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  • Warhammer Online

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    Anybody else planning on playing this game?



    Put A Bunch of Crazy Crap In Plastic Eggs 2008


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    EggGASM is an annual Golden Apple Seed Mission. The object of the game is to hide cool things inside of plastic eggs and hide them for people to find on Easter.

    Sure, it’s not exactly a new idea, per se. People have been hiding plastic eggs on Easter since the Triassic era. But instead of candy, fnords. Put stuff inside the eggs which you think it would be cool to find. What you put inside the eggs is really up to you. They have some great suggestions on the wiki.

    Be sure to check out the EGGGasm Wiki, EggGASM on Flickr, and the Facebook Group.

    Stick of butter

    butter.jpg (14 KB)

    Stream Wallpaper

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    Malphas and Revenant – Savage 2

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    All into this game now… Every played it?

    Awkward Moments

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    There’s no real way to get around them.

    Synthesis of Cocaine

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    Just your bog standard organic chemistry lecture…

    Jesus is Coming, Hide the PORN!

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    Jesus is Coming, Hide the PORN!

    Giger gun

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    Gun shoots little dudes who also have guns. Redundant?

    Riot Police

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    Kathleen Robertson

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    Hi Res Cleveland

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    you hear about him getting his own spin-off?

    Sweet Parking

    sweet parking.jpg (51 KB)

    Un-Patriotic Pwnage

    Patriotic.jpg (76 KB)

  • Manual Bomber

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    Jump Rope Failure

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    The Clock is a Liar

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    Correct Time

    The clock is a Liar

    Surprise inside?

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    40 lb. box of rape. You know you wanna open it.

    Mmmmm Toothpaste

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    Not just toothpaste, no, its CHOCOLATE and STRAWBERRY toothpaste.

    WTF Urinal

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    Saw this in a bar… somewhere… can’t really remember where, you know?

    Sexy Kate Beckinsale


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    Ray Gun replica

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    Dr. Grordbort’s GOLIATHON 83 Infinity Beam Project — real props made by Lord of the Rings FX company WETA. Not a bad way to spend 600 bucks, I guess.

    Asteroids elevator button

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    pew pew

    International Iron Man Movie Poster



    From the always awesome Superhero Hype

    Dandelion Sunset


    Bike Chalk Wheels


    The Baroness


    Happy St. Patrick’s Day

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    New London Paddy’s Day Celebration

    Super Fish


    Apple Crushing Van


    Gator Smile


    Kitten Lick


    Lemon Grenade


    Tractor Accident

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    Skeleton of Pac-Man

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    from Here

    Matt Damon – Shirt Biter


    This Modern life
