Hurricane Season Is Over!

Looks like we made it through the year without any major storms hitting the US!
Have a fun night tonight kiddies, 2007 is going to be an interesting year
Broken Bridge

Looks like the bridge in Pensacola after one of the most recent hurricanes came rolling through.
News Years Eve Yard Sale
Tags:Alcohol, Happy New Year, Humor
This is what my fraternity house used to look like after a party. We could finance our next party with the recycling returns, lol.
Miss Texas, Miss New Jersey Miss United States And Miss Nebraska
Neverending Story
Tags:Movies, the neverending story
I loved this movie when it came out, although the Nothing scared the fucking shit out of me. I still love it, in fact!
Gnome Fondler
Tags:Forum Fodder, Gaming, Humor, WTF

Oye, I play a gnome in WoW too, better keep an eye out for this dude.
Admiral Monkey
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, WTF

Anyone know anything about this cute lil fella?
Pink Hummer H2
Why would someone do this to their car? Not that the H2’s look good to begin with, I personally think they’re dumb looking, but still. Pink? It’s like the Hello Kitty version of it or something.
Big Blue Communications Advertisement
Tags:Advertisements, Forum Fodder, Humor, Sexy

Missile Silo Interior
At first glance, I thought it was inside of a space station (Mir / Skylab), but the guy to the right is obviously in gravity..and there are phones. You don’t have phones on space stations, not yet anyways. I’m guessing it’s the inside of one of those doomsday missile silos that we have floating around the prairies of the mid-west.
Why Wait Till 1955? We Might Not Even Be Alive
A formal gas mask dinner. Kinda reminds me of the Gas Mask Brigade
Baby Safe Haven

Please Leave New Born Baby At
Hospital Emergency Room
Or A Staffed Fire / EMS Station
Or Police Station
No Questions Asked
But Information May Be Given
Thank You
MGLc.119 sec.39/ 1/2
Wow. Just Wow.
Leaning Tower Of HTML Pisa
Tags:Computers, Forum Fodder, Leaning Tower of Pisa

Taco Bell Doggy
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder

Final Fantasy Gun Blade
That there is a gunblade, made famous by Squall of FF8. It’s real purty, dontcha think?
The Life Of A Table Top Gamer
Tags:Forum Fodder, Gaming, Humor, Sexy
Gamers are NSFW :
Jeff Goldblum Is Watching You Poop
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF

Print it out.
Apply to dorm room stall door.
Amount Of Porn You Watch, Compared To Other Activities
Tags:Computers, Humor, XXX

Flirt Vodka Advertisement
Tags:Advertisements, Forum Fodder, Humor, Sexy

Ouch. Ouch Ouch OUCH.
Marine Corps Helicoptor Camouflage
Tags:Humor, Military, Sexy

Bic Razor Advertisement
Tags:Advertisements, Humor

Gay Rainbows
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Politics, Religion

Why did the gays have to ruin the rainbow for everybody else?
Stop: In The Name of Love
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor

Spend A Lot
Tags:Humor, Politics, XMas

Best Christmas Wishes
Redneck Christmas Deer
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, XMas
Maury Christmas
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, XMas

Pot X-Mas Tree
Tags:Drugs, Forum Fodder, XMas
Japanese Passion Of The Christ DVD Release Advert
Tags:Easter, Humor, Religion