You’ve Not Seen The Last Of Me!
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Nature, WTF
Puncuation is Everything!
An english professor wrote the words:“A woman without her man is nothing”on the chalk board ans asked his students to punctuate it correctly.All of the males in the class wrote:“A Woman, without her man, is nothing.”All the females in the class wrote:“A woman: without her, man is nothing.”Punctuation is powerful.
via bits & pieces
Spider-Ham and the Marvel Comics Civil War Money Maker
I’m pretty sure this is a cover to a comic, but for the life of me, I can’t muster up the effort to care enough to research it.
House – Do Want
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Television
Masterbation motivation poster
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Motivational Posters
Every time you masterbate God kills a Kitten… thats why we cannot love kittens.
Christian Logic
This is part of Psalms 111:10. It is not taken out of context or anything.
God loves you, and at the same time wants you to FEAR him, or else he’ll cast you into the pits of Hell? What kind of dysfunctional logic is this?
Seriously, does anyone know what in the hell is this?I find it rather disturbing.
Makes me think of the goatse guy… Ugh.
The hole left by the Dark Ages.
So i hear this might be a controversial topic.
And yes, I would like to live on Mars by now!
Not This Shit Again Kitty
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
Lady Bug
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Nature
Fox News: How often co you think about touching other people’s private parts?
Seriously? Like every day. Hourly. I wake up with that thought.
Warhammer 40k Inquisitor
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Warhammer 40k
Panda Photographer
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, WTF
Yeah, so wtf is going on here?
Big Bullet Ammo Feed
feels like a repost, but those bullets make me all excited ‘down there’ so here they are. Again. (maybe)
Cast Magic Missile
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
Dedicated Server Problems
Those of you that were trying to access the site over the weekend might have noticed that there were a few minor problems. mainly that the entire site was unaccessible, and even when you did connect it was slow as fuck. This was a dedicated server from WestHost. After three days of their incompetent tech support bumbling about, I figured that enough was enough and moved everything back to hurricane electric.
So here we are, back where we started, but at least you can get to the site, right?
Deja Vu Nintendo Game
I played this game for days upon days, and never got further then out of the building you wake up in. And then I died, or had no clue on where to go… I think I’m going to go get the ROM for it, and get a cheatsheet, and beat it for good, just to satisfy my inner child.
Tom Brown Is Goofy As Fuck
from Jezebel (click through to see how much of a douche this guy really is)
Monkey Baby Bubble Bath
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Dog In Boots
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Puss in boots ain’t got shit on him!
Abstract Leafs
Aren’t these seed pods of some kind? I vaguely remember a Disney wildlife special about seeds that fall with these things on them.
Melted Keyboard
This is what happens when you break the sound barrier of typing speed. I’ve gone through three different keyboards this way!
Do Turtles Eat Watermellon?
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, WTF
The photographic proof says YES!
Beware of Dog
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
that’s a cat!
Homeless and Jobless Robot
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor
Will Process Data For Energy
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Movies
Puppy In A Pail
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder
Baby Gator On Mom’s Head
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, Nature
Gator or Croc?