Manhood Tea

05-23-08_1355.jpg (107 KB)

I found your manhood… it’s on a shelf in Milwaukee

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  • In japan, toilet piss on you

    1ojxrfxi0izhwwoysmlu.jpg (139 KB)

    It seems to be cold

    Dodge’s Demon Concept

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    Sexy PrOnz

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    wanna see my prOnz?

    Extended Wheelin’

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    Our subject isn’t cool, but he fakes it anyway.

    Talk nerdy to me V.2.0

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    Giggidy gigg-WHAT?!

    Earless Cat

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    I know someone will add a caption.

    Imaginary sunrise on an extra-solar planet

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    Explanation: On planet Gliese 876d, sunrises might be dangerous. Although nobody really knows what conditions are like on this close-in planet orbiting variable red dwarf star Gliese 876, the above artistic illustration gives one impression. With an orbit well inside Mercury and a mass several times that of Earth, Gliese 876d might rotate so slowly that dramatic differences exist between night and day. Gliese 876d is imagined above showing significant volcanism, possibly caused by gravitational tides flexing and internally heating the planet, and possibly more volatile during the day. The rising red dwarf star shows expected stellar magnetic activity which includes dramatic and violent prominences. In the sky above, a hypothetical moon has its thin atmosphere blown away by the red dwarf’s stellar wind. Gliese 876d excites the imagination partly because it is one of the few extrasolar planets known to be close to the habitable zone of its parent star.


    Pennan, Scotland,

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    Must be a bitch at high tide.

    In an Absolut World

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    New Absolut ad campaign.

    More here, including a couple of videos.

    Star Wars Fetish

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    Simply awesome, glow in the dark rubbers? Maybe shes looking for some Deathicle…ok that was bad. Moving on

    Steve McQueen’s Ferrari

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    Not a long time ago this Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso, once owned by Steve McQueen, sold for $2.31 at Christies.


    The Monitor that nobody has!??

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    I have a small request for my fellow MCS members.

    Can anyone help me find this monitor?
    I cant find anyone selling them anymore, My bro bought this monitor 3 years ago (still works too) and I wanted to get one too, but I cant find anyone selling it. He bought it from walmart but they arent carrying them anymore. Cant find it on Ebay. here is the information on the label:

    921Z Manufactured by LG

    Product Code: L1921BN.ALZNEP
    Power: AC 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 1.0A
    Serial No.: 506KGUH15166
    Model No.: L19NB-3
    Manufactured: June 2005
    Factory ID: GG

    Any Ideas?

  • Rebate

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    Niko Bellic

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    Ron Paul

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    very smelly plant

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    This plant grows to a height of about 4 feet. It also smells like decaying flesh. Anyone know it’s proper name?

    1st best use of horns

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    provided you can grow them. This Idaho elk has found the perfect use for those things growing out of the top of his head……..taking care of that pesky itch.


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    Set that temperature!

    A Job Well Done

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    An old power supply I smashed.


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    Snapped this while driving (!) and I wish I could have gotten a better shot, this thing looked incredible! Anyone know what it is? My guess is either power generation or it’s the spindle of an aircraft engine.

    Dungeons & Dragons

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    Roll for initiative!

    Innovative Fencepost

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    21st Century Glasses

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    What about these makes them from the 21st century?

    Jack Daniels

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    Tiki’s almighty god

    americone dream

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    I saw this when I was shopping. I thought it was pretty funny, just because. Although it’s a pretty shitty flavor/combination. Breyer’s made something exactly the same and it tasted like shit.

    Hulk vs. Sentry

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    -vs- Pepsi? Coke rules.


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    No clue what this is about but I liked it.

    Yellow Cab Co.

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    I love HDR!

    Bug, magnified

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    Bugs always look alien when you magnify them.


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    This is my toothbrush holder. As you can see, it is quite happy.

    (the) Batman vs Dracula

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    Found this at Blockbuster, and lol’d

    Vote McCain, you wimp!

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    McCain for president.
    Because one war at a time is for pussies.

    Giant Ant

    Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull Russian Bitch From hell With a Machine Gun


    This girl?  Sucked.  Her accent?  I laughed every time she opened her mouth.  This movie?  Pure shit.  Skip it and retain your image of Indiana Jones as manly man who doesn’t ride bitch to some some fruity fuck who cares more about his hair cut then tomb raiding.

    Ugh.  And he had monkeys help him fight the commies.  Seriously, someone take Lucas’s writing license away.  Comment are obviously going to have a shitload of spoilers for those of us that have suffered through this shitfest.

    Downtown Chicago – fountains

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    taken last Friday night on a gorgeous warm breezy night in Chicago.

    what this doesn’t show is the eight cop cars just up the street, and the parade of bums just to the right of us.

    Tin Man

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    And Now I Have A Heart

    Vietnam Memorial & Jack

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    Tiki died in Vietnam?

    Motorcycle Flight

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    Gigantic Poncho

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