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  • Mountain Castle


    Netscape Navigator



    Hearing that they had just shelved any future development and support for the Netscape browser, I found the original splash page for the program.  I remember seeing this on a nearly daily basis for the first few years of my internet life.

    It was great. My first websites were coded and viewed through netscape.   I’ll miss you netscrape!

    Powerpuff Girls



    Is it so wrong that I love this series so much?  The movie is in my top 10.  For reals.

    Tiny Mountain


    Multi Color Lantern



    The multi-color lantern corps is here to save you!

    The Thing Movie Poster


    That’s not Ben Grimm!

    Michael Rosenbaum is Lex Luthor



    Nice shirt dude

    Suicidal Robin


  • United Nations Building



    Have you been inside this building and seen the general assembly room?  It’s about the size of a small basketball court

    A Red Star Merry Christmas


    makita_xmas_2007_reduced.jpg (276 KB)


    Merry Christmas* from Team Red Star.

    *And happy all that other stuff too.

    From the homepage of the Archangel Studios comic The Red Star.

    On this page as of December 31, 2007.

    Super Mario Galaxy Secret

    mario_galaxy_logo.png (158 KB)

    look at all the letters. now find all the letters that have stars on them
    first line:U,R
    second line:M,R
    third line:G,A,Y

    now put it all together, U R MR.GAY


    Applied geometry

    geometry lesson.jpg (158 KB)

    For all I know this geometry lesson teaches the relation between skirt length and accidental pantyhose disclosure.

    Bad Trap

    bad trap.jpg (45 KB)

    Finland’s Winter War

    finland.jpg (43 KB)

    Be afraid, very afraid.

    Burnt Pizza


    I’m burnt out on food images for the day, whew.

    One Dead Robin



    Dammit batman, how many of these are you going to lose / break before you learn to take care of them?

    Plaid Lantern Corps


    Warning: Rick Astley Zone

    rickastleysignfull.jpg (84 KB)

    Mobster Star Trek Dudes


    Spaghetti kitten

    Spaghetti kitten.jpg (53 KB)

    A kitten in a spaghetti scoop.

    Black Lantern

    Black.jpg (280 KB)

    More colour.

    1981 Osborne “Portable”

    Osborne.jpg (37 KB)

    Found this dinosaur on another site, my only thought is the executives of 30 years ago must have had wicked upper body strength

    Prison Break Season 1 Cast

    Cast of Prison Break Season 1.jpg (520 KB)


    I was highly impressed with this show.

    Holocaust Memorial


    l_19786ca8f66f2049e88070f9e2d9a404.jpg (53 KB)

    I think this is in Florida somewhere, but i am not sure.

    Party Animals

    party animals.jpg (55 KB)

    We need more party animals

    Ironic War Damage

    ww.jpg (45 KB)

    The damage on this first World War memorial was caused by bombs dropping during the second World War on May the 24th 1941

    Aunt May Vs Jarvis


    fuck yeah! Jarvis is gonna get some!

    International Space Station



    Iron Man In Darkness


    Infinity Gems


    Would you want one? If so, which one?

    Hilary Duff


    I never did like her looks / music.

    And then she grew up.