456 Search Results Found For: "Chair"

Here's the top MCS tags found for "Chair"

Let’s Recall What Exactly Paul Manafort and Rudy Giuliani Were Doing in Ukraine

President Trump’s former campaign chairman and former lawyer worked with, between them, a deposed authoritarian president, a bevy of oligarchs, Russia-oriented politicians and alleged Russian spies.

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  • Elderly Florida Democrats Say GOP Canvassers Duped Them Into Changing Their Party Affiliation

    A local news outlets spoke with multiple residents of a Miami housing project who say they were duped. The vice chair of the state’s Ethics and Elections Committee is calling for an investigation

    Lucy in the Sky

    Lucy in the Sky: Directed by Noah Hawley. With Natalie Portman, Jon Hamm, Zazie Beetz, Dan Stevens. Astronaut Lucy Cola returns to Earth after a transcendent experience during a mission to space, and begins to lose touch with reality in a world that now seems too small.

    Loosely based on the story of Lisa Nowak, astronaut who had an unfortunate break from reality after she returned from space and ended up being arrested at an Orlando airport.

    woman in space needs just a couple more minutes, then returns to earth, picks up her neice from school, has dinner with her husband, goes through a counseling session with a wheelchair bound Nick Offerman, then signs back up to go on another mission. She’s invited out to some bowling with other candidates for this next mission and one thing leads to another and she’s having an affair with another candidate played by Jon Hamm.

    As you should expect, things go sidewise when Lucy becomes too attached to her new friend, gets too cocky during a training mission, and is then denied the next flight that’s going up. She leaves her husband, breaks into the NASA office to read some emails, then goes on a self appointed roadtrip mission to convince her new boyfriend that she’s truly worthy of going back to space. To do that, she needs a gun, surgical tubing, rope, and bug spray. Along for the ride for this entire ordeal? Her niece!

    The film plays with the aspect ratio a fair bit in the first two thirds of the film to great effect, with it growing tighter and wider depending on how Lucy was feeling at the time. Natalie Portman was, as always, amazing in her role, with an exceptionally effective supporting cast. Jon Hamm and Zazie Beetz both played roles that I’ve seen them in before, but Dan Stevens as an adorably buttoned up and earnest husband was illuminating to see.

    I’d suggest it if you’re a Portman fan, or even if you want to see a great depiction of someone just on the razor’s edge of sanity take that first step off the path of lucidity.

    Buy On Amazon!


    Statement and Apology on DisCon III Sponsorship – DisCon III

    A statement and apology from Mary Robinette Kowal, chair of DisCon III, regarding the sponsorship received from Raytheon Intelligence and Space.


    Tim Kaine becomes first Democratic senator to ditch National Prayer Breakfast

    Former veep nominee, a co-chair of the right-wing breakfast for years, says he has “no intention” of going back


    GOP Rep Tried to Con Cabinet Officials Into Thinking He Was on Jan 6 Committee

    Republican Rep. Jim Banks has been “signing his name as the ranking member of the committee … that he in fact is not on,” said Vice Chair Rep. Liz Cheney


    Jan 6 Committee Votes to Hold Steve Bannon in Contempt of Congress

    Bannon “stands alone in his complete defiance of our subpoena,” Select Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson says


    Trump ‘Directly and Repeatedly’ Tried to Get DOJ to Help Overturn Election Senate Report

    “Donald Trump was unable to bend the department to his will,” said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). “But it was not due to a lack of effort.”


    GOP Goes All Out to Avoid Accountability for Jan 6 Insurrection

    The chair of the Freedom Caucus wants to kick Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger out of the party, while Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens communications companies that comply wi…


    Liz Cheney says allegations against Gaetz are ‘sickening’ refuses to say if he should resign

    House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney (Wyo.) said on Sunday that the allegations against one of her harshest critics, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), are “sickening” but refused to say whether he should resign.


    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2021-03-05

    Here’s this week’s Top Stuff

    test alt text
    smeg: a mere coincidence. but probably not.
    test alt text
    storminator: My ears are bleeding
    test alt text
    Jac: Secret message in the parachute.
    test alt text
    Sindig0: These are unaccompanied minors, right? Very different to separating kids from their parents.


    An Apology

    I owe my 45-supporting friends an apology (?). I’ve been critical of the trump presidency these last four years, and am still exhausted from the experience.

