Ready to have a liquor party
at first, I was like whoa.
then I noticed they have no Jack Daniels.
so I cried a little bit.
Poopin Cat
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
False Alarm!
Ubuntu Wallpaper
So I tried Ubuntu the other day on one of my old Dell machines. Took too long to load, and was confusing as shit when I finally got it loaded up. Why can’t anyone make a Linix distro that doesn’t: 1.) look like shit, 2.) run like shit 3.) be all confusing and shit?
Seriously! I was trying to find the other hard drive on my system (which has all my mp3s and uh…adult motivational movies) and I ended up on my third desktop. What’s a third desktop? I have no clue. Why is it there? no idea! There was little heard from the OS though, it just sat there and ‘tut tut’ed at me as if I should just KNOW. Why in the world were there no help systems?
Cosplayer Burnination
I Need About Tree Fiddy
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Windows Vista
Tags:Computers, Humor, WTF
“If you don’t buy Windows Vista, we’ll kill this dog.”
Keira Knightley Wallpapers
Tags:Keira Knightley, Sexy, Wallpaper
Sonic And Knucles Wallpaper
This game is what killed the Sega Genesis for me. I guess I got to the age, and experienced enough side scrollers to realize that they really only end in one thing: MADNESS. Or bunnies jumping out of robots made by a giant egg man.
Or are those the same things?
Gemma Atkinson Sexy Wallpaper
Cooldent Poison Toothpaste
Seriously. Why would you purchase such an item? Is Colgate too much for your pocket book?
Stan Lee – Hero or Zero?
The man’s a legend in the comic book industry, but is it a legend of awesomeness or bastardness?
Google High Resolution Logo Wallpaper
So has google crossed the line into the dark side yet? When do they change their motto from “don’t be evil” to “don’t be completely evil”
Mark my words, in 20 years, we’ll be wondering how microsoft became the good guys in this.
Cthulhu Orange Eyed Wallpaper
Tags:Cthulhu, Fantasy - Science Fiction
WD-40 Lubricant Advertisement
Tags:Advertisements, Humor, XXX
Paris Hilton cruising back to where she belongs
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Gotta love the look on her face.
Beavis And Butthead Politicians
Tags:Humor, Politics, Television, WTF
I’ll tell you what this means, Norm – no size restriction and screw the limit
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Military, WTF
I has a mount
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Gaming, Humor
Transformers Promo Image of Megan Fox
Well at least we’ll have something to look at during the movie.
Here they come, don’t blow my cover
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Rape Your Childhood CCG Card
If this card is played at all, flip a coin.If heads, cry yourself to sleep.
If tails, masterbate furiously.
Oh god, Strawberry, I never knew it could be like this.
Bucket Saga
I for one will kill this cat for the injustice done to Mr. Walrus! He was so happy!
Crazy Scary Monkey
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Nature