize "kiss-ins" and make pictures on the internet while honestly believing they're not just making a difference, but "winning". {I guess you look down on women too, huh? Man, Jesus really inspires love wherever he goes!} Yes. A tampon joke means I look down on women. Because that makes total sense and is not at all the knee-jerk reaction of a bleeding heart, simpleton.
  • Comment on Chicken without Hate (2012-08-17 23:05:35)
    "Bigotry isn’t very nice, and Chick-Fil-A is probably going to have to change with the times and apologize to the gay community once it catches up with modern times and values." That has to go down on record as one of your dumbest statements ever. If there is no such book, one needs to compiled immediately. Saying "I'm against gay marriage" isn't bigotry and I wish you and all the other liberal twats will stop watering down that term and using it freely. The owner gave his personal opinion on the topic. That's his right. Some libs got their tampons in a knot and decided to cry and boycott his company. That's their right. Some other people said "fuck that" and gave CFA their highest single day's profit ever. That's their right as well. There is no bigotry or hate here. Get a dictionary and quit complaining about ideological diversity. No one needs to apologize to the gay community for disagreeing with them. EVER.
  • Comment on Honest Chris Brown album review (2012-08-13 23:28:51)
    Holy shit are you mad for no reason. "Are you trying to say hitting women isn't against the Geneva Convention?!" "No, I'm not. I'm simply saying..." "OMG HE DOESN'T THINK MEN SHOULD BE SENT TO SIBERIAN GULAGS FOR HITTING WOMEN WALK INTO THE 21ST ASSHOLE!" Yes, hitting your woman is wrong. No, there's no excuse to put your hands on a loved one. Simple enough for you to calm down? Good. Now. As a professional critic/journalist, you're paid to at least give the impression of non-bias and objectivity. You aren't being paid to tell me what you think about any issue except that which you're critiquing. That's the bottom fucking line. I don't care if he's Gay, Republican, a member of the NRA, or if he's cheating on his wife. What he does in his off time, (or did years ago, as the case may be) is completely irrelevant to the question, "What is this album like?" You and I can call Chris shit for hitting his girlfriend, the person reporting on the quality of the album can't. If you, as a public figure in a syndicated newspaper, aren't willing to hold ALL artists, musicians, athletes and celebrities to the same level as crewman correctly suggests, you need to get off your high-horse with this asshole. And if you are, there's much worse crimes than assault that you can start with.
  • Comment on Honest Chris Brown album review (2012-08-12 16:33:11)
    No, Nancy Grace, I'm not. I'm simply stating that Brown's assault charge should have no bearing on his album review. And if you believe it's relevant, then do the same for the Rappers who shoot people and sell drugs to their communities and the Rockers who do the drugs and glamorize it. Or you can be a professional and keep your fucking opinions on social issues separate from your reviews.
  • Comment on Honest Chris Brown album review (2012-08-12 03:30:40)
    So Chris Brown gets shit on for beating Rihanna? I wonder this critic does for every Rapper who served time in jail and every Rockstar that gets wasted on cocaine.
  • Comment on Chainmail Bikinis (2012-08-10 02:13:12)
    Someone get them some Chainmail Facemasks.
  • Comment on 7 Minutes of Terror (on Mars) (2012-08-08 23:15:26)
    Fight Club reference: Check Gratuitous swearing: Check Clear misunderstanding of events in thread: Check Overestimation of self-value/intellect: Check Unprovoked butthurt: Check 13 YEAR-OLD DETECTED
  • Comment on american president (2012-08-08 04:53:03)
    That's what we should've done at every Gold Medal ceremony.
  • Comment on 7 Minutes of Terror (on Mars) (2012-08-08 04:51:37)
    Man, I tell ya! This was almost as nerve-racking as the other times they landed Rovers on Mars. They should rename this pic "7 Minutes of pants-wetting, nail-biting, scalding hot, Jihad-esque Terror!"
  • Comment on How to deal with DKR Reviews (2012-07-29 05:06:04)
    Wait...there are actually people who didn't like TDKR?!
  • Comment on rap dance (2012-07-25 13:30:50)
  • Comment on rap dance (2012-07-24 23:10:22)
    [citation needed]
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