Incredible Hulk Has A Sword
From the subtle lack of feet, you might be able to guess who drew this :
Invisible Woman Is Married
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, Sexy
Oh Namor, you horny dog.
jack daniel’s old number 7 IN A GLASS
Tags:Alcohol, Sexy, Wallpaper
Tags:Comic Books, Wallpaper
Comment Feed / Image Linking Problems
I’ve added a feed for the last 25 comments. Also, many of you (about 50 of you last count) have pointed out that there’s something all messed up with the image links, in that they’re not taking you to a larger picture, it’s just linking back to the post that you’re already at. Which sucks. I have a team of crack monkeys on the issue. No wait, a crack team or code monkeys.
A team of crack code monkeys?
Portal Hero
based on all my friend’s suggestions, and the hilariously informative review by Zero Puncuation, I ran out and bought Orange Box. And I’m glad I did, because I loved Portal. Now, I need to dig out my copy of HL and play through it so I can play HL2
Skol Beer Advertisement
Tags:Advertisements, Alcohol, Humor, Sexy
Counter the misinformation of evolution
Tags:Humor, Religion, Science!
Chaos Marine Tattoo
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Tattoos, Warhammer 40k, WTF
Wow. I mean…really? wtf?
Big Eared Cat
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Nature, WTF