Big Boom!
A rather impressive picture (painted? Real? who knows!) of a nukleur blast. (as GW would say)
Gir 404 Error Screen
Tags:Comic Books, Movies, Television
This came from a fark thread about customizing and tweaking firefox (which everyone should have, if you don’t get it now)
“Server not found
Firefox can’t find the server at
Check the address for typing errors such as instead of worldwideweb dot example dot com instead of
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection for loose wires, shorts, or potential fire hazards.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that firefox is premitted to access the Web, you naughty person you.
Sometimes the computer just doesn’t feel like loading the page. Talk to it gently, and only use the threat of physical force as a last resort.
Use of actualy force may violate your warranty.
>>Try, Try Again
The Super Savior!
Did someone say beefy? It’s Christ on the cross all buffed up and meaty. Look at those abs! I could iron a shirt on them! OMG the savior is hawt.
Pictures from the UK’s explosion
Ok, on a not so funny note, but incredibly interesting (morbid I guess) here’s some picture’s I’ve found of the petrol storage station in the UK that went nova:
Batmobile’s lost it’s wheel!
Ok, for those of you who are scratching your heads, this is to the tune of “Jingle Bells”:
Jingle Bells,
Batman Smells,
Robin Laid an egg!
The Batmobile’s lost it’s wheel,
And the Joker got away…
Should be the last from the fine folks at Threadless
Vader’s Shrubs
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Movies, Star Wars
From the fine folks over at Threadless
Mmm! Mmm! That’s some good poopin!
Mmm Mmm!
That’s Some GOOD Poopin’!
From (one of the world’s greatest webcomics ever!) He’s selling this as a poster for 12 bucks. I just ordered 1 for my own apartment, and so should YOU!
Real Life Warning Sticker
You are about to leave this place of safety, and venture into the world that lies beyond this door. You are going into a world of liars, hypocrites, murderes and thieves; of people who don’t care who you are, what you think or why you’re here. You are going to fight for your life when you open this door; with morons and sycophants, tin dictators, and heels, political vampires and religious fanatics. Beyond this oasis of dignity and strength lies the insanity of the uncaring, the foolish arrogance of youth and the dreadful waste of the aged. Ninety nine percent of the people you meet out there will act like fools and morons in your presence; like mindless, heartless hulks of animated protoplam whose only concern and singular goal is to destroy you. Once Outside, they will wrest your self respect from you, rip out your soul and tear your dreams to shreads. They will laugh at your opinions, gloat over your shortcomings, and delight in your destruction. Out there is misery, sorrow and sickness to awesome and frightening to be understood, too horrible to be imagined.
Have A Nice Day!
The Dry Drunk

“The Dry Drunk: Starring George W. Bush and Jim Beam”Some men are more dangerous AFTER they stop Drinking.
From the good ol’ boys over at
The Waaambulance!
Hello, Whine-One-One? I need a WHAAAMBULANCE dispatched to my location IMMEDIATELY!
Fox News Watchers

“Mommy, why do 80% of FOX “news” watchers think that Iraq had anything to do with Sepember 11?”
“Because they’re f*cking stupid, Honey.”
Lemme be clear in that I’m not much of an advocate of ANY particular Privately owned news company. They all have agendas, and they’re all equally incompetent, it’s just amazing how blazingly obvious who watches Fox…/sigh
from the great guys over at
The office of president represents…
“The office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
–H.L. Mencken (all hail wikipedia)
Be Nice To America!
“Be nice to America, or we’ll bring democracy to your country.”
From the guys over at (direct link)
Two more “Demotivators” from
Ok, last ones here, if you want to see the rest of them just go over to and check em out for yourself.
Sacrifice: All We ask here is that you give us your heart.
Mistakes: It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.
Spaceship Lego Goodness!
Tags:Comic Books, Fantasy - Science Fiction, LEGO, Military, Space
I’m not sure what show this particular ship is from, but I would bet it’s a space anime type show. I was just really damn impressed with the beauty of it, seeing that I love both space ships and lego!
Anyone know what show it’s from?
Puppy Pushers!
Look! It’s cute little puppies pushing a cute little kid up from the ground! Any sweeter and there would be a health warning on this post 😉
Look at the red lines…are they straigtht?
Take a good look at the red lines in the center of the image. Do they look straight to you?
Motivation Poster
If a pretty poster and a cute saying are all it takes to motivate you, you probably have a very easy job. The kind robots will be doing soon.
from the glorious Think Geek
An Oldie But A Goodie!
“Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics:
Even if you win, you’re still retarded.”
Man, this picture has been around forever, but here it is, in it’s glorious…glory. Right. Back to the coffee for me.
Times Square BillBoard

Democracy is best taught by example, not by war.
Anyone know what URL is posted in the upper right hand corner? I’d love to link to them…
Looks like it’s from Thanks Lori!
He’s the ring bearer!
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Movies

One Ring to control them all!
Holy Bible Warning Sticker

WARNING: This is a work of fiction. DO NOT take it literally.
CONTENT ADVISORY: Contains verses descriptive or advocating suicide, incest, bestiality, sadomasochism, sexual activity in a violent context, murder, morbid violence, use of drugs or alcohol, homosexuality, voyeurism, revenge, undermining of authority figures, lawlessness, and human rights violations and atrocities.
EXPOSURE WARNING: Exposure to contents for extended periods of time or during formative years in children may cause delusions, hallucianations, decreased cognitive and objective reasoning abilites, and, in extreme cases, pathological disorders, hatred, bigotry, and violence including, but not limited to fanaticism, murder and genocide.