    But to be fair, president trump wasn’t that bad, other than when he incited an insurrection against the government, mismanaged a pandemic that killed nearly half a million Americans, separated children from their families, lost those children in the bureaucracy, tear-gassed peaceful protesters on Lafayette Square so he could hold a photo op holding a Bible in front of a church, tried to block all Muslims from entering the country, got impeached, got impeached again, had the worst jobs record of any president in modern history, pressured Ukraine to dig dirt on Joe Biden, fired the FBI director for investigating his ties to Russia, bragged about firing the FBI director on TV, took Vladimir Putin’s word over the US intelligence community, diverted military funding to build his wall, caused the longest government shutdown in US history, called Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate,” lied nearly 30,000 times, banned transgender people from serving in the military, ejected reporters from the White House briefing room who asked tough questions, vetoed the defense funding bill because it renamed military bases named for Confederate soldiers, refused to release his tax returns, increased the national debt by nearly $8 trillion, had three of the highest annual trade deficits in U.S. history, called veterans and soldiers who died in combat losers and suckers, coddled the leader of Saudi Arabia after he ordered the execution and dismembering of a US-based journalist, refused to concede the 2020 election, hired his unqualified daughter and son-in-law to work in the White House, walked out of an interview with Lesley Stahl, called neo-Nazis “very fine people,” suggested that people should inject bleach into their bodies to fight COVID, abandoned our allies the Kurds to Turkey, pushed through massive tax cuts for the wealthiest but balked at helping working Americans, incited anti-lockdown protestors in several states at the height of the pandemic, withdrew the US from the Paris climate accords, withdrew the US from the Iranian nuclear deal, withdrew the US from the Trans Pacific Partnership which was designed to block China’s advances, insulted his own Cabinet members on Twitter, pushed the leader of Montenegro out of the way during a photo op, failed to reiterate US commitment to defending NATO allies, called Haiti and African nations “shithole” countries, called the city of Baltimore the “worst in the nation,” claimed that he single handedly brought back the phrase “Merry Christmas” even though it hadn’t gone anywhere, forced his Cabinet members to praise him publicly like some cult leader, believed he should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, berated and belittled his hand-picked Attorney General when he recused himself from the Russia probe, suggested the US should buy Greenland, colluded with Mitch McConnell to push through federal judges and two Supreme Court justices after supporting efforts to prevent his predecessor from appointing judges, repeatedly called the media “enemies of the people,” claimed that if we tested fewer people for COVID we’d have fewer cases, violated the emoluments clause, thought that Nambia was a country, told Bob Woodward in private that the coronavirus was a big deal but then downplayed it in public, called his exceedingly faithful vice president a “p—y” for following the Constitution, nearly got us into a war with Iran after threatening them by tweet, nominated a corrupt head of the EPA, nominated a corrupt head of HHS, nominated a corrupt head of the Interior Department, nominated a corrupt head of the USDA, praised dictators and authoritarians around the world while criticizing allies, refused to allow the presidential transition to begin, insulted war hero John McCain – even after his death, spent an obscene amount of time playing golf after criticizing Former President Barack Obama for playing (far less) golf while president, falsely claimed that he won the 2016 popular vote, called the Muslim mayor of London a “stone cold loser,” falsely claimed that he turned down being Time’s Man of the Year, considered firing special counsel Robert Mueller on several occasions, mocked wearing face masks to guard against transmitting COVID, locked Congress out of its constitutional duty to confirm Cabinet officials by hiring acting ones, used a racist dog whistle by calling COVID the “China virus,” hired and associated with numerous shady figures that were eventually convicted of federal offenses including his campaign manager and national security adviser, pardoned several of his shady associates, gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to two congressman who amplified his batshit crazy conspiracy theories, got into telephone fight with the leader of Australia(!), had a Secretary of State who called him a moron, forced his press secretary to claim without merit that his was the largest inauguration crowd in history, botched the COVID vaccine rollout, tweeted so much dangerous propaganda that Twitter eventually banned him, charged the Secret Service jacked-up rates at his properties, constantly interrupted Joe Biden in their first presidential debate, claimed that COVID would “magically” disappear, called a U.S. Senator “Pocahontas,” used his Twitter account to blast Nordstrom when it stopped selling Ivanka’s merchandise, opened up millions of pristine federal lands to development and drilling, got into a losing tariff war with China that forced US taxpayers to bail out farmers, claimed that his losing tariff war was a win for the US, ignored or didn’t even take part in daily intelligence briefings, blew off honoring American war dead