1950 Sean Connery

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around the same time as his bid for the 1950 Mr Universe competition.

girls read this too, you know… and come on.. its Sean Friggin Connery!

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  • Playboy – Braille Edition

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    Talk about only reading it for the articles.

    Pink Flower ToolSet

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    my mom just bought this toolset to stop me stealing her tools for my skateboard…
    damn that works excellent


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    Gibbs Technologies’ new prototype amphibian Quadbike ATV.
    it can go up to 50mph on land and sea. What does everyone think?

    Jesus Christ, it’s a Lion!

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    Get in the car!

    Kids Day At The Liquor Store

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    Taken by a buddy of mine on his lunch break.
    “Kids, keep staring at the clown. Daddy’s gotta throw down some jeager.

    Dick in a box!

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    She’s certainly happy.

    Batman Wallpapers

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    Want a Utopian Playland?

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    Help Dr Steel become world Emperor!



    Li Wei “Danger Art”

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    Chinese artist Li Wei from Beijing started off his performance series ‘Mirroring’ and later on took off attention with his ‘Falls’ series which shows the artist with his head and chest embedded into the ground. His work is a mixture of performance art and photography that creates illusions of a sometimes dangerous reality. Li Wei states that these images are not computer montages and works with the help of props such as mirror, metal wires, scaffolding and acrobatics.

    Amber Amputee

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    Who says amputees can’t be sexy?
    Her MySpace profile if you care about that sort of thing.

    Slowest. Nom. Ever.

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    Scary Arms

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    I snapped this when I was in Beijing. I have no idea what the deal is with her arms. Protective gloves?

    Apple Bullet

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    Eric// Robot – Oh shit its a monster! says:
    why is luke in such a bad mood?
    Jess [I’m awesome] says:
    i dunno, im not a mind reader

    Do you want karate?

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    I’m NOT leaving an expensive bike outside!

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    I'm NOT leaving an expensive bike outside!

    I just came across this pic as I was just flipping around and thought it was funny.

    No Humping Allowed

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  • Awesome Sandwich

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    In Love With Oil

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    M&M Revolution

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    Gold Porsche

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    Spotted in Russia… with 40lbs of Gold over the body.



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    Marine World, Vallejo, CA

    It’s fun to watch the faces of mother’s when the Walruses are eating. They’re like “OMG! Should I let my kid see this?” While the kids are cheering and oohing and aahing.

    The Walruses will take in a chunk of fish, chew it up, spit it out and then suck it back in. Mmmm. They often push each other out of the way to get to one another’s chewed up fish. Double mmmmm.

    The little boy does not have the walrus’s bucket.

    Inner Space Caverns, Texas

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    I shot this during a trip I made to Austin for my birthday. There were these super tiny little bats in the caverns that I wish I could have gotten pictures of. They were soooo cute.


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    I want to live there for a year.

    Cloud Ice-Cream

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    Inside You

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    Fatal Attraction

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    Blue Button, Red Button

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    Nazi Olympic Relay

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    Awesome Smiley Cake

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    Milhouse M.D.

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    Old Legends

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    Cute Girl

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    Rashida Jones As Alyx Vance

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    I came up with this idea myself. Awesome match ain’t it.

    Animal Crossing

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    The Bunny

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    Donnie Darko

    The Latino Vote

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    Glory Of Colour

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    Swim The Atlantic

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    Creepy Tree

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    I shall learn you a lesson but good….beeeyotch

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    Made this for a local “business owner” per his request, he happens to be a 400 pound black man, who talks about strangling people (bitches) who get in his way, and sells boot leg movies out of the back of his truck, I’m just glad I got paid to do this and not mugged.

    Mastretta MXT

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    What do you think? Italian? Japanese? No, Mexican.
    2.0litre engine with 240hp and from 0-60 in just under 5secs.
    Top Speed around 150mph. Just over $65,000 and will be in UK around May. No plans to come out in the States.


    Lighthouse in Santa Cruz, CA

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    I’m not sure if this lighthouse is used anymore. It just happens to be at the beach I go to most often.