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9 Responses ttto SEXY

  1. storminator says:

    A lot of posts didn’t load properly. This is something new with the tiny squares.

    Some of the other posts that didn’t load were WERP files. I’ll steer clear.

  2. Greenman037 says:

    I’m not seeing an new posts since yesterday.

  3. Greenman037 says:

    I’m not seeing any new posts since yesterday.

  4. tiki god says:

    The problem was on the server side, another frustrating one that shows no errors, but every month on the first day it’s supposed to automagically create a folder for the month, which is somehow being fubar’d. going to take a few rounds of figuring it out to fully figure it out I think

  5. storminator says:

    It says that there are 5 responses to this post… but I can only see one.

  6. tiki god says:

    in fact, the comments are showing up in the feed, but aren’t showing on the post, which is dumb and stupid and I hate it.

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