Pro or Con – Functional Alcoholism
Functional alchoholism is like the fabled tree falling in the woods: if you’re drunk and no one can tell, are you really drunk? Sure you are – and if you’re at work, you’re getting paid for it! Function alcoholism rocks!
Functional alcoholism is the threadbare AstroTurf welcome mat to nonfunctional alchoholism, and anyone who votes “pro” should immediately check him- or herself into a rehabilitation facility.
My Boobies
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Sexy, WTF
Imagine No Religion
Tags:9-11, Humor, Politics, Religion
Lucy Pinder Wallpaper
Cause some people are all uptight and can’t view BOOBIES at work, this is behind a cut. WHOA IS YOU WHO SUBSCRIBE TO THE RSS FEED.
Beyond The Wall Of Sleep
Tags:Cthulhu, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
Great story, shitty movie. Nice wig though!
high resolution sushi pron
i hate this shit, no clue why I keep posting it. maybe cause it’s like when I visit that girl that kicks me in the balls. I keep going back, why do I do this?
Halo Wallpaper by ~r7ll
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Gaming
by ~r7ll who has a beautiful deviant art collection
Television Vampire
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Sexy, Television
someone mentioned a TV show somewhere on MCS, and I did an image search, and now I can’t remember where this chick vampire is from. Ideas?
Choke a bitch?
There had to be a lot of emotions going through Benoit. He knew that was his last choke hold, and to do it on his son! He probably felt sad and proud at the same time.
Ergo Proxy Wallpaper
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, Sexy
Extremely well done anime series. Superior animation that combines traditional and CGI flawlessly. Deep, engaging plot with plenty of action. They also don’t just stand there for five fuckin minutes with their mouths open in surprise going: “Na- Na – Nani?!” (Japanese for ‘what’)
Hackers Movie Poster
Tags:Angelina Jolie, Computers, Movie Posters, Movies, Sexy