42 Below Honey Vodka
Tags:Advertisements, Alcohol, Humor, Sexy
I made you a cookie…
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder
Site is wonky
the site’s going to be wonky over the next couple days, I’m moving hosts, and apparently all my wordpress themes and plugins were fucked in the transfer. Bare with me while I sort it all out.
[edit: I think I got it all fixed, anyone see anything else I need to fix?]
[edit: fixed the hotlink issue, remotely loaded images should work again, i.e. feedburner.]
Humvee Battle Damage
Someone needs to show these to Rumsfield, so he’ll finally realize why the military needs armor for their vehicles.
President Bush- Holding The Fart In
Space Marines Artwork
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Warhammer 40k
Gotta love me some Space Marines:
Star Trek: Is This Too Gay?
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Television
Wall Computer
Slime Monster Game
I think I vaguely remember this game. If I remember correctly, it fucking rocked.
The kids on the box however look like they’re coked out of their minds…
Mac Cube Tissue Holder
World Of Warcraft Motivational Poster
Tags:Gaming, Humor, Motivational Posters
World of Warcraft
More potent than alchohol, marijuana, cocaine, and three different straings of opium.
Dog Found: Tasted Like Chicken
Male beagle found 11:30 AM on Tuesday, April 20, corner at 14th and Pine. Approximately six months of age. Mostly brown with patches of white and black spots, slightly crooked tail. Blue collar, but no tags. Very friendly.
Tasted like chicken.
Nothing Logo
I remember when Nine Inch Nails was huge in my high school. And then Rezner went to therapy. Luckily, he came out just as fucked up as he went in, only with less drug dependencies.
Metroid Wallpaper
I heard Metroid was a girl? or are the metroids the badguys? I dunno, I’ve never picked up the game, spinning was cool, but sonic did it better I think.
Flirt Vodka
Anyone ever try this vodka before? I think I would like to try it out if it has this kind of effect.