Kid on alligator
Tags:Dark Humor, Forum Fodder, WTF
Hint #27 that your parents didn’t really want you:
Evolution of Britney Spears
What’s sad is that I couldn’t even submit it to the “I’d hit it” contest.
Pyramid head helmet
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Gaming, Movies, Sexy, WTF
I like the original better but one can’t be to picky when the clock is ticking.
sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome i am
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Motivational Posters, Sexy, Television
Plastic Bottles
Depicts two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.
Snake Attack
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Sexy
I don’t know where this is from, but it’s mighty cool.
Riding a Beholder
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Gaming
Just when you thought that Bear Cavalry was bad enough…
Will it take off, R2?
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, Science!, Space, WTF
Andy Woerner and his crazy rocketeer friends have built a 21-foot long X-Wing model that can actually fly.
Yahoo is racist.
Tags:Computers, Forum Fodder, Humor, Racist
The GOP Bus
FYI… the Republican presidential candidates recently refused to hold a debate at a black university.
Lego Falcon
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, LEGO, Space
Lego Millenium Falcon (5,000 pieces)
Darth Vader On Slide
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
NSFW – Dark Elf
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Gaming, Sexy
She’s a bad girl, I’m thinking.
Fall Bunny
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Easter, Nature
Girl with Alien
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, Sexy, WTF
Deadpool Vs Hypocrisy
Tags:Comic Books, Dark Humor, Sad :(, WTF
Fiona’s Boobs
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Sad :(, Sexy, Toys
Is this a threesome in the making? Disney could make a mint!
Halo 3 Legendary Box Official Photos
Tags:Computers, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Gaming
I’m going to buy this just for the box. Kinda like I wanted the Heineken keg can to display, although this is much cooler.
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Drillcat will kill ur family
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, LOLcats, WTF