in France because it was raining, redesigned Air Force One to look like the trump Shuttle, got played by Kim Jung Un and his “love letters,” threatened to go after social media companies in clear violation of the Constitution, botched the response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans when he finally visited them, pressured the governor and secretary of state of Georgia to “find” him votes, thought that the Virgin islands had a President, drew on a map with a Sharpie to justify his inaccurate tweet that Alabama was threatened by a hurricane, allowed White House staff to use personal email accounts for official businesses after blasting Hillary Clinton for doing the same thing, rolled back regulations that protected the public from mercury and asbestos, pushed regulators to waste time studying snake-oil remedies for COVID, rolled back regulations that stopped coal companies from dumping waste into rivers, held blatant campaign rallies at the White House, tried to take away millions of Americans’ health insurance because the law was named for a Black man, refused to attend his successors’ inauguration, nominated the worst Education Secretary in history, threatened judges who didn’t do what he wanted, attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, promised that Mexico would pay for the wall (it didn’t), allowed political hacks to overrule government scientists on major reports on climate change and other issues, struggled navigating a ramp after claiming his opponent was feeble, called an African-American Congresswoman “low IQ,” threatened to withhold federal aid from states and cities with Democratic leaders, went ahead with rallies filled with maskless supporters in the middle of a pandemic, claimed that legitimate investigations of his wrongdoing were “witch hunts,” seemed to demonstrate a belief that there were airports during the American Revolution, demanded “total loyalty” from the FBI director, praised a conspiracy theory that Democrats are Satanic pedophiles, completely gutted the Voice of America, placed a political hack in charge of the Postal Service, claimed without evidence that the Obama administration bugged trump Tower, suggested that the US should allow more people from places like Norway into the country, suggested that COVID wasn’t that bad because he recovered with the help of top government doctors and treatments not available to the public, overturned energy conservation standards that even industry supported, reduced the number of refugees the US accepts, insulted various members of Congress and the media with infantile nicknames, gave Rush Limbaugh a Presidential medal of Freedom at the State of the Union address, named as head of federal personnel a 29-year old who’d previously been fired from the White House for allegations of financial improprieties, eliminated the White House office of pandemic response, used soldiers as campaign props, fired any advisor who made the mistake of disagreeing with him, demanded the Pentagon throw him a Soviet-style military parade, hired a shit ton of white nationalists, politicized the civil service, did absolutely nothing after Russia hacked the U.S. government, falsely said the Boy Scouts called him to say his bizarre Jamboree speech was the best speech ever given to the Scouts, claimed that Black people would overrun the suburbs if Biden won, insulted reporters of color, insulted women reporters, insulted women reporters of color, suggested he was fine with China’s oppression of the Uighurs, attacked the Supreme Court when it ruled against him, summoned Pennsylvania state legislative leaders to the White House to pressure them to overturn the election, spent countless hours every day watching Fox News, refused to allow his administration to comply with Congressional subpoenas, hired Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer, tried to punish Amazon because the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post wrote negative stories about him, acted as if the Attorney General of the United States was his personal attorney, attempted to get the federal government to defend him in a libel lawsuit from a women who accused him of sexual assault, held private meetings with Vladimir Putin without staff present, didn’t disclose his private meetings with Vladimir Putin so that the US had to find out via Russian media, stopped holding press briefings for months at a time, “ordered” US companies to leave China even though he has no such power, led a political party that couldn’t even be bothered to draft a policy platform, claimed preposterously that Article II of the Constitution gave him absolute powers, tried to pressure the U.K. to hold the British Open at his golf course, suggested that the government nuke hurricanes, suggested that wind turbines cause cancer, said that he had a special aptitude for science, fired the head of election cyber security after he said that the 2020 election was secure, blurted out classified information to Russian officials, tried to force the G7 to hold their meeting at his failing golf resort in Florida, fired the acting attorney general when she refused to go along with his unconstitutional Muslim travel ban, hired Stephen Miller, openly discussed national security issues in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago where everyone could hear them, interfered with plans to relocate the FBI because a new development there might compete with his hotel, abandoned Iraqi refugees who’d helped the U.S. during the war, tried to get Russia back into the G7, held a COVID super spreader event in the Rose Garden, seemed to believe that Frederick Douglass is still