Happy Corgi is Pleased
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Humor
5,000 Comment Spam Later
You have to be registered and logged in to comment. Sorry, but I’m just getting too tired of all the spam getting past akismet
Motion Picture Association Of America
Tags:Humor, Movies, Politics, WTF
Swiss Army
My knife only has 1 thing on it. A spoon. No knife, but it has a spoon. How weird is that?
Tape Cat
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, WTF
Iron Man Vs Captain America Wallpaper
Am I the only one that wonders what the fuck Marvel was thinking when they pitted these two against each other? I mean, seriously, yeah, Captain America is a fucking awesome fighter, with muscles and tactical knowledge, and he’s a pretty smart dude, but could he seriously stand up against Tony Stark? The dude has a power suit on for Christ’s sake. And he’s a super genius. AND an alcoholic to boot! Iron Man’s got blasters, repulsers, magneto beams, super beams, hyper beams and jet boots. Captain American has a shield. And wings on his head.
Pirate Space Ship
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
Anyone recognize this ship?
Battle Beasts
remember these? They had that little heat sensitive thing on their chest, I had a couple back when I was a kid I think.
Star Wars – This Is No Moon
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
This reminds me of an argument that I saw on a movie screen about the contractors that were building the death star, and how they were / weren’t innocents who were killed by the rebels.
But I Poop From There! NOT TODAY YOU DON’T!
I give you an internet cookie if you know what this refers to 😉
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, Sexy, WTF
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Tags:Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Humor, Movies, Television
Did anyone even see their movie when it came out?