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  • Buckwheat

    buckwheat.jpg (28 KB)


    online.jpg (76 KB)

    Corporate Futurism.


    1194052767608.jpg (88 KB)

    1st post..

    Steve McQueen mug shot

    steve_2.jpg (173 KB)

    Coolest guy ever like I\’ve never seen him before.

    Roots in Hell

    marihuana.jpg (114 KB)

    Getting a divorce

    A farmer walked into an attorney\’s office wanting to file for a divorce. The attorney asked, “May I help you?”

    The farmer said, “Yea, I want to get one of those dayvorces.”

    The attorney said, “Well do you have any grounds?”

    The farmer said, “Yea, I got about 140 acres.”

    The attorney said, “No, you don\’t understand, do you have a case?”

    The farmer said, “No, I don\’t have a Case, but I have a John Deere.”

    The attorney said, “No you don\’t understand, I mean do you have a grudge?”

    The farmer said, “Yea I got a grudge, that\’s where I park my John Deere.”

    The attorney said, “No sir, I mean do you have a suit?”

    The farmer said, “Yes sir, I got a suit. I wear it to church on Sundays.”

    The exasperated attorney said, “Well sir, does your wife beat you up or anything?”

    The farmer said, “No sir, we both get up about 4:30.”

    Finally, the attorney says, “Okay, let me put it this way. WHY DO YOU WANT A DIVORCE?”

    And the farmer says, “Well, I can never have a meaningful conversation with her.”


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor. if you would like you can add your own jokes.

    Hovito Idol

    idolbank.jpg (137 KB)

    We Want Beer!

    WeWantBeer.jpg (245 KB)

    A good response to this fine post:

    Alien versus Predator

    avpchess.jpg (268 KB)

    The thinking man\’s version.

    Janis Joplin

    g13posterl.JPG (136 KB)

    Viceroys Filter The Smoke!

    dentistreccomendedL.jpg (576 KB)

    As your dentist, I would recommend Viceroys.

    Some Be Hatin\’

    some_be_hatin.jpg (66 KB)

    Pay a computer to pray for you

    jesus-computer.jpg (10 KB)

    I came across this crazy site:
    apparently, you can pay a computer to pray for you…

    Winky Dink

    winkydink.jpg (40 KB)

    No idea.

  • Tanning damage?

    tan.jpg (51 KB)

    Question mark because I honestly dont know,
    and Ive never seen anything like it.

    “I am Providence”

    lovecraftheadstone1.jpg (70 KB)

    lovecraftheadstone_heart.jpg (201 KB)

    I went to visit the grave in my early twenties, just an hours drive from my house.

    I was convinced that the groundskeeper I would have no idea who I was talking about, but when I said the name he responded instantly with a well-worn, detailed set of directions. In hindsight, Im sure he mustve told thousands of visitors the same thing.

    When I saw it, someone had scrawled “That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die” in black ink on the stones base. I had mixed emotions about it –the glee of recognition and acknowledgement of devotion; anger that someone would desecrate such an understated, serene object, and relief that ALL they used was a Sharpie (Ive seen Jim Morrisons grave.)

    Second pic may be hard to make out, but the little heart-shaped rock tickled my sensibilities.

    An actual Lincoln quote

    gettysburgaddressplaque.jpg (917 KB)

    “My real life hasn`t started yet”

    toon.jpg (167 KB)

    Anyone know the source?

    Three Minute *Brownies* Recipe

    brownies.jpg (106 KB)

    Touchdown Jesus @ Notre Dame University

    TouchdownJesus3.JPG (54 KB)

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    touchdownjesus1.jpg (149 KB)

    ♫Drop kick me Jesus,
    through the goal posts of life…♫


    Crocoduck_approves.jpg (107 KB)


    robobama.PNG (490 KB)

    The Faun

    greatgodpanbig.jpg (187 KB)

    Carlos Schwabe, 1923

    Now see here, young feller…

    whippersnapperbird.jpg (270 KB)

    (couldnt tell you what species of bird, though…)

    Area Codes In Which Ludacris Claims To Have Hoes (HIGH RES)

    hoemap.jpg (783 KB)

    High res version of the recent “Area Codes In Which Ludacris Claims To Have Hoes” post. Now 1500xx instead of 500xx

    Firefox vs. Opera vs. Internet Explorer

    firefox-with-extensions.jpg (33 KB)

    firefox-no-extensions.jpg (34 KB)

    opera.jpg (21 KB)

    internet-explorer.jpg (25 KB)

    Another funny comparison…

    Scientist makes clone of himself

    Robot_450x312.jpg (44 KB)

    Robot maker Zou Renti (he\’s the one on the left) unveils his latest work – a replica of himself. Mr Zou, from Xi\’an in western China, has made more than 400 lifelike robots.

    TMNT Redesign

    Cool Ninja Turtles.jpg (357 KB)

    Repost? By Malachi Maloney.

    Bait vendor.

    live-bait-vending-machine.jpg (165 KB)

    Live bait!

    America Fuck Yeah Beer

    UnkleSamBeer.jpg (90 KB)

    Uncle Sam wants you to get drunk and drink beer!

    Scotch Eggs

    278217474_o-scotch-egg.jpg (143 KB)

    A hard boiled egg, wrapped in sausage, breaded, and deep fried. Simultaneously one of the best and worst foods on the planet!

    Lucky Boat

    Lucky Boat.JPG (123 KB)

    Next Theme Day

    It’s been much too long since I did a public theme day.

    The next theme day is April 1st.

    The Theme is the letters RPB.  Anything that starts with those letter or has siginificant meaning with those initials is fair game.  Please tag your submissions with RPB.

    [update: there’s a little over 50 submissions already, and they’re perfectly perfect, and a few of them made me pause and lol for a moment.  Remember, the deadline is coming up quickly, so if you’d like to submit images, please do it quickly!]

    [DOUBLE UPDATE: I just went through all the images and queued up the ones that were there.  We’re only half way through the day though!  I need MOAR IMAGES.  I DEMAND YOU POST MORE. pls kk thx]

    Tank Crossing

    Tank Crossing1.JPG (392 KB)

    From the U.P. in Michigan

    My Head Just Assploded

    my head assploded.jpg (623 KB)


    Animated Homer Simpson Clock

    homer_simpson_clock.gif (199 KB)

    Somebody posted the non-animated version of this image, so I decided to post my animated version of the homer clock image.

    He-Man and She-Ra

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    she_ra_by_nebezial.jpg (492 KB)

    As a child I wondered why her name wasn\’t “She-Woman” and assumed the “Ra” was some sort of implication that she was a cheerleader which made me dislike She-Ra.