Facinating Cat
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
New Host
Moved MCS to a new web host, so if you’ve made any comments over the last couple days, they might have been lost in the transfer, and for that I am eternally sorry.
Also, I’ve disabled hotlinking for the time being, cause it might cause the world to end, true story.
[Edit: If you hot link, you’ll get a spinner. So don’t hot link. If you see the spinner on the website, the spinner has been spun in your cache, just hit f5 a couple times, and get over it. The reason I’m doing this is because the next level of hosting that I would be charged for is $300 a month…which MCS is definitely not pulling in. Please allow me to see where my bandwidth currently sits, and then I’ll enable everything again once I’m sure I’m not anywhere near that limit.]
White House Evil Eye
Tags:Humor, Movies, Politics, WTF
Push Button, Receive Bacon
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
This has been bouncing around 4chan for so long, I’m almost embarrassed to post it.
Local Police Are Now Targeting
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Fat Chicks
Toilet Drifting
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Careful not to leave huge skidmarks!
lol Rumsfailed
Tags:Humor, Military, Politics
X-Wing General Assembly Diagram
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
X-Wings apparently have box springs in the rear engine assembly. WTF?
Lite-Brite- Sinister Appearance
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Politics
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
Fantastic Four Losers
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, WTF
Save Newt From The Alien Queen
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Movies, WTF
Get away from her you BITCH.
Puff Daddy Staring At Jessica Biel’s Breasts
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Sexy
Because honestly, who wouldn’t?
Iraq Odometer
Tags:Humor, iran, Iraq, Politics
Fucking bullshit.
That’s what this is, and it makes Boston look like a bunch of goddamn morons, that have no clue what’s going on around them, and literally shit their pants when they see something that they don’t understand. From a friend:
I mean, a lite brite with batteries?
Is anything now potentially an explosive device?
Holy crap, an old shoe on the side of the road!
Call the bomb squad!
There ARE two parties that need to be arrested and/or penalized for this entire debacle. The idiots that called in a lite bright set as a possible bomb, and the superiors that took the threat seriously. Is this what the country has come to? “Better safe then sorry”? Perhaps we need snipers at the top of all the major buildings, to protect us from all the terrorists that are obviously running amok in our streets. If you live in Boston, I’d suggest voting the idiot mayor out, who can’t tell fact from fiction, and writing some seriously toned letters to your reps.
Apparently, they’ve arrested someone over this. Yay. A quote from the Mayor of Boston : “”It’s a hoax and it’s not funny.” Oddly enough, Merriam Webster definitions of Hoax is impossibly different then the Mayor’s. M-W defines hoax as : “to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous”. At no time did anyone that had to do with the marketing of the tv show say that they were putting bombs around the city. Perhaps if the mayor would focus on finding the people that DID say there were bombs?
I guess all you can do is laugh and hope you never get caught up in stupidity like this.
Oh, and naming your name subway program after a guy that got lost in the subway is not a good idea either.
Optimus Prime Died For Your Sins
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Religion, Television
Jesus couldn’t turn into a fire engine.
Using an image from before
Peace Through Superior Firepower Wallpaper
And DAMN, that’s some serious firepower there. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of one of those.