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  • How Can we fight to uphold the rule of law if we break the rules ourselves?

    I gotta hand it to the ACLU, they’ve been spot on with their advertising lately. Of course, it’s easier for them since the current administration seems to be so clueless as to what consitutional freedoms are, and are not.


    Devilish Gas Prices, Circa 1990

    wow, those are some pretty terrible gas prices!


    Epilepsy Warning!


    Halo 3 Offical Box Art

    I got an insider tip from Bungie about the artwork that’s going to be on the next Halo game !!!


    New htaccess, and whatnot

    I’ve added a new rule to my .htaccess! before, it was just going to give hotlinkers a nice big X box when they tried to hotlink to any images on the site, but I realize that the best publicity is from people in forums and other like places… so I’ve changed it so that the image will show up, but with a nice lil watermark in the bottom corner saying where the file is from. Right now it’s not very pretty, in fact it’s hacked together, but soon, very soon it will be wonderful. beautiful. a thing of envy. Anyways, if you see an image that has the watermark on it, you can find it here on this site WITHOUT the watermark, cause none of these are mine, I just found them on the net. But shit, if you’re going to hotlink from me, I might as well get some credit for at least hosting the bitches. Anyways, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by just commenting on this post.

    Support Our Magnet Company

    I hate the magnetic sticker things that soccer moms and hippocrites everwhere put on their vehicles. So I found this on teh internets:


    EDIT: Oh the sweet irony. All the adverts on the site are showing magnetic sticker advertisements.

    A-10 Warthog


    Much love from wikipedia on this ship:

    “The A-10 was developed in response to the increasing vulnerability of ground attack-planes as evidenced by the large number that were shot down to small arms fire, surface-to-air missiles, and low level anti-aircraft gunfire during the Vietnam War.”

    A great person once commented that shit aircraft is “like someone took a sweet ass huge gun and gave it to an engineer and said “here, build a plane around this”


    Orlando Jones. Bloom. uhh…Bloom. I think.

    I can never remember who is who. I’m pretty sure I could find out from teh internets, but I’m too lazy to figure it out. Isnt’ one of them a black guy, and the other one (this one!) a white guy? meh. Either way, this is from the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean – YASIWS (yet another sequel I won’t see)


    Dr Tran Wins

    Kitty Toast


    Message From God

    To: People Of Earth
    From: God
    Date: 2/7/2006
    Subject: Stop
    knock it off, all of you
    Seriously, what the hell

  • Another Pentagon High Resolution Picture


    What’s up with the hole in the ground with the giant box? I dunno.

    Shocker Flow Sheet


    Go For The Win! Invade Iran!

    It’s like a giant game of tick-tac-toe!


    CGC Card – Jailbait


    Some Call The FBI

    Somone call the FBi
    There’s a picture of a little girl
    screwing on your computer

    Sexuality Survey

    And before you go all ape shit and start screamin, just substitute “heterosexuals” with “homosexuals” and you’ll see what the point of this is.

    Emo Soap

    EMO Soap
    -Wash like you’re hardcore
    Combining personal hygeine
    and teenage angst since 1995

    O Rly Bus


    Awesome Motivational Poster

    This kid is awesome.
    You Will never be as rad as him.

    How To Be A Ninja


    So, you wanna be a ninja? here’s 7 steps to quickly being on your path to ninjahood!

    I Beat Anorexia

    Any oldie but a goodie!



    aren’t moogles just the coolest little things?

    End Of Life


    Passover Pork


    Lack Of Faith

    It’s the pope! In STAR WARS. Does it get any better then this? I lol’d

    Now Is The Winter


    50 Cal. Asprin


    Current Desktop

    From the talents folks over at

    Tom Cruise is batshit crazy.

    That’s what I hear at least, so that makes my statement hearsay. Cause we all know what we hear can’t be true. Unless we hear it from Lord Xeno, then it’s gospel.


    “A controversy erupted in 2005 after he openly criticized actress Brooke Shields for using the drug Paxil, an anti-depressant, which Shields claims helped her recover from postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter in 2003; Cruise asserted, contrary to assertions in the medical field, that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance, that psychiatry is a form of pseudoscience. This led to a heated argument with Matt Lauer on The Today Show on June 24, 2005.[11] At one point, Cruise criticized Lauer’s challenging questions, accusing Lauer of being “glib”, and telling him “You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do.”

    From wikipedia’s Tom Cruise entry.

    U.S. Department of Psy Ops War Poster

    Crush The Germans
    U.S. Dept. Of Psy Ops