Happy Consumerist Day!


From the wikipedia article on the day:

St. Valentine’s Day falls on February 14, and is the traditional day on which lovers in certain cultures let each other know about their love, commonly by sending Valentine’s cards, which are often anonymous. The history of Valentine’s day can be traced back to a Catholic Church feast day, in honor of Saint Valentine. The day’s associations with romantic love arrived after the High Middle Ages, during which the concept of romantic love was formulated.

The day is now most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of “valentines.” Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, the practice of hand writing notes has largely given way to the exchange of mass-produced greeting cards. The Greeting Card Association estimates that, world-wide, approximately one billion valentine cards are sent each year, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association also estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

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  • Space pictures make me happy

    Space pictures make me go crazy-go-nutz:


    First, we have a rogue asteroid, which is cool, but scary, because it’s real, and present danger. We could find out tomorrow that a rock the size of the state of newyork is on it’s way to meet us from space. Luckily, we have either Bruce Willis or Morgan Freeman to save us all from certain and utter destruction.


    Second, is something that’s just plain ol’ exciting: Space elevators!

    A space elevator is a hypothetical structure designed to transport material from a planet’s surface into space. Many different types of space elevator structures have been proposed. They all share the goal of replacing rocket propulsion with the traversal of a fixed structure via a mechanism not unlike an elevator, hence its name, in order to move material into or beyond orbit. Space elevators have also sometimes been referred to as beanstalks, space bridges, space lifts or space ladders.

    The most common proposal is a tether, usually in the form of a cable or ribbon, that spans from the surface to a point beyond geosynchronous orbit. As the planet rotates, the inertia at the end of the tether counteracts gravity and keeps the tether taut. Vehicles can then climb the tether and escape the planet’s gravity without the use of rockets. Such a structure could eventually permit delivery of great quantities of cargo and people to orbit, and at costs only a fraction of those associated with current means.

    Both are from Mondolithic‘s website, which is friggin awesome and stuff.

    Don’t Drive With Ted Kennedy


    Do not accept ride from Ted Kennedy.

    Why not? From the wikipedia article:

    On July 18, 1969, after a party on Chappaquiddick Island near the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Kennedy, allegedly intoxicated, a claim which he denies, drove away with Mary Jo Kopechne as a passenger in his 1967 Oldsmobile Delmont 88. According to Kennedy, he made a wrong turn onto an unlit road that led to Dike Bridge (also spelled Dyke Bridge), a wooden bridge that was angled obliquely to the road, and drove over its side, which had no guardrail. The car plunged into tide-swept Poucha Pond (at that location a channel) and landed upside down under the water. Kopechne died, but as no autopsy was performed, precise cause of death is unknown. Kennedy claims he tried several times to swim down to reach her, then rested on the bank for several minutes before returning on foot to the Lawrence Cottage, where the party attended by Kopechne and other “boiler room girls” had occurred.

    Joseph Gargan (Kennedy’s cousin) and party co-host Paul Markham then returned to the pond with Kennedy to try to rescue Kopechne. Though there was a telephone at the Lawrence Cottage, nobody called for help. When their efforts to rescue Kopechne failed, Kennedy decided to return to his hotel on the mainland. As the ferry had shut down for the night, Kennedy swam the short distance back to Edgartown.

    Kennedy discussed the accident with several people, including his lawyer, before he contacted the police.

    The next morning (July 19, 1969) the police recovered Kennedy’s car. Kopechne’s body was discovered by diver John Farrar, who observed that a large amount of air was released from the car when it was righted in the water, and that the trunk, when opened, was remarkably dry. These observations and others have led some to believe that Kopechne had not drowned, but suffocated in an air pocket within the car.

    The incident quickly blossomed into a scandal. Kennedy was criticized for allegedly driving drunk, for failing to save Kopechne, for failing to summon help immediately and for contacting not the police but rather his lawyer first.

    Kennedy entered a plea of guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a sentence of two months in jail, which was suspended. An Edgartown grand jury later reopened the investigation but did not return an indictment.

    Kennedy’s critics and political opponents question whether justice was served in this case. The case resulted in much satire directed against Kennedy, including a National Lampoon page showing a floating Volkswagen Beetle with the remark that Kennedy would have been elected President had he been driving a Beetle that night; this satire allegedly resulted in legal action by Volkswagen complaining of unauthorized use of their trademark.

    War Games



    One of the best 80’s movies of all time: War Games!