alive, lost 60 election fraud cases in court including before judges he had nominated, falsely claimed that factories were reopening when they weren’t, shamelessly exploited terror attacks in Europe to justify his anti-immigrant policies, still hasn’t come up with a healthcare plan, still hasn’t come up with an infrastructure plan despite repeated “Infrastructure Weeks,” forced Secret Service agents to drive him around Walter Reed while contagious with COVID, told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” fucked up the Census, withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization in the middle of a pandemic, did so few of his duties that his press staff were forced to state on his daily schedule “president trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings,” allowed his staff to repeatedly violate the Hatch Act, seemed not to know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, stood before sacred CIA wall of heroes and bragged about his election win, constantly claimed he was treated worse than any president which presumably includes four that were assassinated and his predecessor whose legitimacy and birthplace were challenged by a racist reality TV show star named donald trump, claimed Andrew Jackson could’ve stopped the Civil War even though he died 16 years before it happened, said that any opinion poll showing him behind was fake, claimed that other countries laughed at us before he became president when several world leaders were literally laughing at him, claimed that the military was out of ammunition before he became President, created a commission to whitewash American history, retweeted anti-Islam videos from one of the most racist people in Britain, claimed ludicrously that the Pulse nightclub shooting wouldn’t have happened if someone there had a gun even though there was an armed security guard there, hired a senior staffer who cited the non-existent Bowling Green Massacre as a reason to ban Muslims, had a press secretary who claimed that Nazi Germany never used chemical weapons even though every sane human being knows they used gas to kill millions of Jews and others, bilked the Secret Service for higher than market rates when they had to stay at trump properties, apparently sold pardons on his way out of the White House, stripped protective status from 59,000 Haitians, falsely claimed Biden wanted to defund the police, said that the head of the CDC didn’t know what he was talking about, tried to rescind protection from DREAMers, gave himself an A+ for his handling of the pandemic, tried to start a boycott of Goodyear tires due to an Internet hoax, said U.S. rates of COVID would be lower if you didn’t count blue states, deported U.S. veterans who served their country but were undocumented, claimed he did more for African Americans than any president since Lincoln, touted a “super-duper” secret “hydrosonic” missile which may or may not be a new “hypersonic” missile or may not exist at all, retweeted a gif calling Biden a pedophile, forced through security clearances for his family, suggested that police officers should rough up suspects, suggested that Biden was on performance-enhancing drugs, tried to stop transgender students from being able to use school bathrooms in line with their gender, suggested the US not accept COVID patients from a cruise ship because it would make US numbers look higher, nominated a climate change sceptic to chair the committee advising the White House on environmental policy, retweeted a video doctored to look like Biden had played a song called “Fuck tha Police” at a campaign event, hugged a disturbingly large number of U.S. flags, accused Democrats of “treason” for not applauding his State of the Union address, claimed that the FBI failed to capture the Parkland school shooter because they were “spending too much time” on Russia, mocked the testimony of Dr Christine Blasey Ford when she accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, obsessed over low-flow toilets, ordered the release of more COVID vaccines when there weren’t any to release, called for the construction of a bizarre garden of heroes with statutes of famous dead Americans as well as at least one Canadian (Alex Trebek), hijacked Washington’s July 4th celebrations to give a partisan speech, took advice from the MyPillow guy, claimed that migrants seeking a better life in the US were dangerous caravans of drug dealers and rapists, said nothing when Vladimir Putin poisoned a leading opposition figure, never seemed to heed the advice of his wife’s “Be Best” campaign, falsely claimed that mail-in voting is fraudulent, announced a precipitous withdrawal of troops from Syria which not only handed Russia and ISIS a win but also prompted his defense secretary to resign in protest, insulted the leader of Canada, insulted the leader of France, insulted the leader of Britain, insulted the leader of Germany, insulted the leader of Sweden (Sweden!!), falsely claimed credit for getting NATO members to increase their share of dues, blew off two Asia summits even though they were held virtually, continued lying about spending lots of time at Ground Zero with 9/11 responders, said that the Japanese would sit back and watch their “Sony televisions” if the US were ever attacked, left a NATO summit early in a huff, stared directly into an eclipse even though everyone over the age of 5 knows not to do that, called himself a very stable genius despite significant evidence to the contrary, refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power and kept his promise, and a whole bunch of other things I can’t remember at the moment.But other than that. . .


