World Rabbit

world rabbit.jpg (31 KB)

This explains everything!

Remove all ads for just $2 a month!

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    Darwin didn’t see this shit comin!

    The Life of Man

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    World Wildlife Federation Ad

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    A single tim of paint can pollute millions of litres of water.

    Grand Canyon Skywalk

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    Neon City at Night

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    Where is this?


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    Make your own PedoBear!

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    Just print, cut, fold and tape or glue!

    Mario Wallpapers

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    Monument Valley

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    Wall Street Bailout Math

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    Are You A Total Loser?

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    Mark off all the spaces that apply to you. If you can connect 5 in a row, or mark off more than 15 spaces…well, I have some bad news for you.

    Joss Stone

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    Birds do It. Bees do It. And, apparently, Dragonflies do It too!

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    Male dragonflies grab females by the head, using special appendages at the end of the abdomen. If the fit isn’t quite right, the female will not cooperate in the aerial mating, and the male will soon let go. In a sense, the female dragonfly is choosing a mate by this act of noncooperation. Females may also “choose” which packets of sperm fertilize their eggs.

    Tin Foil Hat Time

    During lunch today, one of my friends says “Did you hear they’re going to be deploying an Army group here in the US”, to which I reply, ‘no, that’s against constitutional law’.   After lunch was over I did a bit of googling:

    “They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.”

    Ok, my tin foil is firmly on, but if you combine this story with the previous stories we’ve heard of massive detention centers, what does this mean?

    We now have places to put malcontents, and now we’re training war hardened soldiers to put them there?


    The Real Teletubbies

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    80’s Fashion

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    Only LSD and crack can make this seem fashionable.

  • Donuts and Bacon ’08

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    They’ve got my vote.

    Typical Commenting Style in Recent MCS Posts

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    Sound familiar to anyone here?

    Fail Cop

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    Das Bier

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    I went to Oktoberfest in Munich. These were very large mugs of beers.

    15,000 Posts on MCS

    Sometime in the last week, we broke the 15,000 posts mark here on MCS.  Yay!  Thank you all for stopping by and making the site such a lively place.  I love all of you like the unique little snowflakes you are!  How did you happen to learn of m[c]s?

    Goatse Kid

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    Billy, this is what mommy thinks of daddy.

    Female IT Experts

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    Ghetto Keyboard

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    After a Fight

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    Ekranoplan Madness…

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    Ekranoplans are Russian “Ground Effect” planes, aircraft that rely primarily on the high pressure zone created underneath an aircraft flying very close to the ground, for lift, instead of from air flowing around it’s wings.

    It’s a very efficient, though impractical, means of flight, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was the most stable launch platform for a space shuttle… But based on this pic, the Russians, at some point in the past, would apparently have disagreed vigorously with me…

    J. Robert Oppenheimer

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    When World War II began, Oppenheimer became involved in the efforts to develop an atomic bomb, which were already taking up much of the time and facilities of the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley. He was invited to take over work on neutron calculations, and in June 1942 General Leslie Groves appointed Oppenheimer as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project.

    Under Oppenheimer’s guidance, Los Alamos laboratories were constructed. There he was managing more than 3,000 people, as well as tackling theoretical and mechanical problems that arose.

    He is often referred to as the “father” of the atomic bomb.

    Werner Heisenberg

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    I’m pretty certain it’s him anyway…

    The way we were?

    The Way We Were  1960  CANADA.jpg (239 KB)

    Found this on Flicker.
    Explanation found here:

    The Way We Were ::: 1960 ::: CANADA

    Golden Gate Bridge – refracted

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    The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California, as refracted through rain drops on the window of an automobile, which act as lenses. In optics, refraction occurs when light waves travel from a medium with a given refractive index to a medium with another, whereupon the wave’s phase velocity is altered, causing the wave to change direction; its wavelength increases or decreases but its frequency remains constant.

    Aidan “Brute!” Hughes Art

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    KMFDM – Brimborium Cover Artwork

    Magnetic model of earth.

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    Copy pasta from Popular mechanics. (They explain it better than i can)

    “Researchers at the University of Maryland have constructed a 30-ton sphere that spins at more than 90 mph to generate magnetic fields. The 10-ft.-dia. sphere is filled with 13.5 tons of liquid sodium to mimic the Earth’s liquid-iron center core. A 3.3-ft.- dia. stainless-steel sphere inside the larger one counterrotates to approximate the motion of the planet’s solid iron inner core. The action of Earth’s inner liquid produces a magnetic field that makes compasses work, deflects harmful cosmic rays and protects the planet from solar wind. The field reverses every couple of hundred thousand years. By using a model instead of a computer simulation, scientists hope to determine how these reversals occur and predict the next one.”

