Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Gaming, Humor
LOL I make a webcomic
Tags:Animated Images, Television
Do you know how i know your a star trek geek
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor
That is how i know…
i found that on my way home from band practice, it was on a car. thats just wrong
Happy Birthday To Tiki!
It’s my b-day today, so feel free to swing by the IRC channel and chat me up, or just simply contact me.
OR, buy me something from my wish list! OMGBBQ!
Oh, and also, MCS’s 3 year anniversary is coming up in October. Crazy shit, eh?
AC-130 Gunner Loves Puppies, Hates Tray Stoppages
Tags:Dark Humor, Military, Sexy, WTF
She likes long walks on the beach, men who aren’t afraid to cry and puppies… I love this girl!
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters
When was the last time you saw a ninja with wenches?
Why can’t religious folks keep their retardation to themselves?
Why can’t religious folks keep their retardation to themselves?
Pole Vaulter
Tags:Allison Stokke, Sexy, Sports
OMG so sexy!!
Buying Used Condoms Online
Tags:Advertisements, Humor, WTF
Flawless Victory
So this guy was screwing with a nigerian scammer, saying he worked for a company that was interested but required verification first, in the form of a picture. He sent a model of what the pic should look like:
And in response received this:
He got another picture out of the scammer by saying the company was unable to verify that the picture wasn’t fake, and needed another picture that looked like the following:
And the scammer sent this reply:
Scammers ftl!
Letter to Navy
Dear Sailors,
My girl friend and I were watching a movie about the navy. They killed a bunch of bad guys. Do you get to kill bad guys? My dad killed people when he was a marine. He said navy doesn’t kill people, they just give blow jobs. You are the best navy and I’m sure you do the best blow jobs. Your Friend, Susin
Yoda Origami
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, WTF
Animated Zipper
Tags:Animated Images, WTF, Zipper
Vote Cthulhu
Tags:Cthulhu, Humor, Politics
At least he admits he’s evil!
I Mean It
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor
They always have to touch it.
[tiki says: from, seems like a cool comic, but doesn’t have an RSS feed, so it fails.]