    In that movie, the computer went schizo and decided that it was going to launch missles at Russia in a preemptive strike that would ensure the victory of the US in the cold war, and it wasn’t until the kid (Matthew Broderick) made it play tic tac toe that the computer realized that much like the game, nuclear war is ultimately unwinable.

    So, the funny part of this picture, is it says “war on terror”. Get it? Unwinable, there will be no victor, and just like what’s happened with the cold war, it will ultimately fizzle out. hopefully.

    AT&T, Your world delivered


    Your world
    Delivered to the NSA.

    This is from a EFF class action suit against AT&T, because apparently when you turn over 300 terabytes of information to the NSA, it gets people’s attention.

    Bitch Stole My Fish


    The look on this kid’s face is classic, I literally laughed out loud at it!


    G.W. Speach Checklist


    My Spech Cheklist
    By G.W.

    Mor Terrer
    Mor 911
    Stay The Course

    The Tech Support Caller Warning System

    Low Stupidity Condition Signifies a caller offers little or no risk of causing the tech a cranial aneurysm. This is usually a calller who understand that most technical “secrets” are cleverly concealed in the mysterious things called “manuals.” Recommendation: Cherish these ones.
    Suspicious Stupiditity Condition Signifies a caller who is suspected of weapons-grade stupidity, without any real evidence. Recommendation: Send “inspectors.”
    Elevated Stupidity Condition Indicates a significant risk of stroke in the tech cause by a caller who insist that “there is no ‘any key’ on the keyboard” and that “there’s no way I can click on ‘you computer’ from over here.”Recommendation: Slow Breating exercisiese and a good punching bag.
    High Stupidity Condition Indicates a high risk of an apoplectic fit. callers insist that their operating system is “netscape,” their web browser is by “Logitech” and the specific application that blew up on them is “Microsoft.” (Heh) Recommendation: Join a Zen Monastery
    Severe Stupidity Condition Indicates the highest risk possible. Adrenaline overload and renal failure caused by callers who angrily state that they have a degree and are in fact very clever, and that the tech must “hop to it and fix things.” When asked to “open a window” they do in fact get up and open a window. Alas. Recommendation: a large bludgeoning instrument. For you or them, it’s really your choice.

    From our friends over at User Friendly

    Satellite Picture of Kennedy Space Center


    I believe this is from Google Earth, but I’m not sure…either way, this is the Kennedy Space Center down here in Florida. You can see the crawler (upper left on the roadway) that transports the fully assembled shuttle from the hanger bay to the launch pad. I’ve been to the space center a couple times, and while it’s damn interesting, it can be boring, because the place is simply so damn huge, and much of it is offlimits now. (thank you terrorists!)

    Mountain go BOOM.

    With recent news of volcano blowing up, I figured a kickass picture one one cooking off was in order.

    Iraqi Sandstorm

    Found this out in the vast wasteland that is the internet. I remember seeing this picture back when it was new, and there was a whole series of them. This is some serious stormage, but I wonder how it compares to a hurricane? It somewhat reminds me of the opening scenes of “ID4: Independence Day” where the alien spaceships are coming down, and the clouds are billowing towards the earth. On here, it’s mother nature that’s rolling across the desert, and she can be much more of a bitch then any spaceheaded aliens.

    Look at that, my first double post! Looks like I had this up before.

    Redneck Pacifier

    So, I’ve heard it all before, kids should not be an extention of their parent’s ill humor towards humanity, but this is simply too good to pass by. If/when I have kids, they will surely have pacifiers much like this one.

    Go Break Yo Self Fool!

    “If it’s hard to grasp
    why disable people
    need this space,
    Go and break
    your fucking spine.”

    Sounds painful, but makes a good point. My office has a window overlooking the parking lot, and the handicapped spot is right by me. You have no idea how many times I see rather spry looking people jumping out of their cars.

    Love you long time!

    “I will not love
    you long time”

    A rather disgruntled lookin gal here, eh? The t-shirt is a response to the classic “Full Metal Jacket” line.

    Would you put a T-Rex on YOUR ark?


    Say that you though god was going to blow up / flood the world, and he had chosen you to go out and take up a pair of each animal. Would you take a T-Rex? or how about a pair of Raptors? I know everyone thinks they’re all cuddly and shit, but lemme tell you, after the honey moon, life gets rough.

    No Means…..whoa!

    “No means
    Eat me out first.”

    Yeah baby!

    What would MacGyver do


    Just what would MacGyver do? Make some kind of cool shit outta a toilet paper roll and some bailing wire! That’s what!

    Serenity / Firefly Movie Posters


    I simply cannot belive that I haven’t purchased this movie yet. /sigh being poor does suck sometimes, yeah?


