Hitler Is Amused
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Politics
Cobra Commander Wants YOU!
Tags:Comic Books, Forum Fodder, Humor
Street Fighter Vs NOLA
Military Squirrel
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, Military
Sexual Harrasment Cornbrator
Ultraviolet Movie
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Movies
Vagina Motivational Poster
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Religion
Peace Motivational Poster
Tags:Humor, Motivational Posters, Weapons
Through Superior Firepower
Village Voice “Queer Issue”
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, Politics, WTF
Dog Condoms
Holocaust Memorial
Tags:Politics, Religion, The Holocaust, WTF
And to wrap up the day’s posts, I leave you with this surreal Holocaust Memorial
It’s located here in sunny Florida (down in Miami, which makes sense, considering the large Jewish population there)
Gangsta Style
a.) the guy sitting around in the background
b.) the feather duster
c.) the US flag
Extreme LAN Gaming
Tags:Computers, Gaming, Humor, WTF
One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor
Tags:Computers, Humor, Movies
Invader Zim’s Gir is a DDR Champion
Tags:Forum Fodder, Television
I can’t believe I forgot to put the feedburner chicklet back up when I changed themes all that long time ago. If you need an RSS feed, just check out the feedburner linky thing at the top of the page, and you’ll get all sorts of beautiful options for subscribing. Personally, I prefer bloglines because they’ll track all the changes, and you dont’ have to worry about missing anything. Ever. But you can use any RSS feedreader you want (Thunderbird, FF Livebookmarks, Universal Feed Syndicate Reader, Etc, etc, etc)
Religious Fun Poster
You’re On Notice
Tags:Forum Fodder, Humor, Television
Unknown Symbol
What is this from?
what does it mean?
[edit: it’s the chaos symbol, thanks commentors!]