Hello world!

Welcome to MyConfinedSpace Network. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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5 Responses ttto Hello world!

  1. tiki god says:

    whew, happy to see the spaces thing was able to be created for you without hand holding.

    next up: image uploads!

  2. tiki god says:

    Image uploads are enabled for your space, I need to set up an admin panel now so you can configure who can post and what they can post.

  3. storminator says:

    I really prefer the drag and drop. I guess I’ll have to adjust- but so far, I’m not a huge fan.

    • tiki god says:

      there’s still a hidden method of doing it, it won’t be around forever, but if you want to go to www.myconfinedspace.com/storminator/wp-admin/ you should be able to manually create posts with all sorts of options.

      the long term plan is to not allow access to all that though. I’ll throw a “drag and drop” uploader to the long term plan!

    • tiki god says:

      I just tested a new trick, turns out the html form that ‘m using for the uploader already supports dragging and dropping. It’ll only do one image at a time right now, something else that’s on the list!

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