Kero’s Submission

Mcsbanner.PNG (10 KB)

My MCS banner competition submission.

Remove all ads for just $2 a month!
  • MCS Banner Contest

    Untitled-25645.PNG (28 KB)

    My photoshop skills are lacking, verily.

    To Start

    grey-tones.gif (15 KB)

    grey-tones-2.gif (15 KB)

    stfu.gif (14 KB)

    tits-or-gtfo.gif (16 KB)

    I don’t know if we’re matching the current theme or redesigning the logo entirely or what.. so, um.. here.

    Old School Flavor

    oh shit, I remember when I was young and black!

    no wait…

    Sexy Teacher

    Acquire the Whole Amount! banner

    acquire_whole_amount.png (13 KB)

    My submission for the MCS Banner contest.
    The dark “my [confined] space” text shamelessly ripped off of Tiki’s submission, with “Acquire the whole amount!” underneath it in Futurama Bold Font.

    MCS contest

    This contest will run till there is at least 50 entries. MCS needs to advertise. The site’s been stagnant at around 70,000 page views a month. I’d love to see that over 100,000 page views, so I’ve decided to advertise on sites like and The only problem is that they ask me for my advertising banners or witty text. Since, I’m a leech of the internet and have no original ideas of my own, I figured I would ask for the users of MCS to make some adverts for the site.

    Submissions: Click here. Be sure to select the current contest category when you hit submit!
    Requirements: a banner 400×75 that is funny and ranked in the top 3
    1st: 50 bucks via paypal
    2nd: 25 bucks via paypal
    3rd: a sexy letter via gmail.

    A Strange Animal


    it’s a painting afaik

    Log House

    A Lion

  • Loading Docks

    orbital debris

    Giant Duck

    Sniper Down Scope

    Thor Vs Iron Man

    I bought this. I enjoyed it.

    Sexy Commie

    Monkey Tail Pull

    First Generation GPS

    Mini Horse

    I shooped the sherrif

    but I did not shoop the deputy!

    Sock Drawer Bandits

    shocklingly happy kid

    Grape Drank

    Pancake Glasses

    Ostrich Police

    obama Gangsta

    Needle Girl

    Sting Ray Migration

    Submarine Museum

    Wet Cat

    White Tiger

    Boner Dollar