7821 Search Results Found For: "star"

Supergirl and Stargirl

Supergirl and Stargirl

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  • A Large Planet Orbiting a Small Star

    vb10_jpl_big.jpg (406 KB)

    Can a planet be as large as the star that it orbits? Recent observations have discovered that nearby Van Biesbroeck\’s star might have just such a large planet.

    The Moonwalk Superstar

    moon.jpg (88 KB)

    Who`s the *King of Pop* now, bitch?

    Brett Stares

    stare.jpg (85 KB)

    star trek darkly

    mirror-tos.jpg (143 KB)

    (from the panels):

    “There is the world we know, where good men struggle against the selfish and the cruel.”

    “But there is a reality beyond the world we know, a reality where the selfish and the cruel are embraced, and the qualities of kindness and mercy are not seen as ideals to be lauded, but instead weaknesses to be snuffed out.”

    “A reality that at first glance seems identical, but is in fact revealed to be a twisted, dark reflection of our own. and therein lies the irony. For how can a world that seems so familiar…”

    “..be so different”


    bravestarr.jpg (246 KB)

    bravestar.jpg (116 KB)

    The other OTHER He-Man knock-off. Eyes of the Hawk! Ears of the Wolf!

    Dunhuang Star Atlas

    dunhuang_npole_copie.jpg (340 KB)


    star trek ds9 – dax

    star trek ds9 - dax

  • Star Wars Ship

    Star Wars Ship

    Star Trek Fan

    Star Trek Fan

    A Starry Night in Brazil

    StarryNight-of-Brazil_LinesTafreshi.jpg (259 KB)

    Since we don\’t want a wall-o-text, you\’ll have to click through. APOD