Raining Men
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Red Dragon
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
Mythbusters- Help Me Adam!
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Television, WTF
God I love this show.
Porkchop Sandwiches
Tags:Humor, Television, WTF
Millennium Falcon Map
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
Just in case you ever need to get lost when you’re onboard
Revolutionaries Motivational Poster
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Politics
Oh Noes! Goldfish
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
Star Wars Generational Poster
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
So, Carrie Fisher or Natalie Portman?
Shatner And Girls
Tags:Television, William Shatner
Admiral Adama Motivational Poster
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Motivational Posters, Sexy, Television
Manly enough to make me consider homosexuallity
It’s Raining Moose
From a livejournal community:
They were laying new power cables which were strung on the ground for miles. The moose are rutting right now and very agitated. He was thrashing around and got his antlers stuck in the cables. When the men (miles away) began pulling the lines up with their big equipment, the moose went up with them. They noticed excess tension in the lines and went searching for the problem. He was still alive when they lowered him to the ground. He was a huge 60 inch bull and slightly peeved!
Topless McGyver
Tags:Humor, Television
Owl Snowprint Redux
Remember that Owl Snowprint post?
sent these in, with comments:
Marks left in snow after a hawk killed a rabbit. I saw this happen with my own eyes… the hawk probably had a 36″-40″ wingspan, and the hare weighed about 5-6 pounds. This was the scene of the kill; note the tufts of fur, blood, and large area of struggle.
All that was left of the hare after the hawk had its fill.
After the hawk killed the hare, it flew about 20′ with it, and dropped it here. Then it dragged the carcas about 20′ into the woods, where it proceded to eat.
So, based on these scientifically proven to be true photos, I recant my statement on the previous post, and now think it was a bird of indeterminate origins landing on the ground to play scrabble with the lil woodchucks of the forest. Cause everyone loves woodchucks.
Maggie Q
Tags:Movies, Sexy
Just watched MI:3, and this girl, plus a red dress equal hotness. Sadly, I can’t find any of the good pictures out there, anyone have good pictures of her in that dress?
Bill Gates & The Hooters Girls
Tags:Computers, Hooters, Humor, Sexy
Guess when you’re a billionaire you can pick whoever you want for your kitchen staff. Yum!
Doggy Disaster
Tags:Humor, WTF
Kinda like those kids from a while back, eh?
Nursing Home ORGY
Tags:Humor, WTF
Grampa, NOooooooooo!
Server Room Disaster
Tags:Computers, WTF
So, when one line goes dead, do you bother tracking it down and pulling it out? Or just throw another hub on top of the pile, and walk away?
Admiral Locke
Was this a real Star Trek TNG Episode?
Supreme Commander Screenshot
There’s apparently a sequal to the kick ass “total annihilation” called “Supreme Commander“
Clerics Poster
Tags:Gaming, Humor
Just because they heal you…doesn’t mean they like you.
Do Not Feed The Zombies
Tags:Humor, WTF
Large enough to make for reals.
I’m Poopin!
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Erick Charles Nielson Stand Up
What says you MCS? He was/is one of the advertisers on MCS, I got paid 2 cents!
Kernal32 has become popcorn32
Tags:Computers, Humor, WTF
Satanic Last Supper
Tags:Humor, Religion, WTF
This makes me lol for some reason!
Welcome to “Nobody Cares” Populations: 6.5 billion
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor
Stewart / Cobert Presidential Ticket
Tags:Humor, Politics, Television
Ok, you’re options are:
Which would you pick, and why?
Warcraft: You Are Not Prepared!
Tags:Forum Fodder, Gaming, Humor
Where the hell is this from? If you’ve seen the trailer for the new Warcraft Expansion / Extortion pack, you’ll lol at this.
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Television, WTF
Get it? It’s a “Mr. T Mobile”.
Your Head Aslode
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Welcome to COBRA
Tags:Humor, Military, Television
Welcome to the exciting world of COBRA
I always wondered how COBRA was able to recruit so many lackeys. Did they get good health benefits with that job?
1337 Eye Chart
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Cylon: Replaced by CGI, Please Help!
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Television