    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2021-02-27

    Here’s this week’s Top Stuff

    test alt text
    Karl Lewis: To be fair: Junior is so freaking coked up at this point, I think he should just get some credit for knowing that Texas even HAS a Governor. I mean, he’s probably snorted his own body weight in Bolivian Marching Powder just since January 20th. That he can even still feel his own thumbs, or even find his phone, is more than a little amazing.


    Highest Rated This Week

    Caylee Cowan’s perfect sideboob
    Rush Limbaugh Did His Best to Ruin America

    Most Rated This Week

    Caylee Cowan’s perfect sideboob
    Rush Limbaugh Did His Best to Ruin America

    Top Submitters This Month

    Most Favorited Posts This Month

    Ira Greene
    A S P U G
    Berggasthaus Aescher in Appenzell Innerrhoden

    Top Commented Posts This Month

    For Valentine's Day, Let's Post About Chuck Norris
    Let me hurt some feelings
    Keeping Customers Informed Through Market Volatility -- Under the Hood
    GOP Rep Kinzinger Hit With Claims of Devil Possession Since Impeachment Vote
    Donald Trump’s Letter of Resignation
    Rush Limbaugh Right-Wing Radio Host Dies at 70
    x-mas asses
    Kenosha County DA seeks arrest of Kyle Rittenhouse higher bond
    House Is Voting to Boot Marjorie Taylor Greene From Committee Assignments
    Rick Perry says Texans would rather be without power for days over more federal oversight
    Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to force Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to retake their oaths on a Bible

    Users With Most Comments This Month

    Top Viewed Posts Today

    Soviet Heavy Bomber: K-7: pre WW-2 Mariam olivera Thicc Rider ThoroughDenseGentoopenguin Porn GIF Milana Vayntrub at a WMC 2009 Rooftop Pool Party in Miami – 3-27-09 broken laptop Gorgeous chloe lamb Super Thicc Rider Ashley Trevort Deceptive Age of Women Mia Melano GUTTED

    Michigan official shows gun after public meeting criticism

    TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — A county official in northern Michigan displayed a rifle during an online meeting in response to a citizen’s comments about a far-right extremist group, drawing outrage…

    Chairman Rob Hentschel is a god damned fucking idiot that needs to be removed from his public seat and sent back to school.


    Event Horizon

    Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. With Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan, Joely Richardson. A rescue crew investigates a spaceship that disappeared into a black hole and has now returned…with someone or something new on-board.

    A by the numbers rescue operation very quickly goes off the rails, but sadly this movie doesn’t hold up to the memories that I had of it. The basic premise still holds strong and the acting is fantastic, but there’s some 90’s cheese in there that I don’t appreciate any more. Smoking on a spaceship? Only one person catches the Latin language “save me” and he’s on the ship? No one back on earth didn’t know this? oooor did they and decided to just keep everyone in the dark? I think there’s a discussion to be had for where the engine designer got his ideas from, perhaps the warp reached out to him?

    The highlight of the film was seeing Lawrence Fishburne in a whibble wobble chair on the bridge of his ship.

    Buy On Amazon!


    House readies contempt resolution as Pompeo defies subpoenas

    House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel of New York said Friday that the panel will prepare a contempt resolution for what he called Pompeo’s “unprecedented record of obstruction and defiance.”


    MCS is no longer on Facebook

    Facebook is the worst, bar none.

    MCS was on facebook, which might be a surprise to some of you, but content from here was pushed to there to generate a slight pull for visitors, though what it actually did t was sent our content into their walled garden where one or two people would comment on stuff from time to time but never really brought in the masses like I thought it would do.

    This post is the one that apparently was a bridge too far for facebook.  Sure, you can click around and find posts about killing people or posts about how minorities don’t deserve the rights they barely have, or you can find pedophiles without much problem, but a grown woman sitting in a chair without clothing on?  AND you can’t see any of her sensitive bits? well that’s straight out of line!  The previous post that they complained about? This mask!

