Wolverine Vs T-Rex


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  • Cat Desk Cradle

    Ninja instructions

    you have bought an episode of nextwave

    unless you stole it off the internet

    Booby Trapped Door

    WoW Computer Set up

    Farmer’s Paradise?

    Biker Yellow Card

    Nice subtle threat to your life at the end there!

    How does Mach 36 grab ya?

    donuts.jpg (158 KB)

    Info available here: www.fas.org/irp/mystery/pde.htm

    and here: www.thewhyfiles.net/aurora.htm

    The second has the image of the contrails over the US. 8,000 mph / 10 Kilometers a second, eh? I’ll take that.

    Better Sleepiness Cure

    patomaster2.jpg (73 KB)

    From www.patomaster.com.ar/ (Master Duck).

    Accretian Badass

    Accretian warrior.jpg (460 KB)

    A worthy pic this time. Nothing like “amateur hour” from my last one. . .

    Wearable PC

    Wearable PC.jpg (53 KB)

    The future is here, and it’s disturbing.

    Real Mario and Goomba

    mario2.jpg (272 KB)

    And like all “realistic” pictures of Mario, it’s strangely disturbing.

    Naturalist gaming

    controllers.jpg (649 KB)

    Gone are the days when we can study these specimens in their natural habitat……

    Clown Sewer Lurking

    clown-sewer-untouchable.jpg (18 KB)

    I see you, Ronald McDonald

    The Cake is a Lie – Portal

    1192663824_73.jpg (117 KB)

    Delicious Cake

  • Samus Pwned

    Samus5.jpg (171 KB)

    Poor Samus. It’s Monday, so I feel much like that myself.

    Dr. Who – Tom Baker

    Dr_Who1.jpg (90 KB)

    Tom_Baker_4_b.jpg (85 KB)

    Probably the best Dr. Who! Anyone besides me remember him and the aluminum foil theme?

    quick updates

    I think I’ve got the forums working right, and looking the way they should.  if you have any problems, please stop by and say ello, and complain away.

    As a quick reminder!

    !there are currently 30 pictures of MCS peoples waiting the next super awesome theme day. I need a few more peoples! If you’ve already submitted one, and it’s still sitting in your picture queue, please don’t submit another one. I have enough of you already 😉

    UDBruceWillis TLS

    poster68841892.jpg (77 KB)

    This looks shopped


    redline.jpg (48 KB)

    redline facts.gif (33 KB)

    It might kill you to drink a whole bottle.

    Pack rat car

    Sleepiness Cure

    Especially suitable for long-distance driving, drunk driving and night driving

    Delicious Ribs on a Plate

    Age of Apocalypse Mutants

    best universe revamp ever?

    The Atomium

    nuclear night light

    Olivia Wilde – Rolling Stones Red Carpet

    Syphilis is NOW curable!

    Khrushchev Monkey Solider


    kirk cock

    The Liver

    Has anyone seen mine?

    Monkey Town

    Lopburi-Monkeys5.jpg (54 KB)

    Lopburi-Monkeys4.jpg (101 KB)

    Lopburi-Monkeys1.jpg (122 KB)

    Lopburi in Thailand.


    Army Earth Day 2008

    Army_EarthDay_2008.jpg (214 KB)

    Army Earth Day 2008: sustaining the enviroment for a secure future. This years theme, Surface Shitter Awareness.

    Phone hats

    cell-phones.jpg (73 KB)

    Ice cream with waffles

    why the hell am i so hungry?

    Super Bong

    So do you need an advanced mechanix degree to use it?

    Cap’n Chronic

    Green Wallpaper

    Coffee Shop menu