Rocket Strapped to Crappy Car

V1Rocketcar GI.jpg (80 KB)

Will It Take Off?

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  • Better than Password

    betterthanpassword.jpg (20 KB)


    cray1.jpg (614 KB)

    CRAY-1 supercomputer, on display at the Science Museum in London.

    $50,000 Bill

    50000 bill.jpg (496 KB)

    Alas for bank use only. Old Canadian $50,000 bill. That’s like eleventeen billion US dollars now.

    $1.25 Bill

    1.25 bill.jpg (367 KB)

    From Newfoundland, on display at the currency museum in Ottawa, Ontario.

    Racist Chocolate Bar?

    IMG_2948.jpg (841 KB)

    JAPP chocolate bar, apparently from Norway. On display at the Science Museum in London of all places.

    Action Dog

    Actiondog.jpg (153 KB)

    He’s ready for action.

    Identifying Wood

    Identifying Wood.jpg (68 KB)

    Yep, it’s wood.

    The Empress

    Empress.jpg (63 KB)


    Batslap.jpg (90 KB)

    C’mon Robin, you know not to go there.


    HK-47.jpg (36 KB)

    Can I blast the meatbags now, master?

    Writing Press

    bios00b.jpg (107 KB)


    cash.gif (42 KB)

    Fish Hat

    fish hat.jpg (117 KB)

    Rental Store For Books

    rental store.png (24 KB)


    retro.jpg (61 KB)

    Dreaming Picture Frame

    pjfm03.jpg (21 KB)

    The Looney Left

    looneyleft1.jpg (51 KB)

    Wookie baby

    wookie.jpg (116 KB)

  • Lonely Vader

    c2005_alex_brown_pi1.jpg (78 KB)


    coolness.jpg (104 KB)

    You may be cool….but you’ll never be 4 popped-collars cool

    Evolution of Mario

    f-Evolution-Of-Mario-5612.jpg (31 KB)

    Lousy Tshirt

    Ing5ts-7.jpg (24 KB)

    I got buttfucked at Neverland Ranch and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt


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    Washing, Ironing, Fucking, Etc

    Windows X Pee

    SafeRedirect.jpg (33 KB)

    I guess this puppy is a mac user.

    No Swimming

    no-swimming.jpg (45 KB)

    Michael Bloomberg

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    Bush’s 9/11 Plan

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    Bush And Blair

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    Rainbows Inside!

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    Data Injection

    04_datainjection.jpg (47 KB)


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    Hillary Statue

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    Worldwide GDP

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    china.jpg (41 KB)

    Little Bull Elk

    little bull elk.jpg (654 KB)

    View from Big Bull Elk of Little Bull Elk, in Bighorn Mountains, Crow Indian Reservation.

    Young Hillary

    Hillaryyoung.jpg (23 KB)

    Missile Tank


    Pancakes and Butter


    Time for some IHOP action!

    Beached Submarine


    Science Dog


    I just bought (and read) the first three hard cover collections of “invincible”, and they kick ass.  I do love this series.

    Tan Tank


    Lego Wars
