Puppy Fries
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Bill Clinton – I’m With Stupid
Barack Obama High Resolution Picture
How can a black man live in a white house? it hurts my brain to think about it!
This Man Shit In My Kitchen
Ladies of Williamsburg, BEWARE!!! This man shit on the floor of my kitchen on October 6th, 2006 and then peaced. He might strike again. Approach with caution.
Yeah, wow, ok. WTF?
Is it just me, or should you not suggest that your customers are too poor to live in a building? Yeah, I’ve known a couple people that have lived out of their cars. They don’t exactly brag about it though. Bad move Nissan.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
So I just watched 7 seasons straight of Buffy, and by golly, I’ll tell you something. I missed out by not watching this sooner. I’m now a weadonite, due to BtvS and Firefly.
Now I start on Angel. And then I watch Firefly again. And then I start Buffy again 😉
Microsoft Windows Vista DO NOT WANT
Tags:Computers, Forum Fodder, Humor
Atheists Demotivational Poster
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Religion
Stop kicking it! Just Go Around!
Tags:Humor, Military, Politics, WTF
Stupid soldier, lol
Original Star Wars Trilogy Posters
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
I loved these posters. I love them so much I bought the first one, framed it, and hung it above my computer.
This is what I loved about Star Wars, the feeling that it was a well lived in universe with interesting characters. And that’s what I missed about the prequels…
Halp A Kitty
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
But seriously. I love those chairs, cause they’re so comfortable, but I can never get out of them.
Don’t Worry I’m From Tech Support
Tags:Computers, Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
Pretentious Panda
I say, they seem to be letting ALL KINDS of riff-raff onto the internet these days!
Creationism Motivational Poster
There are indications that the world is not as old as we are told, For instance, at the bottom of the world is says made in china, it is also made from a form of plastic rubber which was not around until 1943
Darth Vader Went Down To Georgia
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Movies, WTF
Russian War Machine Tank
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Military
I demand explanations.
I will safely and effectively remove your penis
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Movies, Sexy, WTF
Surprise Buttsex
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, Motivational Posters
The best unexpected thing you never knew you needed
Map of The Star Wars Universe
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
Jedi Mr T
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Movies