    Paper Wasp

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    Vibrant colors, nasty sting.

    Sword of Doom (1966)

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    One of my favorite movies of all time! Toshirô Mifune is in it too.

    Dubai in the fog

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    Death Star Hotel

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    Well it’s finally happened – a hotel in the planning stages that bears an uncanny resemblance to the Death Star from the Star Wars films. You’re probably expecting that this hotel will be built in Las Vegas or Dubai, but instead it is planned for Baku, capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This may attempt to increase Baku’s chances of hosting the 2016 Olympic Games.

    Scary Banana

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    OODA Lifecycle, Canada Style

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    Child Sacrafice

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    Five centuries after Inca priests sacrificed this boy and two other children on a peak called Cerro Llullaillaco in Argentina, archaeologists found them frozen to near perfection, accompanied by breathtaking artifacts and textiles.

    Richly wrapped Inca child sacrifices were more than just gifts to the gods. They were ambassadors, sometimes volunteered by their families, sometimes taken from them. This boy, perhaps eight years old, wore a tunic big enough to grow into and carried extra sandals for his journey into the next world.

    M[c]S Sister Sites

    Oh hello.

    As I’m sure you are aware, I have a couple other sites out on the interwebs. Please allow me to introduce you to a few of them that you might like.

    Adams Wallpaper
    At one time, I was all like “oh snap, I got a free url” and this is what came from that. It has pictures that might be suitable for your desktop.

    Choose Your own Adventures
    This site is awesome, but sadly my writing skills suck. I’m looking for someone to put content up on it.

    Crutch Of The Weak
    The most recent addition to the TWG, this site is going to receive most of my anti-religion comments and images, so that m[c]s isn’t flooded with them. Looking for authors for this site as well.

    Comic Covers
    The very first URL that I ever owned, it has about 70,000 comic book covers on it. I’m not 100% happy with the way the site is set up, but there it is.

    Comic Images
    Originally, this site was going to be just images of various comic book characters, but it’s somehow morphed into a quasi XXX comic books babes website. You can always upload your own comic book related images here.

    Dirty Limerick
    A different dirty limerick every day. Fun times.  <a href=>You should subscribe to it’s rss feed.</a>

    Image Leech
    I honestly have no clue what I was thinking when I got this site, because it’s not as if there is a huge lack of image hosting sites out on the net, and 99% of those do it better. You can upload any image you want, and you’ll get a URL to use on your website.

    Internet Fight
    A half baked idea of a website that the m[c]s IRC channel constantly mocks. Bastards. Anyone can suggest a poll.

    Random Nude
    The second most popular website that I currently have a finger in. (hehe) Pictures of naked people. That’s it. Anyone can upload images.

    Secret Files & Origins
    Much like Image-leech, there are other sites out there that do this better, but this one is mine.

    Shirt Fight
    You see shirts pop up on m[c]s every now and then, and they’re from this site. Right now there’s only about 500 shirts, but after January 1st, there will be a couple thousand lined up, with a new shirt being posted every couple hours. After this date, you’ll only see a random one on m[c]s every now and then, so if you want to keep up on the latest and greatest t-shirt releases, go subscribe to the shirt-fight rss feed.

    Star Trek Book Club
    How in the fuck did I get this url? And why the fuck can’t I figure out how to make money off it?

    Star Wars Book Club
    Same question as above. You’d think that I would be able to figure it out, but I’m usually too drunk to care.

    Zoom Comics
    Comic book related wallpapers, one a day. Not sure what else I could do with this url, other then open my own comic book company 😉

    Ok, so that’s my stable of websites.  They’re all open for people to post on, if you can’t figure out how to do it from the site’s link, then send me an email or something.  Same goes if you have a suggestion for one of the sites.

    King of hearts

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    Something I did randomly 🙂

    check out my deviant art for more:

    Demons to some, angels to others.

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    Do I look like someone who cares what god thinks?

    Mini Snowmen

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    why make one big snowman when you can make tons of tiny ones?

    Tiny Old Man

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    The expression on his face indicates _______________


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