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  • crystal skull

    indy-1sht-tsr-drew_72dpi__oPt.jpg (57 KB)

    i dont care what you haters say, im there

    K-Nex Robot Santa


    DSCF0004.JPG (622 KB)


    made by me in an hour or so.. shame I don’t have a webcam to record it walking across the floor (Tis motorized, with pincing claws and all)




    Oh man, MC Chris has this great song about this shit.

    NSFW – Sudden Shock

    Hot damn NSFW :


    Beer Bottle Xmas Tree


    beer_tree.jpg (224 KB)


    Rambo IV – Machete fun

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    Gettin’ ready to go Jason Vorhees on peeps…

    From the Official Rambo Website

    Rambo IV

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    He seems to like Bowhunting doesn’t he…

    From the Official Rambo Website

    Big Daddy Cosplayer

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    Mazda Pi

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    Raptor Jesus


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    keifer sutherland

    i love you keifer.jpg (31 KB)

    asia argento

    dead_5.jpg (97 KB)

    This is so Gay

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    Being a teenage superhero can be confusing.

    Invincible is published by Image Comics and is a good read.

    Mach 5

    mach5-speed-racer.jpg (50 KB)

    I know not to expect much from the Wachowski’s, but speed racers rocks, and this will give us a good taste on how good all the new American Anime remakes will look in the coming future.

  • Hellboy – Hellboy II

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    Big Red Himself!

    Found Here

    Liz Sherman – Hellboy II


    hellboy22_large.jpg (73 KB)


    Selma Blair is very, very, hot 🙂

    From Here.

    Fake Windows

    blinds.jpg (48 KB)

    Affix some bright white LEDs to the inside of a venetian blind, add a timer switch, attach to a blank, empty wall in your house or apartment, and you instantly have a much psychologically larger living space. The \”Bright Blind\” by Makoto Hirahara will fool you into thinking that there might be a way out of your one room shack.

    blue snake

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    Iron Man (Hi-Res)

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    More Hi-Res Ironman Goodness.

    And Stark is still kind of a Jerk…


    Spore Fan Wallpaper

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    I saw a concept demo of this game when they first announced it. To be quite honest, the idea of the way creature development is supposed to work in the game gives me multiple nerdgasms… I seriously hope they don’t screw it up…

    From Here:

    I Am Legend.

    i-am-legend-bigposter.jpg (256 KB)

    Theatrical Poster For Will Smiths new movie. Not like the subject matter hasn’t been done a gazillion times, but I’m a sucker for zombie flicks and it looks quite promising…
    From Here:

    brooke hogan’s pants

    brookehoganhot1.jpg (79 KB)

    proof shes an idiot

    NSFW – Chocolate Girl With Strawberry

    Strawberries are NSFW :


    Injustice League


    I never could be convinced that the Joker and lex luthor would ever team up.

    Blue Berry Pie


    The Green Lantern Batman


    Hugh Laurie


    Comic Book Fight


    The C-String


    The Planet Mars


    Kristen Bell


    The New Thor


    Dane Cook



    Am I the only one that can’t stand this dude’s humor?

    Blood Rayne 2


    Patrick Stewart as Oberon

    patrick_stewart_as_oberon.jpg (18 KB)

    Mumm, sexy Patrick Stewart?

    Natalie Portman And Hillary Clinton

    Half Good Picture.jpg (66 KB)

    Kinda how there’s always a fat chick hanging out with a hottie…Natalie is obviously hanging out with Hillary to make herself to look even better (didn’t think it was possible).