    Good riddance to them.  There’s no way to appeal this stupidity, no contact form, no button to press, and no one to contact at Facebook.  They’re a godless, soulless, corporate machine that really doesn’t give a fuck about any of us at all, so fuck ’em.

    You can subscribe to the site the old fashion way with RSS or by email, both of which are found in the sidebar or footer.

  • White House wanted 10k active duty troops to quell protesters

    The White House wanted to have 10,000 active duty troops on the streets of Washington and other cities earlier this week to quell protesters, but Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint of Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley pushed back at the use of any active duty troops, according to a senior defense official.


    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-04-10

    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-04-03

    Here’s this week’s Top Posts 


    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-03-27

    Here’s this week’s Top Posts


    Senator Dumped Up to 16 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness — ProPublica

    Intelligence Chair Richard Burr’s selloff came around the time he was receiving daily briefings on the health threat.


    Barr attack on Trump is a carefully staged ruse former Republican leader says

    Ex-party chairman suggests row should not be taken at face value


    Star Trek Picard Patrick Stewart on Why He Returned to the Final Frontier

    Next to an armchair in Patrick Stewart’s living room in Brooklyn sits a small table, and on it a black three-ring binder. The 79-year-old actor leans in and clasps his hands when recounting his upb…


    House Passes Resolution Formalizing Impeachment Inquiry

    The resolution authorizes the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to conduct open hearings and allows the president and his attorneys to cross-examine witnesses.


    Rep Elijah Cummings Democratic leader and regular Trump target dies at 68

    Rep. Elijah Cummings chaired the powerful House Oversight and Reform Committee and helped lead the House impeachment inquiry into President Trump.



    Directed by Brad Anderson. With Lily Rabe, Sam Worthington, Stephen Tobolowsky, Lucy Capri. Driving cross-country, Ray and his wife and daughter stop at a highway rest area where his daughter falls and breaks her arm. After a frantic rush to the hospital and a clash with the check-in nurse, Ray is finally able to get her to a doctor. While the wife and daughter go downstairs for an MRI, Ray, exhausted, passes out in a chair in the lobby. Upon waking up, they have no record or knowledge …


    Tom Holland’s Last-Minute Appeal Helped Seal a ‘Spider-Man’ Deal

    The franchise’s star made multiple appeals to both Disney CEO Bob Iger and Sony film chairman Tom Rothman during negotiations.


    ‘Star Wars’ Shocker Marvel’s Kevin Feige Developing New Movie for Disney Exclusive

    Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy “is pursuing a new era in ‘Star Wars’ storytelling, and knowing what a die-hard fan Kevin is, it made sense for these two extraordinary producers to work on a ‘Star Wars’ film together,” Walt Disney Studios co-chairman Alan Horn tells The Hollywood Reporter.

    absolutely fantastic news, it’s great to hear they’re finally getting serious about who their directors and producers are.


    Sony Says The Door’s Now Closed For Spider-Man In The MCU

    Sony Pictures Chairman and CEO Tony Vinciquerra effectively ends hopes of Spider-Man returning to the MCU by saying the door is closed on the subject.


    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2018-12-14

    Highest Rated This Week

    Nice Try Mueller
    Jessie Vard
    The Thing
    when you call the avengers
    Sabrina Lynn sports bra downblouse
    placebo meme
    Auli'i Cravalho in a wooden corner
    Erik with a K
    It's not even December yet, and the Christmas themed photoshoots have already begun!
    Hayden Panettiere
    Future Shooter
    Battlestar Vertical

    Most Rated This Week

    Nice Try Mueller
    Jessie Vard
    placebo meme
    Aquaman water wallpaper
    The Thing
    Erik with a K
    when you call the avengers
    It's not even December yet, and the Christmas themed photoshoots have already begun!
    Sabrina Lynn sports bra downblouse
    Hayden Panettiere
    Auli'i Cravalho in a wooden corner
    Batman watching the sunrise

    Top Submitters This Week

    Most Favorited Posts This Week

    Battlestar Vertical
    Reaching Past the event horizon
    Falling Astronaut
    Blade Runner Vertical
    The Thing

