Pluto Ain’t No Astroid (but it’s about time it isn’t a planet)
Ok, so I lost a word from the phrase “my very earnest mother just served us nine pies”, but I’ll get over it. But some people won’t:
I’ve been informed it’s from a rather interesting Worth 1000 contest, but oddly enough, the one that I found off of the livejournal feed doesn’t have the worth1000 watermark…hmmmm…
Bunny Fuckers
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Cause two dude dress up like bunnies fucking each other is awesome:
Aunt May’s Sticky Surprise
Shining Knight
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
YouTube 404 Error
Tags:Computers, Forum Fodder, Humor, Politics
Was browing YouTube a few days ago (to see all that Ghost Riding going on) and I ran into this cute 404 error:
Click the [] unclog button, or try again later.
Make sure that the Web site address displayed in the address bar of your browswer is spelled andn formatted correctly, including all stutters.
What has happened to your personal internet? If your staff sent you internet Friday, you got it yesterday. Why?
The internet is not a big truck; Windows can check your Tube Connection Settings to make sure that your computer is set to put your message into the tubes, and not to dump.
Click the Back Button to try another tube.
Future Security Measures
In the not so far future for air-travel:
At what point do we just say “ok, alright already, the terrorists have won”? Personally, it was the point that they started to search my shoes for explosives. Even if you wear sandles.
Michael Jackson’s Rub N’ Play Transfers
Girl With Big Guns
Another Wolverine Piercing
Remember this? Well here’s another one!
I put this up, and then 20 minutes later was reading boing boing…and it’s up there too!
The Prayer Antenna
First, the picture:
Then a brief description from the website I got the picture from:
The Prayer Antenna is part of a series of Religious Technological Artifacts that I am making. The Antenna receives signals from God (yes, your God). The Antenna currently takes the form of a surplus / thrift-store motor-cycle helmet (or similar) that is ornately ordained and fitted with sufficient technology to receive signals. The helmet bristles like a porcupine with many different antennas. The visor is blacked out. Integrated headphones allow the worshipper to experience the signals. Sufficient controls allow the worshipper to tune the signals. The helmet is mounted to the wall on an ornate arm (at around waist level) and a small kneeling stool is provided (like a prayer kneeler). To use the Antenna the worshipper must kneel on the stool and inset their head into the helmet. The wall and surrounding are painted with a decorative pattern.
And then I saw, wtf?
Dune Wallpaper
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
My current Wallpaper:
The Donald Trump Dog
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor
God The Father Action Figure
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Religion
First, there was the Jesus Christ Action Figure.
Now, I happily present to you God The Father!
“with kalashnikov AK-47
assault rifle
hallowed cloak of invulnerability “
So why does the almighty god need a cloak of invulnerability?
Poor Cockroaches
Yo Yo, fo shizzle my nizzle, I got yo grill rite er Boooooi
Looks like McDonalds is trying too hard again.
Racist Stereotype
Today’s lesson:
Stereotypes are there for a reason
And with that little instructional, I’m hungry for some watermellon!
Care Bear WTF
Breaking News! The new PS3 Controller!
Tags:Forum Fodder, Gaming, Humor
No Fun Being Dead
I have no clue what these were for, but I can imagine that it was for either a anti-drug, anti-drinking, or
anti-depression campain of some sort. Sadly, the url listed on it is a link farm now 🙁
[EDIT] Looks like I was wrong, actually does work.
Everyone’s Pal
You may think she’s your “gal”,
But she may be everyone’s pal.
All women are filthy, lying whores.
Draco Motivational Poster
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Movies