Dont think thats the same TacoBell dog.
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, WTF
Microsoft Office Ad in New Zealand
Tags:Advertisements, Computers, Humor, XXX
Read the story here:
Battletech Forest Wallpaper
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Television
Battletech is kinda like Transformers right?
Beast Wars – Cybertron Wallpaper
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Television
80’s Television Awesomeness
Tags:Comic Books, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Television
Transformers, Care Bears, G.I. Joe, He-man, Thunder Cats, Strawberry Shortcake, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ms Pac Man, and the Silver Hawks.
Did I miss anyone?
Transformers – Contructor
Tags:Comic Books, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Television
Transformers – Beast Wars Wallpaper
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Television
Holy Fuckin’ Shit! This Toy is Fucking’ Kickass!
Fucking awesome defense base! FUCK THE BASEBALL GLOVE!
Alchohol Motivational – Thank you Mr. Daniels, Mr Guinness, Senor Tequila
Tags:Alcohol, Humor, Motivational Posters, Sexy
Reality Motivational Poster
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Sexy
No matter how good she looks right now, somebody, somewhere is tired of putting up her shit.
I Has a Herb
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
I has a corm
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder
Married Life…
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, Nature
[lions on top of each other]
Transformers – Bumblebee
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
bah weep granna weep ninni bong!
just got back from teh movie, and if you haven’t seen it, it rivals 300.
NASA/FAA Test Crash of A Boeing 720
Trinity Cosplayer
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, WTF
On a little note, that is ME! That was a few years ago (Halloween 2004) and I was working for the United Way as a tour guide through the Haunted Houses set up all over Westminster College campus. And yes, I’m wearing a corset under my costume, got quite a few looks from the frat boys. Wasn’t bad for a costume made for under $15, I had most of the stuff already 🙂