How to become President…

Clinton-Bush666.jpg (596 KB)

These elections are such a sham.

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  • New TrapJaw

    TRAPJAW.jpg (378 KB)

    One heck of a balance!!

    Suicide Prevention

    2433329.jpg (94 KB)

    John McCain

    2004168355.jpg (50 KB)

    Obama Matrix Style

    obama.JPG (14 KB)

    Dangerously low flying plane

    airplane.jpg (92 KB)

    the planes need to come this close to the beach because there is an airport with a really small runway just after the beach

    Shiny Office

    1204840717083.jpg (53 KB)

    Proof That The Earth Is Round

    b3432gize.jpg (121 KB)

    Dinner in the Sky

    dinner1.jpg (39 KB)


    dinner2.jpg (60 KB)


    dinner3.jpg (28 KB)


    dinner4.jpg (33 KB)


    Do Not Disturb

    donotdisturb.jpg (114 KB)

    Smoking Volcano

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    Flying Robots

    Fucking Stupid.jpg (48 KB)

    I AM FUCKING STUPID Rocket powered robots, ftl. FUCK STUPID

    Dmitry Mevedev

    Medvedev_at_Davos.jpg (61 KB)

    Better or worse than Putin?

  • Ancient statues

    khajuraho_00.jpg (470 KB)

    how many statues can you count?
    Khajuraho temple in India

    Cults Hate Truth

    the_truth_by_clc_5.jpg (18 KB)

    Angry Space Marines Commander

    angry_marines.jpg (243 KB)

    Always angry, all the time

    Calm Waters

    Calm Waters, Bar Harbor, Maine.jpg (35 KB)

    Mechanical Willie

    mechanical_willie.jpg (87 KB)

    For those who go for that whole ‘Mechanical Willie’ thing . . .

    Mini-Britney and Company

    01_mini_brit.jpg (497 KB)


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    mini village people.jpg (366 KB)

    Jonathan “Baby Eatin” Swift

    jon_swift.jpg (82 KB)

    The Original Troll.

    Image taken from Read A Modest Proposal here.

    Don’t Know If Want..

    dontknowifwant.jpg (32 KB)

    The Pentagon’s Raygun

    raygun.jpg (50 KB)

    I know some of you have seen this, but its still really cool.
    The Pentagon’s Raygun

    Redneck Mansion

    redneck mansion.jpg (296 KB)

    At first I thought “Fail!”.

    Then I came around to “… well… kinda cool.”.

    Now I am fully into the “Win.” end of the spectrum.

    Venture Bros. DVD Case

    venture copy.jpg (611 KB)

    I scanned this image off of the Venture Bros. DVD case.
    The art is by Bill Sienkiewicz, who should be your hero.

    Erotic statue

    khajuraho_08.jpg (87 KB)

    Statues from ancient temple in India, Khajuraho

    Give it to them

    finger.jpg (234 KB)

    Strawberry Shortcake?

    Strawberry Shortcake.jpg (217 KB)

    American McGee’s

    Strawberry Shortcake
    She’s a sweet girl with a taste for PAIN

    Her kitten Custard, fed by a thousand corpses, seeks out a meal of flesh!

    Strawberry’s naughty playmate Plum Pudding is the main course at this tea party!This is a comic that Penny Arcade did which nearly got them sued and was takeen down almost immediately.

    Father Figure?

    Sagat Ad.gif (242 KB)

    I don’t like this guy, but you can’t argue with the truth.


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    Ruff Night

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    Found at Clothed Canines

    rainbow puke

    rainbow.jpg (216 KB)

    Broc Obama

    broc.jpg (97 KB)

    Spider eating lizard

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    What Art Thou

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    Lol, What Art Thou Proclaiming

    TV Evolution

    evolution.jpg (85 KB)

    Cute Little Mouse

    little-mouse.jpg (64 KB)

    you might think a mouse in a teacup is cute, but you propably wouldn’t if you knew he was shitting in the teacup.

    Pen Utensils

    pen.jpg (40 KB)

    Young McCain

    young-mccain-3.jpg (35 KB)