    Top Commented Posts This Week

    2018 my[confined]space year in review
    It's not even December yet, and the Christmas themed photoshoots have already begun!
    Maya Rudolph's angry smile
    Future Shooter
    stupid looking millenials
    placebo meme
    Batman watching the sunrise
    Lucy Griffiths in a castle
    California gives final approval to code requiring solar on new homes
    clever solution to a problem that shouldn't exist
    you're broke but still gotta buy christmas gifts
    Tru Gaming Chair

    Users With Most Comments This Week

    Top Viewed Posts Today

    Wavy road in Chongqing China Kalinka Fox  nude tracer Jessie Vard Milana Vayntrub – Cadillac celebrates The 89th Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles 2018 my[confined]space year in reviewKISS Saves Christmas – 1979 Future Shooter Wooly earth from space – vertical wallpaper Love Land, South Korea It’s not even December yet, and the Christmas themed photoshoots have already begun!

    I think I need to mask the nesfw stuff on this list too.

    Also, It’d be cool to have a “cool comments from the last week” section too.

    Comic Review for week of August 15th 2018

    •  Comic Review for week of August 15th, 2018
      Dark Horse Comics HALO: COLLATERAL DAMAGE #3
      My comic shop neglected to pull this for me ?


    •  Comic Review for week of August 15th, 2018
      Story felt rushed and out of place, but it’s a good issue to start with, they even have a “previously on” and “who you need to know about” at the start of the issue.


    •  Comic Review for week of August 15th, 2018
      I somehow missed the first issue of this, but I’m assuming that Broccoli is up to something nefarious, but there wasn’t much nefarious stuff going on here, just a standard shuttlecraft ride from the Enterprise to the surface of the planet.  Spoilers: it sorts crashes, much to no one’s surprise.


    •  Comic Review for week of August 15th, 2018
      Photo realistic comic art is unnerving when it comes to actors you know doing stuff you’ve never seen them do before, like Woody Harrelson fighting a giant tentacle monster.


    •  Comic Review for week of August 15th, 2018

      Another issue of Poe Dameron in which Poe is sitting in a chair the entire time watching a Holo of other people doing exciting things. At this point the story is feeling over extended and should have been wrapped up in a single issue, but that’s not the way Marvel nor LucasArts works.

    House of Wax 2007 review

    51BWKTJK85L House of Wax (2007)

    A group of friends on their way to a college football game falls prey toa pair of murderous brothers in an abandoned small town. The friends discover that the psychotic siblings have expanded the area’s main attraction–the House of Wax–and created an entire town filled with the wax-coated corpses of unlucky visitors. Now the group must find a wayout before its members also become permanent exhibits in the House of Wax. Remake of the Warner Bros. horror classic, which was the first release of a 3-D film by a major studio.

    I often wonder what kind of crack the Amazon synopsis writers are smoking. Other than a very basic premise (dead people covered in wax) there is absolutely nothing about this film to tie it back to the original (and much better) 1953 version. There’s so many damn spoilers in the synopsis as well, the whole town being made of wax was a huge twist, one that I somewhat appreciated, though to be honest, this film was not for me. It started out as a campy ‘friends on a trip’ movie that slowly morphed into a suspenseful horror film that made a sudden turn into torture pornography with some absolutely horrid things happening to everyone involved. I stay away from movies like the Saw franchise because I know what they’re about, and that ain’t for me.

    A couple notes though from my watching, there’s spoilers here, because honestly, F this movie:

    • I think I had that same highchair. Mine didn’t have arm and foot straps though, just the metal bars on the side.
    • that’s Paris Hilton….and she’s the best actor here so far? wtf.
    • disturbed soundtrack does not fit for the gentle car ride they’re taking in that scene.
    • the guy that’s throwing all the animal bodies around reminds me of tucker or dale
    • is that one of the brothers from Supernatural? Why yes it is. Looks like he beat his on screen brother to the movies by a couple years.
    • sleeping in to 2:30pm while sleeping in tents? bullshit, I have never once slept in that long in a TENT.
    • entire house is actually made of wax?  does it not get over 80 degrees in that town at all?

    RNC fundraiser resigns after report of $1.6 million Playmate payoff

    GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy has stepped down as Republican National Committee deputy finance chair.


