World War 2 Solider
From this site here, which I’m plan on going through later on this week and pulling out some of the cooler ones.
Star Trek: Picard And Sisko
My two most favorite Star Trek captains. I liked Sisko a bit better though, cause he would whoop up on your ass.
Mace Windu And Purple Light Sabre
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Forum Fodder, Movies
It’s the one with “BFM” on it.
Hotlinking Is Risky
This isn’t an e-mail that I’ve personally received, but it’s still funny:
As you know, when you hotlink images from someone else’s site, you run the risk of “your” pictures turning into either golden frogs or Mr Goatsie.
Warhammer 40k Chaos Marine
Simply beautiful art. I’m still trying to finish the third Soul Drinkers novel, hoping to have it done by the time the next one comes out.
Che Bacca
Tags:Humor, Movies, Politics, WTF
I lol’d.
Need For Speed Most Wants: Delorian and Akira Motorcycle
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
Awesome vehicles?
Living Room Computer
It’s not a computer for the living room. It’s a computer the size of your living room.Smell The Cat’s Ass
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, WTF
What The Fuck is the world coming to?
McDonalds: Not Capable of Cooking Anything Remotely Like This
But you would eat your own shit if our marketing was good enough.
6 PCS Precision Screwdriver Set: Not To Be Inserted Into Penis
Yeah, so apparently, this is real. But why do they care if someone sticks it in their dick?Wife Has Been Kidnapped
Wife has been kidnapped! I’m short .98 for ransom.
I hate bums. Bum bum bum. I do like the word bum though.
Mathmatical Genius: Expand This Equation
COmpaq FAQ: Where Is The Any Key?
“This is not a key. When you are instructed to press any key, this means you can press any of the keys on they keyboard (such as the Enter Key, the R key, or the space bar).
it’s a real FAQ question.
Captain Enema
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Prayer Is The Best Wireless Connection
Tags:Computers, Humor, Religion
Ghost Rider Wallpaper
There’s a Ghost Rider movie coming out soon…but the trailer made me cry it looked so stupid. How do you screw up the Ghost Rider?
Super Hero Retirement Home
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, WTF
Will It Take Off?
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, WTF
Private Parking Warning Sign
Private Parking
Unauthorized vehicles will be worked over with a sledgehammer, flipped over by an angry mob, set on fire, and spray painted with rude slogans immediately after being used as a getaway car in an incredibly daring daylight robbery.
Your Parking Sucks
Back when I was living in a apartment / cave, I wanted to use these things so bad. I would have needed a stack of like 20 of them every time I left though, because college kids just don’t care about things like “parking lines” or “dogs”, they just park on top of them both.
No Parking Near My House
Anyone that puts up a sign like this is an idiot. A complete fucking moron. Why did you buy a router, set it up so it broadcasts that it’s willing to accept connections, and then get in a tizzy about someone actually connecting to it? Just set the damn thing up correctly!
Need A Partner With own Apartment
Hello everyone. I am a chinese girl. I want to find a partner who has his own apartment. It means that I want somewhere to live but not for rent. I just like to live there with him and such as sex partner or something more. I can do very well chinese food and maybe we can become very good friend. But I will not talk anything about the world “love” . If you are interest, give me a email to, with your photo is the best. 🙂
can you code?
Arctic Baboons
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, WTF
Hella cold lookin monkies there
UFO Parking Ticket
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, WTF
Computer Wall
I shoulda grabbed the picture of the other side of this, it was pretty cool looking with all the cables…but it’s cool looking this way too.
U Did Ur Semen Rite In My Eye :[
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor, XXX