Shuttle Launch, As Seen From ISS
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
These come from Warren Ellis‘ blog, and were cool enough that I wanted to share them with the WORLD.
WarHammer Green Titan
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Warhammer 40k

Welloiled Robot
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, WTF

Hive World
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Warhammer 40k

Artist: Kari Christensen (
One of the many hive worlds in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
Uncle Sam Wants You!
Tags:Humor, Politics, uncle sam

Unleash The Fucking Fury
Tags:Computers, Forum Fodder, Humor

Japanese Frog
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF

I Saw A Turtle
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, WTF

Thousand Sons Dreadnaught

Artist: Kari Christensen (
A Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marines Dreadnaught from Warhammer 40,000.
Halo Artwork
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Gaming

The Original Cute Axis of Evil
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Politics

Ground Zero Ocean
Tags:Humor, Military, Politics, Religion, WTF

BBC Man On The Street Interview
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Politics, Television

Cthulhu Road Hazard Sign
This picture is HUEG (not huge, ok? ok) so it’s suitable for printing on massive printers
WarHammer Space Marines
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Warhammer 40k
Let’s play “name that chapter”:

Santa Vs Easter Bunny
Tags:Easter, Humor, Religion, WTF, XMas

Oh! Look at lil baby jesus eating up some chocolate!
Lex Luthor At A Truck Diner
Tags:Sexy, Television

Zombie Jesus
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Religion, WTF

I’m so Goth
Tags:Forum Fodder, WTF

Just a test of the emergency broadcast network
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF

Spiritual Safety Tip
Tags:Humor, Religion

What should you do if you find an atheist?
Atheists such as crotchety old Mr. Gruff think they’ve got it all figured out……but then why are they always so sad?
If you find an atheist in your neighborhood.
You may be moved to try and witness to these poor lost souls yourself, however AVOID TALKING TO THEM!
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God’s Word.
Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.
I love how they make it out that atheists are grumpy baby eaters that would corrupt your soul with the slightest contact. “advanced witnessing techniques” indeed.
Is this too gay?
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Movies, Television

You Have Angered The Gazebo
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF

Nice Street Sign
While you are reading this there is a man in one of the windows high above you who is taking your photograph. He will then make a wee model of you and put it with other wee models of other people then he plays weird games with them.
You’re Doing It Wrong: Bagdad Edition

42 Below Honey Vodka
Tags:Advertisements, Alcohol, Humor, Sexy

I made you a cookie…
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder

Site is wonky
the site’s going to be wonky over the next couple days, I’m moving hosts, and apparently all my wordpress themes and plugins were fucked in the transfer. Bare with me while I sort it all out.
[edit: I think I got it all fixed, anyone see anything else I need to fix?]
[edit: fixed the hotlink issue, remotely loaded images should work again, i.e. feedburner.]
Humvee Battle Damage
Someone needs to show these to Rumsfield, so he’ll finally realize why the military needs armor for their vehicles.
President Bush- Holding The Fart In