Mola Ram
Made this myself in honor of the new Indy movie coming out, this guy gave me nightmares when I was little … he still does!
Today’s theme day has inspired me to post more!
I made this back in the day when it was still fashionable to goatse people. I had to resize it up to 500 pixels wide because it’s really based directly on hello.jpg which is not 500 px wide. I’ll go ahead and give it a nsfw tag even though I guess it really isn’t all that unsafe.
Why So Serious Wallpaper
I obtained a The Dark Knight USB (I’ve not read anything about this USB yet on any websites, I’m guessing it’s going into a new collectors edition Batman Begins DVD) which has some high quality Dark Knight images on it.
Long story short, I made this wallpaper out of one of the posters.
Faceless Girl
This girl was born with 40 bones missing from her face. She’s learning to dance now.
New real life meme from the *chan folks and Encyclopedia Dramatica. Convert your monies to Lioncash today!
Nazi olympics
Would we have allowed Nazi Germany to host the olympics?
Failed logo for the office of government commerce in the UK
There’s just a bunch of jerk-offs working there.
Wall of death
OK, now try not to get too excited but yes, that is indeed a lion being driven round a wall of death in a side car.
kinky japan
Kinki Japanese 1 Earthy, colorful dialects spoken by 22 million Japanese living in the Kinki region (principal cities include Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe). 2 Title of an excellent language text covering all the grammar and vocabulary needed to survive and succeed in Kinki. 3 An example for the lulz you can have when you use Latin alphabet instead of Kanji
happy kid
This is what happened when I told my friends son (8) that he could have my toys if I die. Now he tells his friends that he can’t wait for me to die.
Big Bear doin thangs
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Humor, Music, Nature, Racist
Batgirl unmasked
If you like this, go and check out the artist’s site; it’s excellent although much of it is NSFW.
Found sign – After the tone
Apparently the number is real, it belongs to a girl who does podcasts with the recordings she gets.
Christian Science Park
See, the word Christian and Science can go together.
google map call this area Christian Science Church Park.
Oops that’s not funny
Tags:9-11, Dark Humor, Politics, Religion
2021: A small group of rogue Americans hijack an airplane and fly it into the Burj Al-Arab, in Dubai. The United Arab Emirates spends the next five years invading Canada and torturing its citizens, eventually leaving over 80,000 dead.
Oops, that’s not funny.
My other car is a Decepticon
Bumper sticker reads “My other car is a Decepticon.”
They were heading to the comic book store next to the gaming store I was going to.
MCS Admin – Tiki God
First, a professionally taken one in which I look pretty damn awesome:
Then one that I took with a now dead camera phone:
Thank you all for post images. Normally theme days only get 48 posts (double the normal!) but I figured I’d let as many as possible through to give all the lurkers some time in the sun. Those of you with that big fat (0) by your post count need to get off your butts and post something! Thank you all! I now return you to your regularly scheduled MCS insanity.
MCS Not so Metal – RSIxidor
I actually forgot about this happenings (this was planned right?). I just pulled out a random picture from my phone that didn’t look to awful. Ha.
Pirate Agirl
At my Dad’s 60th birthday party.
Yeah, my dad had his 60th birthday party on a tallship and it was pirate themed. Yeah, my dad is cooler than your dad.
MCS siv0r
I’m pretty sure this is a shop. I can see the pixels, and I’ve seen lots of shops in my day. Also I just spent 20 minutes making it in photoshop.
MCS User – PUR3H8R3D
I am a photographer and this is me with my new toy which has become my primary camera.