The Evil Empire
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Television
The real reason the world hated Nazi Germany? They had super cool weapons like an AT-AT.
Batman’s Touched….who?
wtf, I have no idea what comic this came from, but damn. Why did you do it batman? huh? fucking sicko.
Jewel Staite – HOT
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, Sexy
Of the few (million) girls that I would love to meet, date, and eventually marry, she’s in the top 10. hundred. Golly she’s good looking.
Robotic Helper
Tags:Computers, Fantasy - Science Fiction
Straight from Japan, home of the Home Robot Helper! Just give them a couple lasers, some tactical nukes, and let them roam the world, heralding the apocalypse.
Pink Battle Tank
Boing Boing‘s been going on about pink tanks lately, and when I saw this, I thought to myself “golly that’s funny looking” and then I realized it was a pink tank. Like BoingBoing was talking about. So here it is:
Bush’s Bitch
So I have no idea what’s going on here, but I can tell that the Chinese President isn’t happy that he’s being manhandled by the US President, but he’d better get used to is, cause that’s what America is all about: making other people their bitches.
The Ying And Yang Of Science Fiction
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, Television
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Lady Liberty In The Drink
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, WTF
no Idea where this came from, but it’s sweet as fuck
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Military, Warhammer 40k, WTF
Looks like one of the guys from the War Hammer Series, but I’m not 100% sure. I AM sure that I like the image though :
Feng Zhu Design
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
Zombie McDonalds
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor
Fear and Loathing In The Litterbox
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, Movies, Quotes, WTF
Chances Motivational Poster
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters
Wesley Crusher’s “O Face”
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Television, Wesley Crusher
Ambassador Kosh!
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Television
Looking around the net, not many of the pictures I’m seeing look exactly like this. Is this Kosh or not?
Texax Anti DUI Poster
Ok, cause I don’t want to gross out everyone in the world, but I think it’s a noble cause, I’m putting this one behind a cut.
Warning : burn victim after the jump
The Easter Bunny Is A Thief!
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Religion
Easter Bunny
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Religion
Another Bunny
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Religion
Bunny Post
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Religion
Happy Easter!
Happy Bunny Day
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Religion