    Super Puppy!


    This is somewhat funny, because I have a dog that has the same kind of floppy ears. I think it would be hilarious if I threw him around and his ears did this, but unfortunately, he weighs in at 50 pounds. Not exactly a small sack of potatoes to be tossed about! What a flying puppy!

  • Tom was delicious


    Ok, we’ve all seen the “missing cat/dog/gerbil” contact me if you find him /sob/sob/sob posters on telephone poles and various walls and alleyways. This is rather funny though: over one of these missing posters for a cat named “Tom”, someone’s put a sheet of paper that says “your cat was delicious” and “tom was delicous”. This is rofl funny, yes?

    You do not have permission to access to /girl on this server


    A parody on 404 error :
    You don’t have permission to access /girl on this server.”

    What would Cthulhu Do?


    In car / In window A/C!

    Let’s talk about ghetto. Not only is that a window A/C unit in this dude’s car, but that’s a damn generator strapped to the truck.

    Jesus! WTF


    There are christmas lights on the 5th story of a building (dorm perhaps) that spell out “Jesus”. Might be a religous celebration, or maybe an exclamation of dorm pleasures. Either way, the people on the 2nd floor are somewhat mystified, so they’ve put up their own christmas lights that spell out “WTF”.

    pure comedy genius!

    Free Cat!

    Another oldie but goodie :


    Free cat!

    Nudist Beach



    Fat chicks prohibited beyond this point

    Steam Punk Claw Glove


    I have no explanation for this device, but I think it’s cool as fuck.

    Mars panorama

    From a mars panorama pictures website. Pretty cool stuff, I just made one of them my desktop.

    And on a side note, the author of that site is on crack. He’s boasting about firefox (only the best broswer in the known world) and crackin on IE, while at the same time, displaying one of the worse choices in webpage colors and fonts I’ve seen in a long while. I’m surprised he didn’t use the blink tag anywhere.

    Windows Sex Vs Mac Sex


    Windows Users like to look at sex on their computers.

    Mac Users Like to have sex with their computers.


    Sure! You can have my mp3s…


    “Sure! You can have my mp3s…

    …after you pry ’em from
    my cold, dead hands”

    Which is how I feel too! Of course, most ‘legal’ MP3s these days come with some wonderfully craptastic features like DRM (itunes? why would I want something that won’t let me play my music where ever I want to?) Which is why I use www.mp3tunes.com to upload all my stuff, listen to it where ever I want, and not worry about losing 10 grand in music investments. not that I’ve paid for much of my music mind you…commonbits/creative commons is a godsend, yes?

    Buddy Jesus


    It’s the buddy jesus from the brain farts over at ViewAskew




    Looks so good you won’t notice the smell.

    “If it’s colorful,
    We’re trying to sell it to you!”

    Punch to the face…over TCP/IP


    Dear Lord,
    Please grant me the
    ability to punch
    people in the face
    over standard TCP/IP.

    Unattended Children


    “Unattended Children will be given an espresso and a free puppy”

    It took me a bit to figure this one out, then I remembered my grandparents always giving me coffee with 4 scoops of sugar right before my parents picked me up…guess it was revenge!

    Hey Middle America!



    Da Evil Monkey!


    I like the monkey from Family Guy. I really do! He reminds me of a certain political figure, teehee!

    Batman’s Rogue Gallery


    Dick Cheney as the Penguin
    Donald Rumsfeld as the Riddler
    Conilisa Rice as the Catwoman
    George W. Bush as the Joker

    Tom Cruise Knows All!!


    This is in reference to the interview that Tom Cruise gave, in which he claimed that he had researched the history of psychiatry, and that it was all evil. Not that he’s wrong, but geez man, you’re too hard core.

    Spider-man is gay! oh wait….


    Ok, so maybe he isn’t so gay this time, good job spider-dude!

    War Criminal!


    Is he or isn’t he?

    Sobriety Test


    If this looks right to you, you’re drunk.

    you damn alcholholic

    Turn off the sarcasm!


    Sarcasm Off!

    Kool Aid Man kicks ass!

    God, kool aid is the sheit.

    Big Boom!

    A rather impressive picture (painted? Real? who knows!) of a nukleur blast. (as GW would say)

    Don’t Worry. I’m From the Internet 2/2


    Don’t Worry Sir.

    I’m from the internet.

    Don’t Worry. I’m From the Internet 1/2


    Don’t worry Ma’am.

    I’m from the internet.

    What Would Jesus Do?


    What would Jesus bomb? (Iraq!)