Hooray BEER!

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My empty Red Stripe collection I started yesterday. You can see in the lower left of the frame, I’ve started contributing today as well.

Incidentally, it won’t let me select any other topic but Politics, so this is my revolution.

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  • Lots of Booze

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    In b4 comments about it being tiki’s house, it’s actually some relatives of mine and they are such assholes. It’s a pity.

    Flashlight Collection

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    I know I have more somewhere….

    Theme day: Collections – Namelis1’s bootleg pc games collection.

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    Pic1: Overview of the box: Dug this box up from the closet just for the MCS crowd! I reckon its about a 250 games or so. Alot of them in simple burned CD’s in the Pie-stacks, or slim cases.

    Pic2: Most of the cd’s were incredibly low quality crap shipped from Russia/Asia to Lithuania. Most of the games promised a Russian and English version. It was incredibly frustrating to get a Russian only game. Also from my Russian speaking friends I heard that the games were translated into pidgin-Russian gibberish from time to time.

    Pic3: A closeup of some of the jewel cased titles.

    Pic4: We used to get quite a kick from these.
    In the picture, there is a Protos alien from Starcraft. However the game is Colobot(really cool one though).

    Pic5: Found a few Sega Mega Drive 3 (known as Genesis to the US) Cartridges. Old times. I had about 30 of these, but lost/gave away most.

    P.s. sorry for the blinding flash-back’s, but my camera thinks that a well lit room is total darkness.

    Touch Up Paint Collection

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    I am a journeyman auto painter. I am an artist with these things.

    Hammer Collection

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    I have more of them in my truck at work.

    Bacon Man

    Pin head?

    Unfortunate Clown

    Shark Rodeo Rider

    Menthol Cigarettes

    It’s funny, cause I used to smoke newports back when I was in college

    Lena Katina

  • mechanic Kittah

    Seize the Opportunity

    Because by the time they make that u-turn you’ll be going over 160 mph

    Kristin Bell – Undies

    Pin The Molotov

    Daft Punk

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    The Military Sucks

    Baby’s Perfect View

    Chubby Pole Dancer

    Moped Riding Dog

    Smart Cars

    Hall Monitors

    Thora Birch – Yellow Top

    Hamburger Cake