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  • Lunch With Jesus

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    This was the cheaper Ghostbusters by Filmations. Eddie, Jake and their pet gorilla Tracy track down and eliminate ghosts with the help of a few supernatural sidekicks. This is an animated remake of the live-action series, “The Ghost Busters” (1975), and is in no way related to the more well-known film “Ghostbusters” (1984). It was however still alot better than Extreme Ghostbusters.


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    Thsi is from some rest stop diner where my girl and I stopped for fodo on our way to St. Louis, MO. I had no idea you could get a fried cheesed patty on top of a burger. She had a chicken wrap.

    Pikachu DS

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    I want one.

    Bacardi LOL

    Secure Water Jug

    Water man


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    Me holding an MP5K. The ‘F’ on the selector stands for ‘Fun’.

    We will Defeat the Scilons, So Say We All!

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    Anon shoops

    Witchblade Movie Poster

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    Ever notice how a hot girl you just can’t fight the forces of evil while clothed?

  • Penguins on the net

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    I found this on the BBC website. IT was from soem guy who had gone to Living Coasts ( where they have free roaming penguins.

    Glock 26

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    Very concealable, but with the standard mag your pinkie can’t wrap around the handle. Just dangles there, can’t get a good grip. Now, with a 30 round magazine that problem is averted. (but you might have a harder time finding a place to conceal it 🙂

    This is a picture of me holding one from our armory.

    Did You Know

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    What did you have for dinner tonight?

    Open thread, cause I’m bored and (SURPRISE!) drunk.

    I had left over pizza. And then my kinda hot (but married) neighbor came over and asked if I had a jack. I said yes, but not the kind of jack she would need 😉

    Man vs. Kangaroo

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    Best Obama BILLBOARD Ad

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    Halle Berry’s tits!

    Carina Nebula

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    Teddy Roosevelt and Mr. Muir

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    U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (left) and nature preservationist John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, stand together on Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park. In the background can be seen Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls. During this trip in 1903, Muir convinced Roosevelt to add Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove to the park, which had been established in 1890.

    Hailmary for President

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    But apparently not day -200.

    I’ve played so much guitar..

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    “I’ve played so much guitar it’d make your ass hurt.”
    -The Late Guitar Gabriel Music Maker Beneficiary

    Frogconcept A Digital Escape

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    A really cool concept of a device made for the post apocalyptic world.

    Theme Day is Collection

    The next Theme Day is collections.  There’s been enough submitted to make the day interesting, but as always, I’d like to flood the site with pictures.  Kindly submit your own and they will be posted on the 1st!  Click through to the forums to ask questions.


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    Fail Meter

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    Providence RI loves the fail.

    We Will defeat the cylons! So say we all!

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    We will defeat the cylons. So say we all!

    Dream House With Armory

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    text: The 1,600 Sq. Ft. Vault / Gun room is located under this 1860s Manor House.

    I bet tiki wishes that MCS made enough for him to live like this. (we all do)


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    I wonder if the sky is ever that color when it’s not HDR.

    Steampunk Nerf gun

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    Maverick Rev-6. I was bored so i decided to seampunk my nerf gun. I’m going to add some copper pipes on it and a pressure meter later.

    A Boy and His Dog

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    Just saw this movie. I loved it! What did you think?

    The Minutemen. Oh Yes!

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    A new image from Watchmen, appearing on aintitcool. The reason it looks like Adam West Batman, is (for those that don’t know the comic) this is meant to be the first real supeheroes, with homemade costumes, etc. I love how they’re sticking to the source material so faithfully.

    Kids in the Hall

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    I saw their live touring show the other night. Hilarious shit as expected. I wish Comedy Central would still show reruns of this and MST3K.

    Strawberries in water

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    Jupiter’s 3 spots

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    Jupiter is adding “spots” around it’s equator. The “Great Red Spot” is a storm ~2x the diameter of the Earth.

    Fleet Week 2008 NYC

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    They flew in some helicopters to a Staten Island, NY park during fleet week. Here are some soldiers in training…

    Tasty food

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    Red Dragon

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    A clay project I made in school.


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    If you’ve ever wondered what airline agents do between flights, this would be the answer. Sue is in her 50’s but she can still ride circles around most of you punks.


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    This little guy lives near the garden area of the condo. I’m not even sure if he’s an Iguana but the employee’s say that is what he is. Perhaps I missed a bit in the translation.