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  • happy PC

    Formal Apology Form

    Hayden panettiere – Silver Glitter Dress

    Rice Dinner

    Someone suggested the rice diet to me.  does this suck?  y/n

    Martian Loot

    little known fact : i own all 4 season of this show.  and I laugh at them.

    Abe Vigoda

    You can get pregnant every time you have sex, including the first time

    This is a lie.  Once your preggers, you can’t get repregnant.  8-9 months of guilty free sex 😉

    Galactic Wallpaper

    isn’t it awesome how space photos have become more awesome as photo manipulation software has increased in complexity!?

    Battletoads NES game

    USA Military Branches

    Tank Vs Rock

  • Sausage and Cheese

    Fresh Taxi Cabs

    A Book of Win

    My Pet Octopus

    I only wish. I do want one though, I have a 100 gallon aquarium, think it could live in that?

    Pheonix In The Lab

    Tiki’s Bookshelf

    Someone didn’t believe that I drank a lot.  I present to you, my kind readers, my bookcase:

    Bitch Please

    Babegate – SG1


    Squid Shot


    Furry Robot


    Black Color Condoms


    Artillery Swingset

    swings.jpg (113 KB)


    In Soviet Russia, swing sets shoot back.

    Pedobear Clothes Hook?

    3mbearhook.jpg (20 KB)


    I suppose these are targeted to kids.


    FOCUS.jpg (57 KB)


    This hurt my brains

    Donkey Kong’s Last Supper

    Misha-art-donkey-kong-last-supper.jpg (377 KB)

    From the amazing Misha.

    Killer Mine Sign

    illminesign.jpg (940 KB)


    This was taken on a mine field in afghanistan…creepy

    Giant Mekong Catfish

    GiantCatfish.jpg (215 KB)


    Fillet anyone?

    Turtle Chainsaw

    045.jpg (101 KB)


    Hey yall, chek out muh new chanesaw.

    Goatse Case Mod

    goatsemod.jpg (97 KB)


    I think we need a new “Goatse” category. Oh wait…no, nevermind.

    Camel Boots

    camelboot1zx4_2.jpg (34 KB)


    What more can be said?

    It’s FISH!

    fish026.jpg (192 KB)


    Happy fish too.