San Francisco harbor 1851
Tags:California, San Francisco, Wallpaper
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A daguerreotype of San Francisco, California in 1850 or 1851 during the height of the California Gold Rush. Merchant sailing ships crowd San Francisco Bay and Yerba Buena Island can be seen in the background. During this time, the harbor would become so crowded that ships often had to wait days before unloading their passengers and goods.
Tags:Ebola, Nature, Science!
Do not want.
Bitterroot Fire
This is what I got to see all the time while doing wildland firefighting during summer break in college.
Sword Grandma
To survive as long as she has and to still be able to wield that sword, this is one grandma I don’t want to mess with.
Original Predator Design
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies, WTF
The original Predator movie design, before they fired Jean-Claude Van Damme for beating up another stunt man, and Arnold requested someone who wasn’t a jerk.
Get Off the Internet!
Tags:Computers, Forum Fodder, Humor
This probably applies to all of us.
Truck vs. Trailer
This happened outside my work today…the guy (in red) was coming around the corner, bending over to pick up a dropped cigarette and ran smack into a parked, un-hitched, drop-deck trailer.
X-Men 3 Script
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, Movies
Seriously. What a crap script.
Racist Superman
Tags:Comic Books, Racist, WTF
I’m really just dumping my CO folder of things I haven’t seen here yet. This still makes me laugh.
My First Cavity Search!
Tags:Dark Humor, Politics, WTF
Mario vs TMNT
Tags:Comic Books, Gaming, Sad :(, WTF
Jesus versus Zeus
This is a comic book named Godyssey by Rob Liefeld.
Found here: (brazilian blog)
Interesting Choice of Location for This Movie Poster
On 22 July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes, a Brazilian electrician living in London, was shot dead by plain clothes police officers at Stockwell station. This incident came a day after the failed 21 July 2005 London bombings occurred on Tube trains and a bus in London, however it later emerged that it was a case of mistaken identity on the part of the police and that Menezes had nothing to do with the attacks.
Godzilla vs Titanic
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Wallpaper
I saw this drivin’ back from the mountains just south of the border between Queensland and New South Wales in Australia. I thought it was an interesting name…..
Desert Fire
Local artist from where I grew up – take a look at this galleries
River Thames
The River Thames in London at sunset, with the Tower Bridge and London skyline in the background. While best known because its lower reaches flow through central London, the river flows across most of southern England. The river gives its name to the Thames Valley, a region of England centred around the river between Oxford and West London, the Thames Gateway, the area centred around the tidal Thames, and the Thames Estuary to the east of London.
The James Brothers
Imagine Jesse James coming to your house because you are a Unionist living in his state. He tells you to leave the state of Missouri and you tell him to “Shove it.” Jesse shoots you in the head on the spot, kills your entire family, burns down your plantation house and takes anything of worth. That was the life of a secessionist bushwacker during the Civil War. The James gang robbed Union train owners after the war.
Chiru Expedition, Chang Tang, Tibet, 200
An expedition member hauls a custom-built ricksha laden with supplies across the desolate Chang Tang alpine steppe in northern Tibet. A group of elite mountaineers put together the expedition to witness births at the remote calving grounds of the elusive chiru, or Tibetan antelope.
The expeditioners chose to use lightweight rickshas instead of four-wheel-drive vehicles, which would get stuck in the mud and spook the chiru with engine noise.
Active Region 1002 on an Unusually Quiet Sun
Tags:APOD, Science!, Space, Wallpaper
Explanation: Why has the Sun been so quiet recently? No one is sure. Our Sun has shown few active regions — that house even fewer associated sunspots — for over a year now, and such a period of relative calm is quite unusual. What is well known is that our Sun is in a transitional period between solar cycles called a Solar Minimum, where solar activity has historically been reduced. The stark lack of surface tumult is unusual even during a Solar Minimum, however, and activity this low has not been seen for many decades. A few days ago, however, a bona-fide active region — complete with sunspots –appeared and continues to rotate across the Sun’s face. Visible above, this region, dubbed Active Region 1002 (AR 1002), was imaged in ultraviolet light yesterday by the SOHO spacecraft, which co-orbits the Sun near the Earth. Besides the tranquility on the Sun’s surface, recent data from the Ulysses spacecraft, across the Solar System, indicate that the intensity of the solar wind blowing out from the Sun is at a fifty year low. Predictions hold, however, that our Sun will show more and more active regions containing more and more sunspots and flares until Solar Maximum occurs in about four years.
Ashleigh Prather – Crazy Phelps Fan
This is the actress (Mary) from the “Crazy Phelps Fan” commercial for AT&T. See commercial here and see her resume here. I think she is hot, do you?