bstaples (6783)
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Registered 2009-01-25 04:16:43 Comment Karma: 69 Featured Comments: 0 Member of : |
Recent Comments from bstaples
- Comment on tiki's night life (2012-10-10 07:51:12)
APPROPRIATE RESPONSE - Comment on Boom chestshot (2012-10-09 19:59:18)
It looks like he was talking shit for a while, cop put up the elbow to get him off, edgy teen shoved him and got his chest caved in by a bag of beans. Unnecessary action by cop, but completely avoidable situation by dead retard. - Comment on HL Mencken on God (2012-10-09 19:48:33)
>hate on people for their "egos" and for setting themselves up "above their betters" >proceed to call an ENTIRE SUBSET OF THE POPULATION of this planet (many of which he's never met) "Incompetent, helpless, asses without the capacity for clear and realistic thought" Yea, he definitely sounds like a top tier role-model. Why bother being religious when you can just blanket stereotype your hate on so many people and still get to claim the moral high ground? To address the point of the first poster: They attack Christianity because attacking Muslims is still taboo, attacking Jews is being an "anti-Semite", they've had a bad experiences in the past and can't be assed to learn more and not be so ignorant, the website where they discuss the same old, beaten "objections" only discusses Christianity, "christians in the past was violent lololol" or any other variety of flavorless swill. As such, when dealing with these types of posts, it's usually best to let the "intellectuals and rational thinkers" masterbate in peace. Do not point out any inherent flaws in the picture they're agreeing to, unless it's funny to do so or unless Tiki institutes an actual punishment for getting 20 rate downs. - Comment on Trekkies (2012-10-07 07:08:15)
Tell "Captain Uniform Tailormade" it's against Starfleet regulations to sport a boner around minors. - Comment on Explaining Dr. Who (2012-10-06 05:17:33)
Nerd girls don't have "Fantasy Baseball Teams". Really now. - Comment on Some quick changes are coming down the road... (2012-10-02 06:11:25)
Can you really trust the already polarized, rabid mcs audience to not remove pictures they disagree with? A few level-headed mods? Yes. All Mcs+? No. - Comment on Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months (2012-09-27 01:36:56)
I like your context-less, wartime photo. But that doesn't change my point as I'm sure that civilian would not be receiving (maybe wouldn't even need) her "medical help" if we weren't duped into being there in the first place. - Comment on Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months (2012-09-27 01:27:57)
I'm not "picking" on anyone. As much of a farce as Iraq was, a death is a death, and one incurred in a needless war is nothing to be made fun of. It reflects a terrible state of affairs for friends, family and our Union. That being said, she willfully chose a profession where she would be away from her family for extended periods of time. Her being a "soldier" makes this no more significant than if she were a "trucker", "salesman", or "professional cross-country hitchhiker". - Comment on ignorance - now available in color (2012-09-26 17:42:34)
What I find super-duper hilarious is the fact that, in the post right under this one, someone ( presumably someone who would disagree with prop 8 ) defaced the image of a staunch heterosexual conservative, and used being "gay" as if it were an insult. Maybe we aren't so different after all. Group hug? - Comment on Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months (2012-09-24 22:46:55)
Halliburton's interests. - Comment on Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months (2012-09-24 22:43:02)
How sweet that she misses her daughter after voluntarily leaving her for 7 months. What a great photo-op and human interest story. Seriously. Not being sarcastic here. This is so touching. - Comment on that is not love, that is abuse (2012-09-20 16:08:32)
No, let's not note that. It's easier to make sharable pictures on the internet if we use concepts not found in the bible or if we grossly deform/over-simplify content. - Comment on how to survive a zombie apocalypse (2012-09-18 04:32:21)
This. Plus it's not much of a plan if it can be foiled by the concept of "uphill". - Comment on war not important (2012-09-17 19:36:50)
WAR NOT IMPORTANT LIKE GRAMMAR NOT IMPORTANT - Comment on Faith=Geography (2012-09-03 02:30:55)
Your "angry-atheist" act is still so not tiresome. Thanks for ignoring the clear points I made just so you can show us that chip on your shoulder. We love seeing it so often. BTW, please tell me how "guilt, shunning, and ignorance" doesn't personify EVERYTHING you post when "religion" is even hinted at.