    Sumo 15th Anniversary

    Sumo Lounge is hitting their 15th Anniversary (they’re been around longer than MCS!) and they’ve been incredibly kind to me over the years, sending bean bags, chairs, and even a novel inflatable beach chair thing that made me feel weird to sit in and even weirder to attempt to get out of. As part of their Anniversary celebration, a good bit of their stock is on sale and they offered to send me yet another Sumo Sultan, this would be the second one that they’ve sent in the last 10 years, the first is sitting at home in my home office.

    I’ve taken this latest one in to my day job where I sit in a cubical all day long wishing I was a bird or even a lizard or something, anything that didn’t live in a pen for most of the daylight hours, and asked my fellow cubical zombies to give me their opinions on the new piece of furniture.

    Edited to Add: I published this piece too quickly, here’s some comments from my cubical buddies:

    “Don’t you have a job to do?”

    “Yeah I sat in it during our planning meeting, I loved it!”

    “Get away from my desk please.”

    So there you have it, everyone loved the bean bag and everyone loves me too!

    I took some pictures, here’s two of them:

    That’s a 45 inch tv in the background and a normalish sized couch in front of it.  I simply cannot overstate how large the bean bag is!

    Report Viacom And CBS Considering ReMerging

    cbsviacom head Report: Viacom And CBS Considering Re Merging

    According to a new report in The Wrap, Viacom Corporation (parent company of Paramount Pictures) and CBS Corporation are considering merging. According to the report, Shari Redstone, who is vice-chairwoman of both companies and president of National Amusements, which holds stakes in both, is “pursuing a merger.”


    This would be of particular note to Star Trek book fans, as you may note from the sidebar, the future releases of new fictional books is looking spares with only three books announced for 2018 so far:

    Normally by this time we’d know of at least twelve full length novels.  Perhaps this is why there’s nothing new announced?

    from www.startrekbookclub.com/4499/report-viacom-and-cbs-considering-re-merging/

    AeonFlux review

    A1wddRHdQOL. SL1500 808x1024 AeonFlux

    Aeon Flux is a mysterious assassin working for the Monicans, a group of rebels trying to overthrow the government. When she is a sent on a mission to kill the Chairman, a whole new mystery is found.

    Charlize Theron in science fiction? Yes Please!

    I had forgotten how well done this movie was, but it’s free on Amazon Prime and my wife mentioned it to me sometime in the last week, so here I am, watching it again.

    Production Has Begun!

    A tease of the new uniforms and a quick shot of the captain’s chair, this video is announcing that production has officially begun on the new series. Check out that awesome set they’ve built!

    from www.startrekbookclub.com/4333/production-has-begun/

    The Girl With All the Gifts review

    41i6Sz7m0L The Girl With All the Gifts

    Melanie is a very special girl. Dr Caldwell calls her “our little genius.”

    Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant keeps his gun pointing at her while two of his people strap her into the wheelchair. She thinks they don’t like her. She jokes that she won’t bite, but they don’t laugh.

    They don’t laugh because she’s a zombie, I just saved you an entire chapter of the book!

    This was a quick book to read over the holiday and I wasn’t especially wowed by any particular thing, it felt like a cross of a play through Last of Us with one of the more recent Romaro movies with none of the witty storylines that both of those franchises encompass.

    Quick to read, can’t really recommend it, but from what I’ve read about the book online, the book story was written separately / at the same time the script development was taking place for the movie of the same name that’s coming out soon.  Hopefully the movie goes in a better direction than the book did.



    George Takei wrote an essay on the internment of his family during WW2

     Children in the Manzanar internment camp in California. (AP/National Park Service)

    There is dangerous talk these days by those who have the ear of some at the highest levels of government. Earlier this week, Carl Higbie, an outspoken Trump surrogate and co-chair of Great America PAC, gave an interview with Megyn Kelly of Fox News. They were discussing the notion of a national Muslim registry, a controversial part of the Trump administration’s national security plans, when Higbie dropped a bombshell: “We did it during World War II with Japanese, which, you know, call it what you will,” he said. Was he really citing the Japanese American internment, Kelly wanted to know, as grounds for treating Muslims the same way today? Higbie responded that he wasn’t saying we should return to putting people in camps. But then he added, “There is precedent for it.”

    The Washington Post has the full essay. I’m horrified that this is something we legitimately have to be concerned about.